A browser that doesn’t just meet your needs — it anticipates them.

Clean and calm, Arc shapes itself to how you use the internet.
Screenshot of Arc by The Browser Company of New York

Space for the different sides of you.

Effortlessly organize everything you do online — work, study, hobbies — all in one window with Spaces and Profiles.
Screenshot of Arc by The Browser Company of New York

Your perfect setup.

Find your perfect setup with Split View, Themes, and more.
Screenshot of Arc by The Browser Company of New York

The comfort of privacy.

Arc is built from the ground up to be private and secure. We don’t know what sites you visit or what you search for.
Way more powerful than Chrome. Arc looks like the future of browsers.
Arc brought order to the chaos that was my online life. There’s no going back.
Arc lives up to the hype. So intuitive, playful and pretty.
I just tried using a computer without Arc and it was miserable.