Currently viewing ATT&CK v6.3 which was live between October 24, 2019 and March 30, 2020. Learn more about the versioning system or see the live site.
The sub-techniques beta is now live! Read the release blog post for more info.

MITRE ATT&CK® is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the development of specific threat models and methodologies in the private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community.

With the creation of ATT&CK, MITRE is fulfilling its mission to solve problems for a safer world — by bringing communities together to develop more effective cybersecurity. ATT&CK is open and available to any person or organization for use at no charge.

ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise

Initial Access Execution Persistence Privilege Escalation Defense Evasion Credential Access Discovery Lateral Movement Collection Command and Control Exfiltration Impact
Drive-by Compromise AppleScript .bash_profile and .bashrc Access Token Manipulation Access Token Manipulation Account Manipulation Account Discovery AppleScript Audio Capture Commonly Used Port Automated Exfiltration Account Access Removal
Exploit Public-Facing Application CMSTP Accessibility Features Accessibility Features Binary Padding Bash History Application Window Discovery Application Deployment Software Automated Collection Communication Through Removable Media Data Compressed Data Destruction
External Remote Services Command-Line Interface Account Manipulation AppCert DLLs BITS Jobs Brute Force Browser Bookmark Discovery Component Object Model and Distributed COM Clipboard Data Connection Proxy Data Encrypted Data Encrypted for Impact
Hardware Additions Compiled HTML File AppCert DLLs AppInit DLLs Bypass User Account Control Credential Dumping Domain Trust Discovery Exploitation of Remote Services Data from Information Repositories Custom Command and Control Protocol Data Transfer Size Limits Defacement
Replication Through Removable Media Component Object Model and Distributed COM AppInit DLLs Application Shimming Clear Command History Credentials from Web Browsers File and Directory Discovery Internal Spearphishing Data from Local System Custom Cryptographic Protocol Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol Disk Content Wipe
Spearphishing Attachment Control Panel Items Application Shimming Bypass User Account Control CMSTP Credentials in Files Network Service Scanning Logon Scripts Data from Network Shared Drive Data Encoding Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel Disk Structure Wipe
Spearphishing Link Dynamic Data Exchange Authentication Package DLL Search Order Hijacking Code Signing Credentials in Registry Network Share Discovery Pass the Hash Data from Removable Media Data Obfuscation Exfiltration Over Other Network Medium Endpoint Denial of Service
Spearphishing via Service Execution through API BITS Jobs Dylib Hijacking Compile After Delivery Exploitation for Credential Access Network Sniffing Pass the Ticket Data Staged Domain Fronting Exfiltration Over Physical Medium Firmware Corruption
Supply Chain Compromise Execution through Module Load Bootkit Elevated Execution with Prompt Compiled HTML File Forced Authentication Password Policy Discovery Remote Desktop Protocol Email Collection Domain Generation Algorithms Scheduled Transfer Inhibit System Recovery
Trusted Relationship Exploitation for Client Execution Browser Extensions Emond Component Firmware Hooking Peripheral Device Discovery Remote File Copy Input Capture Fallback Channels Network Denial of Service
Valid Accounts Graphical User Interface Change Default File Association Exploitation for Privilege Escalation Component Object Model Hijacking Input Capture Permission Groups Discovery Remote Services Man in the Browser Multi-hop Proxy Resource Hijacking
InstallUtil Component Firmware Extra Window Memory Injection Connection Proxy Input Prompt Process Discovery Replication Through Removable Media Screen Capture Multi-Stage Channels Runtime Data Manipulation
Launchctl Component Object Model Hijacking File System Permissions Weakness Control Panel Items Kerberoasting Query Registry Shared Webroot Video Capture Multiband Communication Service Stop
Local Job Scheduling Create Account Hooking DCShadow Keychain Remote System Discovery SSH Hijacking Multilayer Encryption Stored Data Manipulation
LSASS Driver DLL Search Order Hijacking Image File Execution Options Injection Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning and Relay Security Software Discovery Taint Shared Content Port Knocking System Shutdown/Reboot
Mshta Dylib Hijacking Launch Daemon Disabling Security Tools Network Sniffing Software Discovery Third-party Software Remote Access Tools Transmitted Data Manipulation
PowerShell Emond New Service DLL Search Order Hijacking Password Filter DLL System Information Discovery Windows Admin Shares Remote File Copy
Regsvcs/Regasm External Remote Services Parent PID Spoofing DLL Side-Loading Private Keys System Network Configuration Discovery Windows Remote Management Standard Application Layer Protocol
Regsvr32 File System Permissions Weakness Path Interception Execution Guardrails Securityd Memory System Network Connections Discovery Standard Cryptographic Protocol
Rundll32 Hidden Files and Directories Plist Modification Exploitation for Defense Evasion Steal Web Session Cookie System Owner/User Discovery Standard Non-Application Layer Protocol
Scheduled Task Hooking Port Monitors Extra Window Memory Injection Two-Factor Authentication Interception System Service Discovery Uncommonly Used Port
Scripting Hypervisor PowerShell Profile File and Directory Permissions Modification System Time Discovery Web Service
Service Execution Image File Execution Options Injection Process Injection File Deletion Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
Signed Binary Proxy Execution Kernel Modules and Extensions Scheduled Task File System Logical Offsets
Signed Script Proxy Execution Launch Agent Service Registry Permissions Weakness Gatekeeper Bypass
Source Launch Daemon Setuid and Setgid Group Policy Modification
Space after Filename Launchctl SID-History Injection Hidden Files and Directories
Third-party Software LC_LOAD_DYLIB Addition Startup Items Hidden Users
Trap Local Job Scheduling Sudo Hidden Window
Trusted Developer Utilities Login Item Sudo Caching HISTCONTROL
User Execution Logon Scripts Valid Accounts Image File Execution Options Injection
Windows Management Instrumentation LSASS Driver Web Shell Indicator Blocking
Windows Remote Management Modify Existing Service Indicator Removal from Tools
XSL Script Processing Netsh Helper DLL Indicator Removal on Host
New Service Indirect Command Execution
Office Application Startup Install Root Certificate
Path Interception InstallUtil
Plist Modification Launchctl
Port Knocking LC_MAIN Hijacking
Port Monitors Masquerading
PowerShell Profile Modify Registry
Rc.common Mshta
Re-opened Applications Network Share Connection Removal
Redundant Access NTFS File Attributes
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder Obfuscated Files or Information
Scheduled Task Parent PID Spoofing
Screensaver Plist Modification
Security Support Provider Port Knocking
Server Software Component Process Doppelgänging
Service Registry Permissions Weakness Process Hollowing
Setuid and Setgid Process Injection
Shortcut Modification Redundant Access
SIP and Trust Provider Hijacking Regsvcs/Regasm
Startup Items Regsvr32
System Firmware Rootkit
Systemd Service Rundll32
Time Providers Scripting
Trap Signed Binary Proxy Execution
Valid Accounts Signed Script Proxy Execution
Web Shell SIP and Trust Provider Hijacking
Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription Software Packing
Winlogon Helper DLL Space after Filename
Template Injection
Trusted Developer Utilities
Valid Accounts
Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
Web Service
XSL Script Processing