Integrated Paid Services Terms and Conditions

Article 1 (Purpose and Scope of Application)

  1. (a) The Integrated Paid Services Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) are provided for the purpose of defining the legal relationship between the Company and the Member regarding the sale (purchase), use and refund of, and other activities in relation to, Weverse Jelly, tangible and intangible products related to the artists (hereinafter referred to as the “Paid Product”) that are available to purchase on Weverse.
  2. (b) These Terms and Conditions apply to the Members who purchase Weverse Jelly or the Paid Products that are available to purchase.
  3. (c) Any matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions, which is an addendum to the Integrated Terms and Conditions, shall be governed by the provisions stipulated in the Integrated Terms and Conditions
  4. (d) These Terms and Conditions are applied to Paid Jelly, out of Weverse Jelly, that the Members purchase using purchase methods provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Paid Jelly" or "Purchased Jelly"). In the case of Complimentary Jelly given as rewards to the Members who fulfill the conditions defined by the Company or as event rewards (hereinafter referred to as "Complimentary Jelly" or "Collected Jelly" or “Free Jelly”), the provisions in the Integrated Terms and Conditions will be applied.

Article 2 (Definition)

  1. (a) Terms defined in the Integrated Terms of Use shall have the same meaning in these Terms and Conditions.
  2. (b) Additional terms defined in these Terms and Conditions are as follows:
    Paid Product
    Paid Product refers to various Services or tangible and intangible products provided by the Company that the Members can purchase and use on Weverse by paying with Weverse Jelly or other payment methods. Paid Products include albums, merchandise, official membership-only products, digital products such as access to watch or download specific Content, products available for a fixed term, products available to subscribe, specific features that are available on the Service, and more. More information on the Paid Product is provided on each product detail page, to which the users can refer to purchase and access the product.
    Jelly refers to Paid Jelly or Purchased Jelly out of Weverse Jelly, which is a digital payment method to purchase specific Paid Products designated by the Company, on Weverse. The Jelly is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

Article 3 (Contents, Period of Use, and etc. of Jelly and Paid Product)

  1. (a) The Company shall notify, in an appropriate manner, the following information in these Terms and Conditions and on the Service to ensure that the Members fully understand the transaction terms for the purchase of Jelly and Paid Products before purchasing the Jelly or the Paid Products so that Members may make transactions without making mistakes or having any misunderstanding. Each of the provisions listed below, including the details on the product pages prescribed in subparagraph (2), will be binding upon the Company and the Members as part of the Terms and Conditions.
    1. (1) Company name, name of the company’s representative, address, telephone number, etc.;
    2. (2) Specific details regarding the Jelly or Paid Product such as its type, price, how to access and use, period of use, and conditions to use;
    3. (3) Matters such as the period for and method and effect of the withdrawal of the purchase order or termination of the contract; and
    4. (4) Matters relating to the handling of consumer complaints, compensation for damages, and dispute resolution.
  2. (b) The period of use for Jelly is five years from the date of purchase (charge), and the Jelly not used within the period shall automatically expire. However, if another legal stipulates a shorter period of expiration, that legal stipulation shall apply to decide the expiration date.
  3. (c) The Company may change or terminate specific details of Jelly such as its type, price, purchase method, etc., with prior notice to the Members.
  4. (d) The Company may change specific details of a Paid Product such as its type, price, etc., or terminate the sale of the Paid Product. If such amendments and termination have an effect of serious importance to the legal rights and responsibilities of the Members, the Company shall make a prior notice.
  5. (e) If the Company, in accordance with Article 3 (c) and (d), changes or terminates a specific type, price, etc., of Jelly or a Paid Product, thus limiting the Members, with no causes attributable to the Members, from using the Jelly or the Paid Product previously purchased in accordance with the conditions and etc. prearranged upon purchasing, the Company shall provide the appropriate compensation for the Members. However, the range of compensation may be limited for content with a permanent expiration period and has been used for more than one year, based on relevant laws and guidelines.

Article 4 (Purchases and Refunds of Jelly and Paid Product)

  1. (a) The purchase (or charge) of Jelly may be made through payment methods designated by the Company, including credit card, mobile phone transfer, bank transfer, payment methods offered by Google, Apple, and other mobile application companies, etc. If there is an independent business operator which operates the payment method selected by the Member, the Member must follow and implement the procedure set out by the business operator before using such payment method to proceed with the payment.
  2. (b) The purchase of Paid Products may be made with Weverse Jelly or through payment methods designated by the Company, including credit card, mobile phone transfer, bank transfer, payment methods offered by Google, Apple, and other mobile application companies, etc. The provisos prescribed in Paragraph (a) shall also apply to Paid Products.
  3. (c) The Company may refuse or cancel the formation of a purchase contract for Jelly or the Paid Content by refusing to accept the Member’s Jelly or Paid Content purchase request or by reserving or revoking the acceptance of the request in the following cases:
    1. (1) If the Member has failed to use his or her real name or used another person’s name;
    2. (2) If it is determined that there has been a fraudulent payment by theft, considering the circumstances such as massive purchase of the content by using the same IP, consecutive payments by using similar user ID and any history of ID theft;
    3. (3) If the Member has provided false information or failed to provide required information in the process of purchasing the Paid Contents;
    4. (4) If the purchase request has been made by a minor under the age of 19 without the consent of the legal representative;
    5. (5) If the payment for the purchase has not been made or there is a possibility of such payment not to be made;
    6. (6) If the Member has breached the Terms of Use, including copyright infringement of the Content (including the Paid Product);
    7. (7) If the Member’s use of Service has been restricted pursuant to Article 10 of the Integrated Terms and Conditions;
    8. (8) If the Member has ever violated Subparagraph (1) to (7) aforementioned.
    9. (9) If the acceptance of the purchase request violates any relevant laws and regulations, or is against social order, public morals and related terms and conditions of the Company.
  4. (d) In the following circumstances, the Company may suspend the acceptance of the purchase request until the cause of the event is resolved:
    1. (1) If the Service disruption occurs; or
    2. (2) If the Company experiences a shortfall in human resources or lack of facilities to conduct a normal operation of the Service.

Article 5 (Formation of Purchase Contract for Jelly or Paid Product)

  1. (a) A contract for purchasing Jelly or the Paid Product is formed (“hereinafter referred to as the “Purchase Contract”) when the Member provides consent to these Terms and Conditions and purchases (or charge) Jelly or the Paid Product through the payment method designated by the Company.
  2. (b) Once the Member properly purchases Jelly or the Paid Product and enters into the Purchase Contract for the Jelly or the Paid Product, the Company shall promptly deliver the details of the Purchase Contract, including the matters described in Article 3 (a) and its each subparagraph, to the Member.

Article 6 (Special Provisions Regarding Contracting by Minors)

  1. (a) If the Member is a minor (under the age of 19) or a person with limited ability, the Member must obtain the consent of his or her legal representative (e.g., a parent) prior to making a payment for Jelly or the Paid Product.
  2. (b) The legal representative may, at any time, request a withdrawal of the minor’s purchase of Jelly or the Paid Product through Help on Weverse or by email ([email protected]). ▶ Call Center: (+82) 2-1544-0790
  3. (c) If the Member who is a minor misrepresents his or her age by indicating himself or herself as an adult using an adult’s identity information or making a payment using an adult’s payment information, and this leads the Company to believe that the Member is a person of lawful age or has obtained the consent of the legal representative, the Member or his or her legal representative may not unilaterally cancel the purchase of Jelly or the Paid Contents even if the consent of the legal representative has not been obtained. (Article 17 of the Korean Civil Act).

Article 7 (Withdrawal of Purchase Order)

  1. (a) Under the Korean Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the “Electronic Commerce Act”), the Member may withdraw the purchase order or terminate the Purchase Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Withdrawal of the Purchase Order”) for the Jelly or the Paid Product within seven days upon receipt of the details on the Purchase Contract or the Paid Product. However, in the cases prescribed by the Electronic Commerce Act or relevant laws, such as the case that the Member has already used the Jelly or the Paid Product fully or partly, thus significantly decreasing the value of the product, etc., the Withdraw of the Purchase Order, etc. is not allowed for the Member. The Company shall clearly inform the Member of such restrictions at the time of the purchase of Jelly or Paid Products.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding the Paragraph aforementioned, if the details of the purchased Jelly or the Paid Product are different from those provided in the display or advertisement, or are different from the stipulations set forth in the Purchase Contract, the Member may withdraw the purchase order or terminate the Purchase Contract within 3 months from the date of the receipt of the product or within 30 days from the date the Member discovers or could have discovered such fact.
  3. (c) If the Member withdraws the purchase order or terminates the Purchase Contract under Article 7 (a) or Article 7 (b), the Member shall return the purchased content pursuant to the Electronic Commerce Act, and the Company shall proceed with the refund procedure pursuant to the same Act. If the Member purchased the Paid Product using Weverse Jelly, the refund will be made in Weverse Jelly.
  4. (d) According to this Article, the Withdrawal of the Purchase Order for Jelly or Paid Product is only available for the Paid Product purchased by the Member. Complimentary Jelly or Collected Jelly rewarded as a bonus or by promotions without any payment is not subject to the Withdrawal of the Purchase Order, etc.
  5. (e) Other matters related to the Withdrawal of the Purchase Order pursuant to this Article shall be governed by the provisions of the Electronic Commerce Act.

Article 8 (Termination of Contract)

  1. (a) The Member or the Company may terminate the Purchase Contract for Jelly or the Paid Product if the other party fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract for a considerable time.
  2. (b) The Company may immediately terminate the Purchase Contract for Jelly if it is confirmed that the Member committed an act described in Article 4 (c) 1.
  3. (c) The Company may immediately terminate the Purchase Contract for the Paid Product if it is confirmed that the Member committed an act described in Article 4 (c) 1 to 7 (provided that, in the case prescribed in Subparagraph 7, the Member shall be permanently restricted to be subject to this provision.)
  4. (d) If a Member wants to terminate the Service Usage Contract with the Company and delete his/her account, the Member shall use up all the unused Complimentary Jelly, Paid Jelly, Weverse Shop Cash, and purchased Paid Products before deleting their account. If it is within the period that the Withdrawal of Purchase Order is available, the Member may request a refund for those items. If the Member leaves the Service without using up or requesting for refunds, despite the Company’s notification of the above at the time of Member’s request to leave the Service, the Company shall not be responsible for restoration or refund of the Complimentary Jelly, Paid Jelly, Weverse Shop Cash, and/or Paid Products.

Article 9 (Limited Liability)

  1. (a) The Company shall be exempted from liability for its failure to provide Jelly or the Paid Product purchased by a Member as stipulated in the Purchase Contract due to a natural disaster or any other equivalent force majeure situation.
  2. (b) The Company shall be exempted from liability for its failure to provide Jelly or the Paid Product purchased by a Member as stipulated in the contract for reasons attributable to the Member unless there is an intentional or grossly negligent act done by the Company.
  3. (c) The Company shall not be liable for any dispute arising between the Members or between a Member and a third party in connection with the Paid Product.

Article 10 (Prohibition of Assignment)

    The Member shall not assign its contractual status, rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to another person, or dispose any of its rights or obligations, including a transfer of the rights or obligations for the purpose of mortgaging, etc.

Article 11 (Processing of Consumer Complaints and Damage Compensation)

  1. (a) If the Member suffers any damages such as inability to use Jelly or the Paid Contents properly due to an intentional or negligent act of the Company, the Company shall make the best efforts to resolve the issue and properly compensate for such damages.
  2. (b) The Company shall operate Help → Contact Us on the mobile application to receive and resolve issues raised by customers, such as damage compensation requests, complaints, dispute resolutions, and refund requests.


If the Member is using the Company’s platform in Japan, the clause below shall apply additionally.
Under the Payment Services Act of Japan (the "Payment Services Act"), Jelly purchased by the Member shall be deemed non-refundable. However, if the Company terminates Jelly service and renders Jelly unusable, then the Member may request the Company to refund the Member's paid portion of the Jelly that remains valid. In such cases, the refund amount for the paid Jelly that remains valid at the time of refund will be calculated in Japanese Yen based on the price paid for each of such Jelly at the time of purchase. The Member may be responsible for any currency exchange fees and remittance fees associated with the refund, depending on the circumstances (free Jelly is not eligible for any refund).