time Capsule

Mayor Dickens is inviting all Atlanta residents and music artists to be a part of this Historic moment. The City of Atlanta will be partnering with the Atlanta History Center for a 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop Time Capsule curation and burial. The Time Capsule will be buried at the end of the 50th Anniversary celebration and will remain there for the next 25 years.

The Capsule will contain items that showcase Atlanta’s impact on Hip Hop. The City of Atlanta is looking for items such as diaries and journals, rare published material, tickets, artist merchandise, tapes, vinyls, cds, photographs, keepsakes, signature equipment and more!

Instructions for submission:

  1. Take picture of the item
  2. Attached the picture to an email
  3. Write a description of the item and any back story which will give us an understanding of its importance.
  4. Send to: [email protected]

Upon review, we will reach back out and give instructions on donation and drop off.

Enjoy Hip Hop History? So do we! Please go visit and support.

Georgia State University Hip Hop Archives:


Georgia Tech Hip Hop Archives:
