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Creativity News Desk

Amplifying storytelling around Midwestern creativity.

A person folds a collection of ribbons, in hues of blues, greens and deep red, on top of a cutting table. Their hands are in focus in the photo as another set of hands helps them with the task. There are a set of ribbon spools far in the background.
Photo Credit: Jaida Grey Eagle / Arts Midwest

About the Creativity News Desk

The Creativity News Desk amplifies stories about the power of arts and creativity in the Midwest.

We commission stories from writers, photographers, videographers, illustrators, and podcasters.  We also support partnerships, grants, and learning opportunities for the media field.

We seek out stories that go beyond traditional arts coverage and celebrate creativity in all its forms. We are especially focused on stories of, by, and for Native communities, rural communities, and communities of color.

Check out how you can get involved below!

Arts Midwest retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of our initiative, the Creativity News Desk. We maintain a firewall between our coverage decisions and sources of all revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services, or opinions.

We accept gifts and grants from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities. Arts Midwest may consider donations to support coverage that aligns with the goals of the news desk and our organizational values. We will cede no right of review or influence of editorial content, nor of unauthorized distribution of editorial content. The Creativity News Desk recognizes the importance of transparency. We commit to disclosing the names of all donors who support this initiative.

Arts Midwest’s Creativity News Desk is generously supported by Builders Initiative. Builders Initiative is the philanthropic team of Builders Vision, an impact platform dedicated to supporting people and organizations building a more humane and healthy planet. Builders Initiative is a strategic philanthropy that includes grantmaking and impact investing.

This project is also supported by Arts Midwest’s gift from MacKenzie Scott, an unrestricted contribution received in 2021.

Collaborate With Us

We are actively commissioning stories and videos. Pitch us your idea for a piece about Midwestern Creativity!

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A sculpture of the outline of a orange house, with a slab of mud within it. A group of people look at an artist as he explains the work.
Photo Credit: Adam Nantz

Republish Our Work

We encourage you to republish our stories for free.

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A herd of brown and black cows graze outside during winter, with some snow on the ground.
Photo Credit: Leslie Damaso / Arts Midwest

Creative Midwest Media Cohort

We support innovative media outlets that are amplifying and celebrating Midwestern art and creativity. Ten organizations have received a total of $150,000 through the Creative Midwest Media Cohort, a new year-long program.

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A ground-level shot of three people in colorful regalia dancing; their faces are not visible.
Photo Credit: Jaida Grey Eagle / Arts Midwest

Contact us about the Creativity News Desk

Reach out to Managing Editor Angela Zonunpari with questions.

Contact Us FAQs