May 24, 1937

'Rockefeller Dimes' Held By Hundreds in Nyack

Nyack, NY, May 23--When word was received here today of the death of John D. Rockefeller hundreds of local possessors of "Rockefeller dimes" placed an added value on their keepsakes. It is said that this village has more residents owning dimes passed out by Mr. Rockefeller than any other community.

For years Mr. Rockefeller crossed the Hudson by the Nyack-Tarrytown ferry for rides in the hills back of this village. On the trip over he passed out dimes, and frequently, when the ferry boats docked at Nyack, children gathered at the slip to seek dimes.

Since about 1930 Mr. Rockefeller had not been a frequent visitor in this section. Joe Mayo, an old boathand on the ferry line, has four of the famous dimes.

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