Road Warrior: Up Close With Aneros' Brent Aldon

LOS ANGELES—There’s hardly a person in the adult pleasure products industry that doesn’t know Brent Aldon, the fearless road warrior for prostate health company, Aneros. With his active social media posts for both business and pleasure, Brent is a one-person institution, promoting the health and wellness for everyone.

We all know that most of us aren’t born into the industry and Brent certainly had his twists and turns before arriving in our unique business.  

When Brent attended a recent performance of comedian Will Burkart, the entertainer bantered with audience members and Brent was right there with him. Afterwards, the clip was captured and shared on social media. In the clip, Brent briefly explains how he stumbled into our business and can be seen here.

Brent had been an experienced director of marketing for GM (the legacy auto manufacturer), and was a part of a predicted cutback, due the recession. He knew the writing was on the wall regarding his steady employment, so he began searching on Craigslist, which was popular at that time, and saw a posting for a marketing position for a toy company.

Brent shared, “Well, I thought I would be the perfect candidate as I used to work for a children’s toy company. Little did I know, I was very wrong when I walked into the office of Evolved!” He laughed at the memory. “You should have seen my face when I saw all the posters of the movies they produced. Well, I did not get the marketing director position, but the owner of a new lubricant company wanted to take a chance on me to be in sales.” The rest is history when he was sucked in (“not literally!” he adds) by the amazing sexual wellness industry.  

That first company was the new brand, System JO, and from there, he wound up at Aneros, where he has been Director of Sales and Marketing for over a dozen years.


Brent feels the same about what he enjoys most about the business. Like many of us, he says it’s “The camaraderie and the people who make up this industry. Even though some are considered competitors, I do not see it that way. We all support each other, we lift each other up during the good times and the bad, and we make sure that everyone succeeds.”

He continued, “There are enough slices of the pie for everyone. That is why I consider this industry my second family as there are so many that I can always count on. My life is my work (at times), and my work is my life. I always say, it's not work when you have a passion for what you do.”  

Many times, Brent is questioned by retail store staff members about how they can get on “the other side” of the business (working for a manufacturer) and he shared his insights and advice. “It is not all rainbows and butterflies. This industry is not your typical eight hour shift job. You truly must absorb yourself in this industry and, more importantly, be passionate about the company you work for. I always get comments of wanting to be a part of this industry based on the photos and experiences I share on social media but what you see in my posts are probably 10% of what we do in the business.” He continued to share his personal reality check about what it takes to be a road warrior. “We really do not go to fancy dinners, dress up to go to award shows, and travel to exotic places all the time. Yes! Those are the perks but most of the time it's a lot of hard work. Account management, selling, marketing, traveling, training, standing on your feet for over 12+ hours at trade shows and forcing yourself to go to events and dinners, when all you want to do is sleep in your own bed.”

When Brent gets into his own bed, he not only shares it with his husband, Andrew, but also his five dogs that bring joy to his life. “After having a bad day or coming home from a long work trip, to see their happiness, their smiles, and their excitement when I get home, truly warms my heart.”  

And you warm ours up, too. Thanks for being you, Brent!

Brent’s exciting life can be followed on these social media pages (he’s a lot more active on FB):

Facebook - @/brent.aldon

Instagram - @brentaldon 
