Barclays US Savings Ratings and Reviews

3.2 out of 5
1.1K Ratings

1.1K Ratings

barclays us app user ,

Third rate app

The bank does a good job as an online bank, but this app is pretty bad. The logon mechanics are horrible. While it says it is Face ID enabled, once the app confirms your face, you still need to enter your login and password manually, which seems like a big glitch. More recently, the app gives me errors when it tries to load the Home Screen (yes, I am fully updated) and never actually loads. If you make it past the login issues, the functionality is basic. You can use this app to see your balance, deposit a check and do an immediate transfer to another Barclays account or a previously linked external account. If you are wanting more complex (like scheduling a transfer for a later day, or setting up a new external account, for example, this app doesn’t do that). The look is also very basic. They haven’t done a refresh of this app in the 5+ years it has existed, and it shows. Compared to apps like Citi and Chase, for example, this app is amateurish. ,

The Bank is Good... The App is Not.

As someone who loves opening their banking apps for no other reason than to cheer myself up on a bad day by seeing the result of my hard work and savings-self-discipline, I hate this app. Upon initially logging in, it shows your AVAILABLE balance... not the actual balance. This wouldn’t be so bad except for the fact that they always seem to put my money on hold for almost a week for some reason. You can’t even modify the settings to make your default screen display your real balance. Barclays, I love you (although your interest rates could be more competitive), but this is a world that loves immediate gratification (one of the things that makes saving so difficult), so when people deposit money, they want to see it immediately. P.S. A chart or two showing you the monthly, yearly and lifetime performance of your savings would also be nice.

MAGiardinello ,

The worst finance app I’ve ever used

I use nearly a dozen finance-related apps. This is by far the worst. The user interface is poorly designed. It’s a pain to do anything on this app. And that I can live with.

What I can’t live with is how buggy this app is. I’m constantly getting random errors. The app doesn’t recognize that I don’t have TouchID. The app doesn’t have support for FaceID even though it’s been out for years and iPhones made in the past few years only have FaceID. I need to go through two different steps to sign into the app —not two factor authentication, two steps to enter my password because it doesn’t pull it from my keychain like every other app. And now, for the past week I haven’t been able to access the app at all. I get an error on login. I deleted the app, reinstalled, but nothing.

And if this app is so poorly designed, my data can be vulnerable. If it has so many issues I’m aware of, how many security issues are happening behind the scenes no one is aware of?

mrd1118 ,

Almost useless

The app is extremely bare bones and not in a good way, the only purpose it can serve anyone is displaying your account and at most you can execute a transfer or deposit but cannot setup reoccurring transfers through the app or manage ones setup on the browser. Don’t expect this to change since the last update to this app came 9 months ago, you’d be better off bookmarking your account on you mobile browser and then dealing that way. The lack of support for this app is annoying and you can tell it was just an afterthought. I won’t hold my breath but, I’d appreciate if Barclays hired a team of developers to actually give their apps support and expand the features.

Ajackson522 ,

Reliable Online Banking

I’ve had my Barclay savings account for about 10 years, maybe 9, and this has been the most reliable bank I’ve experienced. I recommend to everyone who’s in need of a bank account that you won’t have quick access to the funds. I like the auto draft feature and I’ve never had issues with money going missing (as I’ve experienced with brick and mortar banks). In reference to the app, I basically use it to check my balance, set up one time transfers, or to deposit checks. Those features work well for me.

LaBelle053019 ,


Literally the worst mobile app ever. If they didn’t have such good accounts and Rewards i would have transfer my money to my credit union. Literally who is smaller but their app is 10xs better. And more informative then barclays half baked app with almost no investment.
It’s not informative I can’t view my account statements, I can’t see how much interest I accrued during the month that I’m in. Something my credit union shows me so I can see and be excited about my money growing. I can’t manage my user name or customize my account or my greeting or anything I mean this is literally as bare-bones as it gets this app . that’s why I give it one star. A banking customer like me who has Wells Fargo and a really Member oriented credit union that really puts clients is not impressed by this app oh im 22 btw

dizzlemetimbers ,

Decent bank that is a generation behind on tech.

The fact that this app has been so bad for so long is mind boggling. This is a major international bank with an app that has the same quality of apps I had on my iPhone 3 in the mid 2000s. I love their online savings rates but I am seriously considering moving my money out to a bank that has kept pace with the current tech generation. An app’s quality and user interface can say a lot about how seriously a company takes itself. Other than making simple transfers there is nothing else this app can do for will have to pick the phone up and wait on a hold line and talk to someone to do anything else. This app is like using dial-up and AOL; if you’re into retro tech this may be for you.

currentuser148 ,

Everything about this bank has been difficult

Transactions take forever , the app isn’t user friendly at all it’s like an app from the 90s and on top of everything I tried to make a simple 100$ transaction to my account and because there was an issue with the funds clearing in the funding account they froze my account and keep asking for more and more info . It’s been weeks . Contemplating cutting ties and moving on . If there acting like this for 100 bucks they can’t be trusted with large amounts of money .

Check out these other banks before wasting your time with these guys : Bread Savings(been with them a year never any issue) , Laurel Road (Just signed up so far so good)

Strong PW ,

Most Likely an Insecure App

The app is a poor built. It did not work for me. So I contacted the help line listed in the app. The personnel stated that ‘I am not sure why this is not working for you’ and was unable to help. Asked for tech support and I was told there isn’t any. Asked if they can seek some advice from other colleagues. The customer service discussed with others and can back to me to say IF I HAVE ANY SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN MY PW then the app won’t work!!!

So all in all Barclays app does not support strong passwords and likely has vulnerabilities. No tech support is a red flag too. Perhaps the APP was hastily built or done by a startup person and with many coding issues. Feel less confident to use this app.

SpeedBart01 ,

A first cut with a VERY dull knife!

I realize this is Barclays US’ first cut at a mobile app for their online savings customers. That said, they really should have allowed their developers the necessary time to create an app that is actually useful and that provides a better user experience. Aside from checking your balances and transactions, the app is basically useless. The transfer function has crapped out after only having the app for about a month – and this is without any published update during that month! So, if I need to make a transfer either to or from my account, I’m out of luck if I am not near a computer to access the full website! This app needs SERIOUS work, Barclays!!!