Terms and Conditions for the Use of University Application

Welcome to University. These terms and conditions are essential and legally binding upon the rights of the Applicant. The Applicant must read the terms and conditions for the use of University Application carefully before using University Application. By using University Application, it shall be deemed that the Applicant has accepted these terms and conditions for the use of University Application. If the Applicant does not accept these terms and conditions, the Applicant is unable to use the Application.

The Bank reserves the right to amend or remove any parts of the terms and conditions for the use of University Application at any time. The Bank shall notify the Applicant of such amendment or cancellation of any of the terms and conditions for the use of University Application in advance and will request confirmation from the Applicant for such amendment. Such amendment shall be effective upon the confirmation by the Applicant. Any amendment shall be deemed an integral part of the terms and conditions for the use of University Application. If the Applicant does not accept such amendment, the Applicant will no longer be able to use University Application.

The Applicant is requested to review the terms and conditions for the use of University Application on a regular basis for any amendment of information, terms, conditions and privacy policy for the benefits of the Applicant.

The Bank agrees that the Applicant may use University Application under the following terms and conditions.

1.                  Definition

1.1.               “Application” means University Application under these terms and conditions .

1.2.              Applicant” means student of the university who agrees to use the Application.

1.3.              “Bank” means Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited, who is the service provider of the Application and any authorized person who is assigned by the Bank to supervise the Application service.

1.4.              “University” means the university which supports the service of the Application and any authorized person who is assigned by the University to support the service of this Application, via Office of Information Technology of the University.

1.5.              “Username and Password” means the username and password issued by the Office of Information Technology of the University to access the Application.

1.6.              “Device” means any device on which the Application can be used, such as mobile phone, tablet, computer or any device and tool which the Bank designates for the use of Application.

1.7.              “Transaction” means any order and/or transaction entered on the Application such as class registration, meeting room reservation.

1.8.              “Educational Personal Information” means specific person information of the Applicant such as name, surname, national identification number, student identification number, personal background, educational background, activity history and any other information which contains the name, identification number, code or any information that can be used for identification, or photo in the database of the University and/or which was transferred from the database of the University and/or collected by the University from the Applicant, any person or organization for the purpose of educational management by the University, whereby such information is protected under the laws on official information, laws governing any action on computer system, and the laws governing personal data protection.

1.9.              “Other Personal Information” means any personal information relating to the Applicant which is not Educational Personal Information such as name, surname, national identification number, personal background, and any other information which contains the name, identification number, code or any information that can be used for identification, or any photo available on the Application or which the Application collected from the Applicant, any person or organization for the purpose of Application service whereby such information is protected under the laws governing any action on computer system, and the laws governing personal data protection.

1.10.            “Force Majeure” means any event outside the control of the Bank which may obstruct the service provision under these terms and conditions, including causing any errors or erroneous information such as computer system failure of the Bank or the University, or communication system failure due to power interruption or power related issues, act of third party, computer virus or any harmful data, whereby such events were not caused by inadequate maintenance of the computer system by the Bank pursuant to the standard.


2.                  The Use of the Application

The Applicant acknowledges and accepts that:

2.1.              The Applicant shall be able to use the Application when the Application is downloaded on the Applicant’s Device. The Application must be downloaded from authorized channel and must be proceeded as determined by the Bank. The Applicant must also be approved by the University and the Bank. The Applicant agrees to be bound by and comply with the terms and conditions determined by the Bank, and/or the terms and conditions of the services for each function and/or Transactions, as appeared before and/or during the Transactions (if any), which shall be deemed an integral part of these terms and conditions.

2.2.              To enter the Application, the Applicant must fill in correct Username and Password, and correctly and completely proceed according to the procedures, methods and conditions determined by the Bank. The system will be temporarily suspended if the Applicant reaches maximum allowance for wrong Username and Password. In such event, the Applicant must contact the Office of Information Technology of the University. The Applicant agrees that such temporary suspension does not cancel any completed Transactions on the Application and the Applicant agrees not to claim for any damages from the Bank.

2.3.              The use of the Application is free of charge. However, the service of this Application by the Bank does not include the providing of any device to access the Application. If the Applicant wants to use the Application, the Applicant must connect to internet and any telecommunication network. The Bank shall not be responsible for any such expenses.

2.4.             The objectives of each menu/function will appear on the Application. Any information available on the Application is only for assistance.

2.5.             The Applicant agrees that any action of the Applicant on the Application completed under the Username and Password of the Applicant is a correct and complete action carried out by the Applicant which is binding upon the Applicant. The Applicant agrees to be fully responsible for such action. The Applicant agrees that the Bank may use information relating to such action as evidence in any legal proceedings.

2.6.             The Applicant may access the following functions of the Application and/or any future functions as additionally provided by the Bank under procedures, methods and conditions determined by the Bank, which will be available 24 hours or any time as specified by the Bank.

2.6.1.             The Applicant may access news and services of the University which are linked to the database of the University and/or the Bank, under the terms and conditions determined by the Bank.

2.6.2.             QR Code - the Applicant can show the QR Code created by such function to make several Transactions at the University, such as class registration.

2.6.3.             Details of the registered classes - the Applicant can check all details of the registered class such as class code, class name, class information and credits.

2.6.4.            Calendar - the Applicant can use the calendar to check class schedule and activity schedule, including adding and setting reminders on the calendar.

2.6.5.             Reservation of facilities within the University – the Applicant can reserve available facilities such as meeting room, equipment. Once the reservation is made, the Applicant must show QR Code in order to utilize the reserved facility.

2.6.6.            General information of the University – the Applicant can search relevant information of the University such as list of personnel, faculty, department, organization and telephone number.

2.6.7.             Map – the Applicant can search for any locations on the University’s map such as searching for other campuses of the University and searching for faculties in the University.

2.7.              The Applicant shall not use the Application for any purpose which is illegal, contradictory to the public order or good morals of the public or violating the University’s rules and regulations.

2.8.             To make payments via payment platform on the Application by deducting from bank accounts, credit card, electronic account of the Applicant, the Application is only a channel to connect to the service or website provided by the bank, credit card issuers and/or payment service providers. Any action resulting in the deduction or collection of payments from bank account, credit card and or electronic account of the Applicant shall be in accordance with the Applicant and the bank, credit card issuers and/or payment service providers.

2.9.             The use of certain functions under these terms and conditions may refer to other terms and conditions applicable to such function. The Applicant agrees to study and understand the terms and conditions and decide to use such function under its own discretion. Such terms and conditions of each function are not an integral part of these terms and conditions.

2.10.           The Bank shall bear no responsibility to the damages or any inconvenience resulting from the use of the Application and/or the Applicant’s Device.


3.                  Privacy Policy

The Applicant acknowledges and accepts that:

3.1.              The Applicant agrees that the University may disclose and/or transfer Educational Personal Information of the Applicant to the Bank for storage, collection and use of such Educational Personal Information of the Applicant to provide the Application service, such as providing services, improving services, following up and reviewing educational information, activity information and other information, excluding other services provided by the Bank unless consent is granted by the Applicant and under the approval of the University on an ad-hoc basis.

3.2.              It shall be deemed that the Applicant agrees that the Bank may store, collect and use all information inserted or recorded to start the use of the Application and any information generated during the use of the Application, including any other information given to the Bank, personal information or any other information for the purpose of data analysis, offering and/or improvement in any banking products, engagement any persons in order to provide the Bank with services, relating to information technology, communication, debt collection or any other services, whether in whole or in part, and/or any other purpose(s) which is not illegal under the laws, but not including disclosure of such information for commercial benefits.

3.3.              The Applicant agrees that, subject to the approval of the University, the Bank may disclose and/or transfer Other Personal Information to the juristic or individual persons in and outside Thailand which are business partners of the Bank, for the purpose of data analysis and/or improvement in any banking products, engagement any persons in order to provide the Bank with services, relating to information technology, communication, debt collection or any other services, whether in whole or in part, and/or any other purpose(s) which is not illegal under the laws.

In case that, the Applicant apply for any product of the Bank, the Bank has a right to disclose and/or transfer Other Personal Information of the Applicant according to the terms and conditions of such product.

3.4.             The consent under Clause 3.2 and Clause 3.3 does not include disclosure of information permitted by laws, disclosure of information as required by laws, disclosure of information as required by court order and/or disclosure of information by the order of relevant government authorities for the purpose of the investigation or lawsuit examination whereby the University may legally disclose such information.

4.                 Safety Policy

The Applicant acknowledges and accepts that:

4.1.              The Applicant may access the Application with the Username and Password obtained from the Office of Information Technology of the University. The Applicant acknowledges that such Username and Password may not allow access to certain functions of the Application unless the Applicant agrees to the terms and conditions before access the Application .

4.2.             The Applicant must keep its Username and Password from other person and must not act in any way that might disclose its Username and Password to any other person. If the Applicant suspects that the Username and Password became known to any other person, the Applicant shall notify the Office of Information Technology of the University.

4.3.             In case that the Applicant fills in wrong Password more than 3 times, the Bank may suspend the use of Application immediately. To continue using the Application, the Applicant must contact the Office of Information Technology of the University.

4.4.             The Applicant shall not use the Application on any jailbroken Device. The Applicant acknowledges that by doing so, the Username and Password, Educational Personal Information, Other Personal Information and any information may be exposed to risk of thief. The Applicant acknowledges that the Bank shall not be responsible for any damage occurred from using such Device.


5.                 Cancellation of the Application

5.1.              The Bank reserves the right to terminate or cancel the services of the Application whether in whole or in part, at any time, with prior notice to the Applicant.

5.2.             The Bank reserves the right to cancel these terms and conditions or withdraw any rights, in whole or in part, of the Applicant which were granted under these terms and conditions at any time, with prior notice to the Applicant.

5.3.             The Bank shall cancel the Application service once the Applicant is no longer a student and/or has been suspended or revoked from using the Application due to any reason. The Bank has no responsibility to the Applicant or any person as a result of the cancellation of the Application service.

5.4.             The Applicant acknowledges and accepts that the termination of the Application, termination of these terms and conditions, including any amended terms and conditions, shall not affect the rights, obligations, duties and undertakings under the laws.