PJ Messtechnik GmbH / PJ Monitoring GmbH

PJ Messtechnik GmbH / PJ Monitoring GmbH


Graz, Steiermark 1.977 Follower:innen

Railway System Solutions. Worldwide!


PJM is an internationally renowned system specialist for rail transport and has successfully implemented projects in 30 countries on 6 continents. As an accredited test center according to ISO/IEC 17025, PJ Messtechnik GmbH carries out tests for the approval of rail vehicles worldwide. Among others, PJM's measurement technology know-how is on board the Berlin, Chicago and Riyadh suburban trains, the Barcelona and Glasgow metros or the London Underground. PJ Monitoring GmbH is a technology leader in the automation of rail freight transport with forward-looking comprehensive solutions. 60 employees at the Graz site ensure "100 % Made in Austria": R&D, hardware and software development, production & administration come exclusively from Austria. PJM’s three main business fields are: - Monitoring systems for the digitisation of rail freight transport. The patented WaggonTracker system provides comprehensive information on the goods transport and automatises demanding processes (e.g. loading and brake tests) - Engineering: PJM has pioneered the application of topology optimisation for freight cars a tool originally used in space technology. PJM’s highest premise is to both achieve minimal weight and maximum safety. Furthermore, PJM is a worldwide leading expert for multi-body simulation and FE-calculation. - Test facility: PJM is accredited as ISO/IEC 17025 testing laboratory for railway vehicles. Due to this unique portfolio of products and services, PJM offers comprehensive solutions including planning, simulation, calculation, testing and data analysis. Highest precision and reliability are the features of the measurement devices. Reliable measurement results and its significant analyses are the basis for an increase in efficiency and the optimisation railway systems and its components.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Graz, Steiermark
Messtechnik, Zulassungstests für Schienenfahrzeuge, Akkreditierte Prüfstelle nach ISO/IEC 17025, Engineering, FE-Berechnung, Mehrkörper-Simulation, Fahrtechnik, Betriebsfestigkeitsnachweise nach DINTB 491/2, Statische & dynamische Bremstests, Durchführung von Akustik-Messungen, Prüfverfahren Aerodynamik, Digitalisierung des Schienengüterverkehrs, Intelligenter Güterzug, Monitoring & Automation in einem digitalen Gesamtsystem, Automatische Bremsprobe, Automatische Ladegewichtsüberwachung, WaggonTracker-System, Digitaler Bahntransport, Automatische Bremsprobe, automatisierte Bremsprobe, Automatische Ladegewichtsüberwachung, Smart freight train, digital freight train, Stützbockmonitoring, Bremsmonitoring, automatisierter Schienengüterverkehr, digitaler Bahntransport, Aerodynamik, Akustik, mobiler Druckrahmen, mobiler Kalibrierstand, Messradsatz, Festigkeit und Betriebsfestigkeit


Beschäftigte von PJ Messtechnik GmbH / PJ Monitoring GmbH


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