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Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. is committed to protecting the rights, safety, well-being, and dignity of people affected by our business activities; and abiding by the laws and regulations that protect human rights in the jurisdictions where we conduct business.

We are committed to responsibly managing our business and we will seek to utilize Suppliers who share the commitment to operating their business to the same high standards of ethical conduct, integrity and respect.

The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and standards to protect human rights, safety and dignity; to prevent and reduce the risk of forced labour and/or child labour in the supply chain; and to align to Environmental, Social and corporate Governance standards.

Supplier Code of Conduct

We would also like to take this opportunity to promote awareness of the following resources and information:

Activities that help prevent and/or reduce the risk of forced labour and/or child labour in supply chains include:

  • Raising awareness of the risk within your organization and asking your suppliers and business partners to do the same
  • Performing periodic risk assessment
  • Managing remediation as necessary and
  • Having corporate policies that address human rights, ethical conduct and the risk of forced/child labour, human trafficking and modern slavery

A specific concern related to forced labour and/or child labour violations in the supply chain may be brought forward through Atlantic’s Whistleblower line:

APPL S211 Final Report
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