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SF Bay Area Astro

K-12 Science Teachers

SF Bay Area Project ASTRO

An ASP Legacy Program

Bay Area Project ASTRO has partnered educators and volunteer astronomers to spark the curiosity and imagination of tens of thousands of Bay Area students starting in 1994. 

Project ASTRO seeks 5th–9th grade teachers and astronomers who have a passion for sharing the wonders of astronomy with students. Teacher-Astronomer partners attend a free 1.5-day fall workshop to learn hands-on, inquiry-based astronomy activities designed to inspire and excite students in their science pursuits and eventual professions.

Project ASTRO is currently on hiatus. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Bay Area Project ASTRO coordinator at [email protected].

How We Reach For The Stars

Bay Area Project ASTRO, the ASP’s premier astronomy education program and locally sponsored chapter, has nearly 250 active participants and reaches over 150 schools and community based organizations in the greater Bay Area. The program serves teachers, students, and volunteer astronomers in 5th-9th grade classrooms, after-school programs, and school science events.

Program staff matches Bay Area teachers to volunteer astronomers who have an interest in working with local schools and community centers. Together, educators and astronomers participate in a 2-day summer workshop, receive astronomy resource materials, and develop a strategy for working together in and out of the classroom.

Project ASTRO partnerships involve more than just one-time visits. Astronomers and educators commit to at least four site visits per year. These involve the astronomers leading or assisting with hands-on activities, answering questions, and talking about their own work and interests. Some partners also set up evening observing sessions, create astronomy clubs, go on field trips, or assist with science fair projects.

Partner Resources

Bay Area Project ASTRO understands that each partnership and classroom is unique and requires its own unique resources to help you facilitated hands-on astronomy activities for the students.

Resource Guides
