Integrated Terms and Conditions

Article 1 (Definition)

  1. (a) The integrated terms and conditions for the use of Weverse (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) shall refer to the terms and conditions, guidelines, and policies set forth herein and any additional terms and conditions that may be added in the future regarding services provided by Weverse.
    • Privacy Policy: Link
    • Service Operation Policy: Link
    • Integrated Paid Services Terms and Conditions: Link
  2. (b) The terms used hereinafter in these Terms and Conditions shall be defined as follow:
    The Company refers to WEVERSE COMPANY Inc., the subject of providing online community services, online commercial services, etc., through the Weverse platform to the Members.
    The Members refer to users who have entered into an agreement with the Company regarding the use of services through the website (PC and mobile) and the applications (mobile app).
    Weverse refers to the official online platform for communication between artists and fans, operated by the Company through the website (PC and mobile) and the applications (mobile app). It provides the users who join Weverse as Members with community services and commercial services, including a space to create posts and comments and upload artist content.
    Weverse Shop
    Weverse Shop refers to the cyber mall on which the online commercial services provided by Weverse are operated. The company sells official merchandise of artists directly or acts as a mediator in the selling process on Weverse Shop to those who joined Weverse as Members.
  3. (c) The definitions of terms used within these Terms and Conditions, except those defined above, shall adhere to the provisions stipulated in relevant legislation and other prevailing general definitions.

Article 2 (Purpose)

  1. (a) The purpose of the Terms and Conditions is to clearly define the legal relationship between the Company and the Members to use Weverse platform services offered through the website (web, mobile) and the application (mobile app) operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”).
  2. (b) The Company shall disclose the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy on the main page of Weverse so that they are easily noticeable by Members.

Article 3 (Creation and Use of Weverse Accounts)

  1. (a) A “Weverse Account” is a login account created by a Member to use the Service provided by the Company. A Weverse Account is created once the Member agrees with the Terms and Conditions and enters his/her account information, and the Company authenticates such information (by verifying the Member’s e-mail address).
  2. (b) A Weverse Account is required in order to seamlessly use the Service provided by the Company. However, certain menus and services may be available for use without a Weverse Account.
  3. (c) After creating Weverse Account, Members may access the full range of Weverse-related services provided by the Company. However, Members will be asked to provide their consent to the terms and conditions for the use of new services provided by the Company when logging in to use such services for the first time.

Article 4 (Formation of the User Agreement)

  1. (a) The User Agreement is concluded when an individual who wishes to become a Member (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”) applies for membership after agreeing to the contents of the Terms and Conditions, and the Company approves the application. The Applicant shall attain status as a Member when the Company approves his/her application and the User Agreement is concluded. Thereafter, such Member shall be eligible to use the Service in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
  2. (b) The Company may collect (personal) information such as the e-mail address of the Applicant in the course of concluding the User Agreement, and, in such cases, the Applicant shall provide correct (not false) information. The collection, use, and storage of personal information in this paragraph (b) shall be governed by the Company’s Privacy Policy which shall be disclosed separately on the starting page of the Service.
  3. (c) If the Company determines that it may be improper to approve an application for membership submitted by an Applicant due to reasonable suspicions that the application is an attempt to mechanically access the system for the Service, an attempt to fraudulently use an account, involves the provision of false information, or the Applicant is attempting to abuse the Service, etc., the Company may postpone or deny the approval of the application, or terminate the User Agreement following approval.
  4. (d) The Company shall not provide the Service to children (under the age of 14 in the case of Korean citizens and under the age of 16 in the case of foreign citizens).

Article 5 (Amendment of the Terms and Conditions)

  1. The Company may amend the Terms and Conditions to the extent permitted under relevant laws and regulations.
  2. In the event the Company amends the Terms and Conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph (a), the Company shall provide advance notice of the effective date of the amendments, the details of the amendments, and the reason for the amendments through the Service. However, if any amendments are disadvantageous to Members, the Company shall provide notice of such amendments through the Service at least 30 days prior to their effective date. Furthermore, the Company shall provide separate notice of such amendments to each Member via email, pop-up screens during logins, or other electronic methods.
  3. If a Member disagrees with proposed amendments to the Terms and Conditions, such Member shall be permitted to terminate the User Agreement entered into in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and discontinue his/her use of the Service.
  4. Members who do not express their objection to proposed amendments to the Terms and Conditions prior to their effective, despite being notified by the Company in accordance with the preceding paragraph (b) that if they do not express their objection by the effective date of the proposed amendments then they will be deemed to have accepted the proposed amendments, shall be deemed to have agreed to the amendments.

Article 6 (Changes to and Termination of the Service, Etc.)

  1. (a) The Company may change the content of the Service if necessary. However, if such changes to the content of the Service materially affect the rights and obligations of Members, such changes shall be made after providing notice to Members in accordance with the notification procedures set forth in Article 5.
  2. (b) The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of the Service in the event its information and communications facilities and equipment require maintenance/repair or replacement, experience a breakdown or communications failure, or there exists a significant operational reason.
  3. (c) The Company may, if necessary, conduct periodic inspections for the provision of the Service and temporarily suspend the provision of the Service during the periodic inspections.
  4. (d) The Company may suspend the provision of the Service for managerial reasons.

Article 7 (Placement of Advertisements)

The Company reserves the right to place the Company’s advertisements or those of third parties on the Service.

Article 8 (Rights and Obligations of Members)

  1. (a) Members may personally and non-commercially use content provided through the Service such as Feed, Moment, Media, LIVE, My Collection, paid content, product introductions, artist introductions, and membership surveys (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Content”), and engage in any activity that the Company permits through the Service (for example, creating replies to posts).
  2. (b) Members will not acquire any rights to the Content other than the limited rights specified in the preceding paragraph (a).
  3. (c) Members shall refrain from using the Content as below or in any manner that is beyond the scope of use permitted under this Article. Members shall bear all civil and criminal liability resulting from their unauthorized use of the Content.
    1. (1) Copy or create separate video files, distribute, perform, display, or broadcast the Content without the Company’s permission
    2. (2) Posting the Content on the Internet without the Company’s permission
    3. (3) Providing the Content to third parties without the Company’s permission
    4. (4) Any other acts that infringe the copyrights of the Contents
  4. (d) Members shall not engage in any activity that interferes with the provision of the Service or access servers and network systems used for the Service without authorization.
  5. (e) Members shall not engage in any of the following activities:
    1. (1) Provide false information to the Company or steal information from third parties
    2. (2) Activities that infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of the Company or third parties
    3. (3) Activities that defame or disturb the business of the Company or third parties
    4. (4) Use the Service for commercial purposes without the consent of the Company
    5. (5) Impersonating the Company or intentionally spreading false information in connection with the Service
    6. (6) Other illegal or unlawful activities prohibited by relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Network Act”).
  6. (f) Members shall be responsible for managing their IDs and passwords and shall be solely responsible for any and all damages caused by their intentional or negligent acts or omissions. Members shall promptly notify the Company and follow the Company’s instructions, if any, in the event they become aware that their ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party.

Article 9 (Policy for Creation/Operation of Member Content and Sanctions for Violations Thereof)

  1. (a) All content created by Members including posts and replies thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Member Content”) shall be governed by the provisions of this Article.
  2. (b) Prohibited Acts: Members shall refrain from creating any Member Content related to the content below or engage in any acts prohibited below.
    1. (1) Content that defames the reputation of or slanders (without basis) the Company or third parties (including artists affiliated with the Company)
    2. (2) Activities or content that are contrary to public morals such as swearing, obscene/vulgar content, or violent content
    3. (3) Content that causes persistent fear or anxiety without basis
    4. (4) Content related to fraudulent acts prohibited by law
    5. (5) Content that discloses content that qualifies as a trade secret or state secret under law
    6. (6) Content whose purpose is the commission or aiding/abetting of a crime
    7. (7) Content that is prohibited from being posted under other relevant laws and regulations
    8. (8) Acts prohibited under Article 8 (c) to Article 8 (e) hereunder including the act of repeatedly posting the same or similar Member Content
  3. (c) Sanctions: Members may be subject to the following measures by the Company if they engage in any prohibited acts in the preceding paragraph (b).
    1. (1) Member Content that has been confirmed as violating the preceding paragraph (b) or that has been reported as violating the same in excess of a certain number of times shall be automatically deleted on a temporary basis and may be restored if the Member responsible for its creation successfully establishes that such Member Content does not violate the preceding paragraph (b).
    2. (2) Members responsible for creating Member Content that has been confirmed as violating the preceding paragraph (b) or that has been reported as violating the same in excess of a certain number of times shall be automatically restricted from creating additional Member Content for a certain period of time and this restriction may be removed if the Member successfully establishes that such Member Content does not violate the preceding paragraph (b).
      ※ The criteria for determining the number of violations that will result in the sanctions specified in the preceding subparagraphs (1) or (2) and the duration of such sanctions shall be determined on a regular basis after considering an appropriate threshold that can protect the Service and Members from improper content in the course of operating the Service.
  4. (d) Company’s right to use Member Content: the Company may use Member Content if deemed necessary.

Article 10 (Restrictions on Use)

  1. (a) The Company may temporarily or permanently restrict the use of the Service by a Member as below.
  2. (b) Temporary restriction of use
    1. (1) If the Member violates his/her obligations in Article 8
    2. (2) If the Member violates the policy for the creation/operation of Member Content in Article 9
  3. (c) Permanent restriction of use
    1. (1) If the Member repeatedly violates his/her obligations in Article 8
    2. (2) If the Member’s violation of his/her obligations in Article 8 constitutes a crime
    3. (3) If the Member repeatedly violates the policy for the creation/operation of Member Content in Article 9
    4. (4) If the Member’s violation of the policy for the creation/operation of Member Content in Article 9 constitutes a crime

Article 11 (Rights, Obligations, and Indemnities of the Company)

  1. (a) The Company reserves all rights to the Service.
  2. (b) The Company shall endeavor to provide the Service in a stable manner, but upon the occurrence of an act of God, war, or any other force majeure event, or if temporary suspension in accordance with Article 5 becomes necessary, the Service may be suspended or discontinued, and in no event shall the Company be responsible or liable for such suspension or discontinuation of the Service.
  3. (c) The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the Content by Members unless any intent or negligence can be attributed to the Company.

Article 12 (Notification)

  1. (a) The Company may individually notify Members by using their e-mail address unless otherwise specified in the Terms and Conditions.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph (a), if the Company needs to notify an unspecified number of multiple users, the Company may substitute providing notice individually to Members in accordance with the preceding paragraph (a) by providing notice through the starting page of the Service for a period of at least 7 days.

Article 13 (Weverse Jelly)

  1. (a) The Company may operate the Weverse Jelly system, a type of digital currency for purchasing digital products in the Service.
  2. (b) Weverse Jelly is categorized into Paid Jelly (hereinafter referred to as "Paid Jelly" or "Purchased Jelly"), purchased by the Member using payment methods provided by the Company, and Complimentary Jelly (hereinafter referred to as "Complimentary Jelly" or "Collected Jelly"), given to the Members who fulfill the conditions defined by the Company or as event rewards.
  3. (c) Weverse Jelly may be used to purchase digital products designated by the Company.
  4. (d) The methods for accumulating and using Complimentary Jelly shall be determined by the Company's operating policy, and details of the operation policy are specified in the Frequently Asked Question in Customer Support.
  5. (e) When processing the Member’s purchase cancellation of digital product, the used Complimentary Jelly shall be fully restored immediately, and the expiration period of restored Complimentary Jelly shall be restored as well.
  6. (f) In the event that a Member accumulates Complimentary Jelly improperly, the Company may delete such Member’s Complimentary Jelly without prior notice and restrict the use of the Service by such Member.
  7. (g) A Member’s Complimentary Jelly shall be deleted upon the loss of such Member’s membership status and may not be transferred to a third party.
  8. (h) Complimentary Jelly shall be deleted after sixty months (five years) from the date of Member’s acquisition of Complimentary Jelly. However, if the Complimentary Jelly is given as a reward for an event, the Jelly will be valid until the expiration date stated by the event.
  9. (i) For other matters related to Weverse Jelly that are not stipulated by the Terms and Conditions, details in Frequently Asked Questions in Help on Weverse shall provide standards for Complimentary Jelly, and the Integrated Paid Services Terms and Conditions shall be applied for Paid Jelly.

Article 14 (Weverse Shop Cash)

  1. (a) The Company may operate the Weverse Shop Cash system, a type of accumulated rewards program.
  2. (b) Weverse Shop Cash may be used in situations permitted by the Company such as a form of credit when purchasing certain items from the Company.
  3. (c) The Company may provide the Weverse Shop Cash in accordance with the operation policy and may exclude the providing of Weverse Shop Cash on certain products based on the circumstances of the Company.
  4. (d) Weverse Shop Cash may be converted into the currency used by Members for payment, and the conversion rate in such cases shall be based on the rate determined by the Company.
  5. (e) The minimum amount of Weverse Shop Cash in its usage is KRW 1, USD 0.01, JPY 1, and CNY 0.01 respectively.
  6. (f) The methods for accumulating and using Weverse Shop Cash (including but not limited to paragraphs (b) to (e) above) shall be determined by the Company's operating policy, and details of the operation policy are specified in the Frequently Asked Question in Help.
  7. (g) When processing the Member’s order cancellation, the used Weverse Shop Cash shall be fully restored immediately (if any), and the expiration period of restored Weverse Shop Cash shall be restored as well.
  8. (h) If a Member accumulates Weverse Shop Cash improperly, the Company may delete such Member’s Weverse Shop Cash balance without prior notice, notify the Member of the deletion, and restrict the use of the Service by such Member.
  9. (i) Weverse Shop Cash shall be deleted upon the loss of such Member’s membership status and may not be transferred to a third party. Once a Member delete their accounts and leave the Service, their remaining Weverse Shop Cash will not be restored or transferred to a third party or a new account of their own.
  10. (j) Weverse Shop Cash shall be deleted after sixty months (five years) from the date of Member’s acquisition of the Weverse Shop Cash. However, if the Weverse Shop Cash is given as a reward for an event, the Weverse Shop Cash will be valid until the expiration date stated by the event.
  11. (k) For other matters related to Weverse Shop Cash that are not stipulated by the Terms and Conditions, details in Frequently Asked Questions in Help on Weverse shall provide standards for Weverse Shop Cash.

Article 15 (Liability)

The Company and the Member shall each be liable for any damages they inflict upon the other party. In particular, in the event a Member infringes the copyright of the Content in violation of Article 8 (c), such Member shall bear all civil and criminal liability resulting from the violation.

Article 16 (Change of the Entity who Provides the Service)

  1. (a) In the event there is a change in the entity providing the Service due to a whole or partial business transfer or merger, a division of personnel or property, or the transfer of assets, etc., the Company shall notify Members regarding the transfer of their personal information in accordance with Article 26 of the Network Act.
  2. (b) In the event there is a change in the entity providing the Service in accordance with paragraph (a), the User Agreement entered into between the Company and the Member in accordance with the Terms and Conditions shall be wholly assigned to the new entity providing the Service.
  3. (c) The Company shall provide the Member with information on the methods and procedures for withdrawing his/her consent for the collection and use of personal information in the event such Member objects to the transfer of his/her personal information or the assignment of the User Agreement.

Article 17 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  1. (a) The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea, and the courts of the Republic of Korea shall have jurisdiction over any disputes arising from or related to the Terms and Conditions.
  2. (b) Any disputes arising between the Company and the Member shall be submitted to a court having jurisdiction over the Member’s address when the complaint is filed, and in case the Member’s address cannot be ascertained, the district court having jurisdiction over the Member’s residence shall have exclusive jurisdiction. Provided, however, if the Member’s address or residence is not clear when the complaint is filed, the dispute shall be referred to a competent court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.
  3. (c) If the Member is a foreign resident, the dispute shall be referred to the Seoul Central District Court of the Republic of Korea. Provided that, the Company and the Member can designate their governing law and jurisdiction by making a separate agreement.

Article 18 (Company Information)

The company’s name, address, and contact information are as follows.

Company Name
Joon Won Choi
C, 6F, Pangyo Tech-one Tower, 131, Bundangnaegok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
(+82) 2-1544-0790
(+82) 2-2144-9399
Personal Information Officer
Sung Koo Ryeo ([email protected])
Business Registration Number
716-87-01158(Business Registration)
Mail Order Business Registration Number
2022-Seongnam Bundang A-0557
Hosted by Amazon Web Services, Inc. and Naver Cloud

Effective Date: July 2, 2024