সমললৈ যাওক

সাঁচ:Infobox religious biography

অসমীয়া ৱিকিপিডিয়াৰ পৰা
Infobox religious biography


শিৰোনাম {{{title}}}
অন্যান্য নাম {{{other_names}}}

মৃত্যু {{{death_date}}}
সমাধিস্থল {{{resting_place}}}
ধৰ্ম {{{religion}}}
ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয়তা {{{nationality}}}
Flourished {{{flourished}}}
গৃহ চহৰ {{{home_town}}}
দাম্পত্যসংগী {{{spouse}}}
সন্তান {{{children}}}
পিতৃ-মাতৃ {{{parents}}}
সংঘ {{{denomination}}}
বিদ্যালয় {{{school}}}
বংশধৰ {{{lineage}}}
Sect {{{sect}}}
উল্লেখযোগ্য কৰ্ম {{{works}}}
মাতৃশিক্ষায়াতন {{{alma_mater}}}
অন্য নাম {{{other_names}}}
Dharma names {{{dharma_names}}}
Monastic name {{{monastic_name}}}
ছদ্মনাম {{{pen_name}}}
মৰণোত্তৰ নাম {{{posthumous_name}}}
জীৱিকা {{{profession}}}
স্বাক্ষৰ [[File:{{{signature}}}|150px]]
Military service
পদমৰ্যাদা {{{rank}}}
মন্দিৰ {{{temple}}}
ধৰ্মীয় ঐতিহ্য {{{order}}}
প্ৰতিষ্ঠান {{{institute}}}
গীৰ্জা {{{church}}}
জ্যেষ্ঠ বিষয়বাব
শিক্ষক {{{teacher}}}
অৱস্থান {{{location}}}
কাৰ্যালয়ত সময় {{{period}}}
Consecration {{{consecration}}}
পূৰ্বসূৰী {{{predecessor}}}
উত্তৰসূৰী {{{successor}}}
পুনৰ্জন্ম {{{reincarnation_of}}}
প্ৰস্থানৰ কাৰণ {{{reason}}}
  • {{{students}}}
Initiation {{{initiation}}}
Ordination {{{ordination}}}
পেছা {{{profession}}}
পূৰ্বৰ বিষয়বাব {{{previous_post}}}
বৰ্তমানৰ বিষয়বাব {{{present_post}}}
বিষয়বাব {{{post}}}
ৱেবছাইট {{{website}}}

This template can be used to provide comparative at-a-glance information on biographies of religious figures. It is not intended to be used for mythological figures (consider using other infoboxes for them like {{Infobox character}}). It is not intended to be used for biographies not having any religion (consider using other infobox for them like {{Infobox philosopher}}).

All fields are optional, and any unused fields should be removed; if omitted, the name will be inferred from the page title.

{{Infobox religious biography
| honorific-prefix = 
| name             = 
| honorific-suffix = 
| native_name      = 
| native_name_lang = 
| image            = 
| alt              = 
| caption          = 
| religion         = 
| denomination     = 
| ordained     =
| school           = 
| lineage          = 
| sect             = 
| subsect          = 
| temple           = 
| order            = 
| institute        =
| church           = <!-- or: |churches = --> 
| founder          =
| philosophy       =
| known_for        =
| education        =
| alma_mater       =
| other_names      = <!-- or: | other_name = -->
| dharma_names     = <!-- or: | dharma_name = -->
| monastic_name    = 
| pen_name         = 
| posthumous_name  = 
| nationality      = 
| flourished       =
| home_town        = 
| birth_name       = 
| birth_date       = <!-- {{birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} or, if deceased, {{birth date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| birth_place      = 
| death_date       = <!-- {{death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| death_place      = 
| death_cause      =
| resting_place    = 
| resting_place_coordinates = <!-- {{coord|latitude|longitude|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} -->
| spouse           = 
| partner          =
| children         = 
| parents          = 
| mother           =
| father           =
| location         = 
| title            = 
| period           = 
| consecration     = 
| predecessor      = 
| successor        = 
| reason           = 
| rank             = 
| teacher          = <!-- or | guru = -->
| reincarnation_of = 
| students         = <!-- or | disciples = -->
| initiated        =
| works            = <!-- or | literary_works = -->
| ordination       = 
| initiation       = 
| initiation_date  =
| initiation_place =
| initiator        =
| profession       = 
| previous_post    = 
| present_post     = 
| post             = 
| website          = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| signature        = 
| background       = <!-- optional header background color -->
{{Infobox religious biography
| honorific-prefix = 
| honorific-suffix = 
| image = 
| alt = 
| caption = 
| religion = [[Jainism]]
| sect = [[Digambara]] / [[Svetambara]]
| subsect = 
| birth_name = 
| birth_date = 
| birth_place = 
| death_date = 
| death_place = 
| father = 
| mother = 
| predecessor = 
| successor = 
| teacher = 
| disciples = 
| work = 
| initiation_rank = 
| initiation_name = 
| initiation_date = 
| initiation_place = 
| initiator = 
| initiation_rank2 = 
| initiation_name2 = 
| initiation_date2 = 
| initiation_place2 = 
| initiator2 = 
| website = 
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
An image of Mother Teresa wearing a white head covering with blue stripes
শিৰোনাম Superior General
Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu

২৬ আগষ্ট, ১৯১০
মৃত্যু ৫ ছেপ্টেম্বৰ, ১৯৯৭ (৮৭ বছৰ)
ধৰ্ম Catholic
ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয়তা Indian, Albanian
বংশদ্ভূত Albanian
প্ৰতিষ্ঠান Missionaries of Charity
জ্যেষ্ঠ বিষয়বাব
কাৰ্যালয়ত সময় 1950–1997
উত্তৰসূৰী Nirmala Joshi
{{Infobox religious biography
| background = royalblue
| name = Mother Teresa of Calcutta
| image = MotherTeresa 090.jpg
| alt = An image of Mother Teresa wearing a white head covering with blue stripes
| religion = [[Catholic Church|Catholic]]
| institute = [[Missionaries of Charity]]
| nationality = Indian, Albanian
| ethnicity = Albanian
| birth_name = Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu
| birth_date = {{birth date|1910|8|26}}
| birth_place = {{longitem|[[Üsküb]], [[Ottoman Empire]] (now [[Skopje]], [[North Macedonia]])}}
| death_date = {{death date and age|1997|9|5|1910|8|26}}
| death_place = [[Kolkata|Calcutta]], [[India]]
| title = Superior General
| period = 1950–1997
| successor = [[Sister Nirmala|Nirmala Joshi]]

Separate multiple values using {{plainlist}} or {{flatlist}}.

To use the US-style "MM DD, YYYY" date format in date-producing templates, omit |df=y.

The HTML markup produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the person's details parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia or via a browser tool operated by a reader, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

Date-of-birth ("bday") parameters will only be included in the microformat if {{Birth date}} or {{Birth date and age}} are used in the infobox.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • bday
  • county-name
  • fn (required)
  • honorific-prefix
  • honorific-suffix
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • role
  • vcard

সাঁচ:Religious infoboxes