AWS for M&E Blog

Tag: AWS Elemental MediaConvert

Actionable video on demand for audience engagement

As viewers shift from passively viewing into actively engaging with content during video playback, content providers can design and build interactive and actionable experiences for their audiences. Actionable video is context-aware and time-specific, allowing the viewer to respond to prompts about a person, place, or object while watching and interacting with video as it plays. […]

On Air saves time on media workflows using Nomad Solution on AWS

Facing growing demand for a live concert experience On Air, a pay-per-view on-demand streaming service, launched its first streaming solution for live concerts and performances in 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the demand for live streaming content increased more quickly than On Air could have anticipated. The company realized that it needed a more […]

Introducing the Streaming Media Lens whitepaper for the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Today we are delighted to introduce the Streaming Media Lens, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected whitepaper. AWS Well-Architected provides a consistent approach for customers to evaluate architectures and implement scalable designs, and this whitepaper provides prescriptive guidance for customers to assess workloads and identify best practices to deploy video streaming workloads. Using the AWS […]

How to turn articles into videos using AWS Elemental MediaConvert and Amazon Polly

Digital media publishers are reinventing their user experiences to meet their customers’ needs. Especially when multitasking, on the go, or interacting with smart devices, readers are looking for alternative ways to consume content. Infographics, photo stories, podcasts, audiobooks, visual narrations, and social media stories are only a few examples of emerging content types that adapt […]

Building ATSC 3.0 workflows on AWS

Since 2015, television broadcasters have been migrating their channel origination workflows to the cloud. For those new to the concept, channel origination is the process by which prerecorded show segments, live content, advertisements, and graphics are combined to convert individual video assets into what we see at home as an assembled linear channel. But the […]

How Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval can simplify your content library supply chain

Media organizations around the world use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to store extensive content libraries because it allows them to scale resources to meet fluctuating needs and optimize storage cost. At re:Invent 2021, AWS launched the Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval archive storage class that delivers the lowest cost storage for long-lived, rarely […]

Part 2: 4K HDR VOD workflows using AWS Elemental MediaConvert and AWS Elemental Server

Part 1: Expanding the color gamut with HDR and AWS Elemental Part 2: HDR VOD workflows using AWS Elemental Server and AWS Elemental MediaConvert (this post) Part 3: Live and VOD-to-Live HDR workflows on AWS You have probably heard 4K and HDR many times, but exactly what do they mean for you and your customers? […]

Part 1: Expanding the color gamut with HDR and AWS Elemental

In this three part series, we discuss the current status of High Dynamic Range (HDR) video support across the AWS Elemental Media Services and appliances. Since our founding in 2006, our customers have expected our products to continue to produce the best quality video per bit using the latest codecs and formats. HDR is now […]

How to get to market fast with Automated ABR encoding

Automated ABR is an AWS Elemental MediaConvert feature that is ideal for customers who are launching an application and require the encoding of video files, but are not video experts. Before Automated ABR, developers had to guess which bitrates/resolutions and encoding settings were ideal to enable the best picture quality for end users. Usually when […]

Stream tennis matches through AWS Elemental MediaLive and generate real-time replays with Amazon Rekognition

UPDATE: A new open source solution called Media Replay Engine (MRE) was released to the public that provides a scalable plugin-based framework designed to process live video sources and generate clips and highlights that support several linear and digital channel use cases. You can find it here: Broadcasters are increasingly looking to the cloud […]