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Find a Training or download our Online Resource Guide for a detailed catalog of trainings with links.


Our Training Opportunities

ARSET offers online and in-person trainings for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Trainings cover a range of datasets, web portals, and analysis tools and their application to air quality, agriculture, disasters, land, and water resource management. Since 2009, the program has reached more than 100,000 participants from 183 countries and more than 17,000 organizations worldwide.

 Frequently Asked Questions

If you use the methods and data presented in ARSET trainings, please acknowledge the NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) Program.

  • Register for Developing Sustainable Earth Science Applications, our new online, self-paced training. This training offers a flexible learning experience, allowing participants to choose to explore the Applications Pathway through any of the three storylines that are most relevant to them: the early career scientist, the partner new to remote sensing, and the experienced researcher. 

          ApplicationsGuidebook Thumbnail

  • New to remote sensing and Earth observations? Check out our online, self-guided Fundamentals of Remote Sensing training series to start learning.  

          Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Banner


  • Online Resource Guide - This downloadable document contains an easy to navigate list of trainings organized by theme, complete with links to training pages and descriptions.
  • Follow ARSET on X (formerly Twitter) - Keep up to date with the latest news and events.
  • ARSET YouTube - Watch the recordings of past trainings in English or Spanish on your own time.

Get in Touch

To join our mailing list and get updates on the latest trainings, send an email with no subject line to [email protected] and follow the instructions.


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