You know that scene in John Wick 2 where he (John Wick) gets hit by a car and then he immediately fights the assassin driving that car, Cassian, and then they battle for like sixty minutes on the streets of Rome, shooting over cars, knife fighting, falling down a whole flight of stairs, and then grappling and grabbing each other on the cobblestones, yelling and grunting like a bunch of dudes having good old fashioned fun, and then finally they end up smashing right through a window and coincidentally landing in the assassin hotel “safe area” where they’re not allowed to fight anymore…

and then they go and have a drink together?

I thought they should’ve fucked.

So I wrote a book about assassins who do that sort of thing regularly. Check it out here.

But I added what the scene was lacking, besides the fucking part…



The scene for anyone who doesn’t remember or doesn’t know it.

This book has:

  • an improbable amount of badass, LGBT, demon summoning assassins (the absolute best of the best being transgender).
  • a scott pilgrim style plot, involving one pansexual demon summoner having to fight all 7 of his exes for the sake of his newest contract.
  • a nonbinary weather controlling demon, trapped on earth. also, one of the exes.
  • a blind smartass with a nasty mouth and nastier eye-related powers.
  • a city on the brink of annihilation, trapped by forces unseen and unheard and unknowable.
  • the most bombastic and ridiculous magic system ever constructed by man.
  • and maybe…just maybe…an angsty gay time loop romance (the best narrative trope) but you didn’t hear that from me.

It’s dark, it’s humorous, it’s romantic, it’s riddled with absolutely insane fight scenes, and most importantly…

It’s unabashedly queer and unrealistic and silly and yearn-y.

And I’d really appreciate if you’d help an indie author out, with a sale or a reblog! Agents and publishers told me that it was too queer for regular audiences…and that the concept was just not very compelling.

They might be right, but it still had to exist. I still had to make it, anyway. You know. You have to make the art that you want to see in the world.


Sorry for the long post…you can check out my website for future releases.

And last thing: Character commission of the MC, our lovably slutty pansexual assassin Sebastián Monterey:


And cheers! Sorry for the long post. Have a good night.

spilled ink writing writers on tumblr digital art illustration art commission fantasy urban fantasy bookblr literature litblr

“this interaction still cracks me up to this day because of how silly and perfect it is 😭 and sae being very un-funny that it’s funny is definitely in my sae personality/headcanon pointers, or what.
shidou says something so...


this interaction still cracks me up to this day because of how silly and perfect it is 😭 and sae being very un-funny that it’s funny is definitely in my sae personality/headcanon pointers, or what. 

shidou says something so out-of-pocket and sae barely bats an eye, hell he already looks past spent–no, he’s already desensitized of shidou in that short amount of time they’ve known each other. 😭 nothing ever rattles this guy like you gotta wonder what other horrors he must’ve witnessed in his life.

i really do think that sae can also be a bit of a dork if given the chance. 



Physically pains me to work on bigger pieces because my nut sized brain hates stuff that takes longer than a day (but I think miss dead merm over here will be worth it)



So drawing this took a bit longer then expected cause I lost motivation. BUT so many of y’all have been seeing the vision and I couldn’t be happier,

I’ve got a few more things cooking, delivery is undetermined so please accept this in the meantime.

The Barcha uniform was not computing

(I yoinked a jpg of the ball used for the World Cup, but it also changes each time soooo)


Destroyer mode Rin is so crazy that it did the impossible. Getting Kaiser to shut the fuck up




Blue lock random headcanons 2 | Sae Shidou and Gagamaru

when it says horrible i mean terrible (bad-at-lying)

Headcanon generator was created by @nullin-void on tumblr


Tw: Ryo_Zeroswim

Ig: Ryo_Zeroswim


These Itoshi brothers are going to be my end one day.


Every time I’m like, “Yay, I made a sensible theory. I’ll stick to it now,” these two always whack me out of nowhere. It’s like they love to go, “🗣️📢 HELL NAH❗HE-HE-HELL NAH❗”

Anyway, so I was re-reading Rin’s part in the LN, and I realised something:

So, after Sae left for Spain, there was a visible decline in the performance of both Rin and their Soccer Youth Club. Rin says it’s because he could see the goal path and stuffs, BUT his teammates couldn’t and the only person who could match his vision was, of course, Sae.

That’s why Rin had to change his playstyle to match that of the Team’s. He began passing instead of waiting for a pass and all. Things starts to get better, and the whole team starts to get their glory days back.

There was a line in the LN which goes something like, “The teammates thought they were playing good, but they were actually just playing in strings of Rin’s. Rin was controlling everything.”

He then goes, “This is tough and Nii-chan was doing this all along? Nii-chan was holding back. That’s why he chose to go to Spain, so he can play the way he wants.”



is exactly where my brain started to churn.

So, Sae was in that soccer club since way long, and he was legit considered as the pillar of it or something. However, all these years, he was, in fact, holding back himself and when he got to go to Spain, he thought like, “Yes! Finally! I can show the world what I got,” but sadly, he found out he just wasn’t it.

Maybe it could be because he played UNLIKE his real self for so long that he forgot himself.


He just wasn’t that good as he thought he was. He found out that he was the Frog in the well.


He still had Rin back home, and he trusted him because he knew about his younger brother’s true potential or impulses.

So time passed and the day of the U-15 Championship Finals came.

Reminder: Sae was scouted by Real Madrid/Re Al when he won in the U-15 Championship alongside Rin. That’s why it was really important for Rin to win that Final match too.

What I said above was a fact Sae, probably, knew too. That’s why he came a whole day AHEAD of his schedule to watch the younger Itoshi play with his own eyes (Rin had pointed out that Sae was supposed to come a day after).

But, surprisingly, what Sae saw was what he feared— he saw Rin play the way he himself used to. He was probably like, “I sacrificed everything for you and you became exactly what I sacrificed myself for you to NOT be.”

Reminder: Rin gets into his real flow state/becomes berserk during the LAST three minutes of the whole game.

Which gives us two possibilities:

Firstly, Sae just gets up and leave without seeing Rin’s berserk mode. After which he comes back to confront him once the match is over.

Secondly, Sae stayed the whole match and saw Rin’s berserk mode and was somewhat relieved to know that the younger Itoshi hadn’t completely lost his true self. After which the confrontation proceeds.

I don’t want to say much about their reunion in this post, but I do want to add another perspective to why Sae challenged Rin for a 1V1:

Sae, probably, had thought that, “I couldn’t beat the world and if you can’t even beat me, then you are nothing in this world.

That’s it, I guess.




I really wish for a Itoshi brothers spin-off because it’s hinted that they had a big shared room, so I really want to see how everything is like after Sae returns from Spain.

(via pistatsia)

Anonymous asked:

I also wasn’t a fan of ness backstory but would love to hear your personal opinions on why you didn’t like it as much?

pistatsia Answer:


T/w for excessive amount of hate and oversharing lmao

Well, in the beginning I’d like to say that I grown up in some shitty circumstances which resulted in me having some, uhhh, Ness-classical problems so I may be biased here 😭 Rather not “may” but “will”. How can I continue to relate to him when he’s like that. Like that’s not a representation I wanted. Where’s emotional deprivation? Where’s emotional abuse? Where’s his unsuccessful attempts to get his parents and siblings love because no, lol, no 7 yo child will just accept that he’s outcast and be ok with that. He should have tried to adjust to them, he should have tried to reach them, satisfy, do at least something for them to care about him BECAUSE THAT’S HOW CHILD PSYCHE WORKS. And where else would he get this people pleasing towards Kaiser if not from the family? Kids need love for survival, it’s not optional. It’s a need. They can’t just say “oh yes my parents and siblings are stupid I’m going to be alone from now on!”.

Okay, now in the order.

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