Adamo Bioscience Introduces Adamo Method

JACKSON, Wyo.Adamo Bioscience has introduced the Adamo Method, a new form of sexual medicine developed by Molly Maloof, MD, Dr. Saida Desilets, PhD, and Aaron Michael, MA. This innovative approach improves sexual satisfaction, enhances intimacy, and addresses sexual dysfunction through science-backed practices.

In a clinical study facilitated by PhD candidates Tomasso Barba and Aleksandra Wingert from the Imperial College of London, couples who enrolled in the eight-week digital program experienced significant improvements in multiple markers of sexual and relational fitness including sexual satisfaction, communication, frequency, duration of intercourse, and feelings of love, passion and emotional closeness as follows (pending peer review). Note that these percentages refer to individuals who completed the program, and do not represent improvements at a population level:

• 86 percent of participants reported improvements in sexual satisfaction
• 79 percent of participants reported improvements in sexual communication
• 73 percent of female participants reported increased arousal
• 68 percent of participants reported improved orgasm quality
• 66 percent of participants reported increased orgasm frequency
• 67 percent of participants reported increased feelings of love for their partners

The Adamo Method includes practices involving breath, voice, touch and movement to optimize the sexual experience and address both physical and psychological challenges. It enhances sexual satisfaction through techniques such as pelvic floor breathing, embodied consent, and suction-based penetration, which leads to enhanced lasting time in men and closes the pleasure gap by increasing orgasmic potential in women.

The method shifts the focus from sexual performance to embodied love, fostering deeper intimacy and passion between partners. It promotes open communication about physical and emotional desires, leading to more frequent and fulfilling sexual activities. It also challenges negative beliefs about sex and self-image, boosting body awareness, acceptance and sexual confidence while strengthening emotional connections through practices of openness and vulnerability.

The Adamo Method is currently available online, providing direct access to consumers seeking to enhance their sexual health and intimacy. Additionally, it is offered as a resource for healthcare providers, allowing them to prescribe this innovative approach in their clinical practice and support a broader range of sexual wellness needs of their clientele.

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