Past Events

Dr. Bill Bold, UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy – “Business in the Public Square: A Brave New World”

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

Join us for a special ARNIC seminar on 1/18 5PM PT led by Dr. Bill Bold from UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy titled [Business in the Public Square: A Brave New World] About the Talk Nonmarket strategy is the study of corporate behavior outside a firm’s market environment, which is defined…

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1st USC-KU Joint Symposium

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

ARNIC will convene a joint symposium with Korea University’s Center for ICT and Society, featuring faculty and student presentations from both institutions. Date: 7/26 @4PM PDT Location: Please contact [email protected] for Zoom link As our long-term goal is to promote collaboration between faculty and students across both organizations, we strongly encourage anyone interested in future…

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Dr. Matt Rafalow – Digital Divisions: How Schools Create Inequality in the Tech Era

Monday, April 24th, 2023

ARNIC Visiting Fellow Dr. Matt Rafalow gives a special book talk at the Annenberg Research Seminar titled “Digital Divisions: How Schools Create Inequality in the Tech Era” In the digital age, schools are a central part of a nationwide effort to make access to technology more equitable, so that all young people, regardless of identity…

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Dr. Gwen Shaffer, California State University Long Beach – Long Beach’s “digital rights platform” and efforts to ensure residents’ data privacy

Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

Join us for a special ARNIC seminar on 11/16 5PM PT led by Dr. Gwen Shaffer from California State University Long Beach titled [Long Beach’s “digital rights platform” and efforts to ensure residents’ data privacy] Smart city platforms–encompassing mobile apps, cameras, sensors, algorithms, and predictive analytics—function as surveillance tools. These Internet-connected devices and services generate troves…

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Erika Widegren – Executive Director of “Re-Imagine Europe”

Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Join us for a special ARNIC seminar followed by a reception on Oct 4th at 5 pm. Our guest speaker is Erika Widegren, Executive Director of the think tank “Re-Imagine Europe” (see full bio below). Erika will speak about ‘THE RISE OF THE FAR RIGHT IN EUROPE: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES” “Re-Imagine Europe” is an influential think tank based in…

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V. Sridhar – Gig Worker Interaction in Online Labor Markets

Monday, April 18th, 2022

Join our in-person seminar next Monday, April 18 at 12 PM PT to hear from Professor V. Sridhar. He will be speaking on “Gig Worker Interaction in Online Labor Markets.” The informal economy forms the backbone of most of developing countries and employs more than 80% of the labor force and contributes to more than…

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Arturo Arriagada – Influencers and Creator Economies: Imaginaries, Platform Evolution, and Commercial Value Chains

Friday, March 25th, 2022

Join our seminar next Friday, March 25 at 12:30 PM PT to hear from Professor Arturo Arriagada. He will be speaking on “Influencers and Creator Economies: Imaginaries, Platform Evolution, and Commercial Value Chains.” In his presentation, Professor Arriagada will analyze influencers’ activities in the so-called creator economy from their 1) social imaginaries, 2) relation with platform…

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Marlon Twyman – Attracting Attention Online: Signaling Topic Diversity and Status in a User-Generated Content Community

Friday, February 25th, 2022

Join our seminar next Friday, February 25 at 11:00 AM PT to hear from Professor Marlon Twyman. He will be speaking on “Attracting Attention Online: Signaling Topic Diversity and Status in a User-Generated Content Community.” User-generated content communities contain vast quantities of content that are available for consumption but finding relevant content can be difficult.…

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Thomas Hazlett – Rent Seeking for Non-Exclusive Spectrum Rights in the 5.9 GHz Band

Friday, November 12th, 2021

Professor Thomas Hazlett will be discussing “Rent Seeking for Non-Exclusive Spectrum Rights in the 5.9 GHz Band” on Friday, November 12, 2021. Thomas Hazlett is Hugh H. Macaulay Endowed Chair in Economics at Clemson University. In Fall 2021, he is also the Dunn Distinguished Visiting Research Professor in Economics at the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University.  He has previously held…

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Amy Gonzales – Importance of Access to Digital Technology for Building and Maintaining Social Capital and Quality of Life

Friday, November 5th, 2021

Join our seminar next Friday, November 5 at 9:30 AM PT to hear from Professor Amy Gonzales. She will be speaking on “Importance of Access to Digital Technology for Building and Maintaining Social Capital and Quality of Life.” We are reliant on digital technology for nearly every aspect of daily life, including searching for jobs,…

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