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Welcome to the ATCC

The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission (ATCC) is committed to providing rigorous regulatory and enforcement oversight of Maryland's alcohol and tobacco industries while supporting the efforts of the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) by addressing the unlicensed cannabis market. The ATCC is laser-focused on promoting public safety, fostering economic growth, and ensuring adherence to state laws and regulations by its a​lcoholic beverage and tobacco products licensees and permittees.

The Executive Director
The Office of the Executive Director, led by Executive Director Jeffrey A. Kelly, oversees the agency in its
day-to-day efforts to effectively regulate the State’s alcoholic beverage and tobacco products industries
and collaborates with the MCA to ensure the well-being of Maryland’s communities and the integrity of
these commodity markets.​​

The Commissioners
The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission, under the leadership of Chairperson Alan Silverstein, consists of five commissioners appointed by the Governor. Additionally, it includes two ex-Officio members representing the Maryland Department of Health and the Maryland State Police. The Commission is dedicated to conducting comprehensive studies, facilitating public meetings, and issuing detailed reports on alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and cannabis. These efforts aim to educate stakeholders and shape public policy effectively.

What's Happening  at ATCC

Guildford Hall Meeting

ATCC commits to Maryland's brewing industry with enhanced inspections and support.


Alcohol Day in Annapolis

Observing legislative progress, ATCC testifies at budget hearings for Maryland's 2024 alcohol and fiscal oversight.


Volunteer Day

ATCC staff dedicate a day to community service at the Franciscan Center in Baltimore, reinforcing community ties.