AWS Security Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Patterns for consuming custom log sources in Amazon Security Lake

As security best practices have evolved over the years, so has the range of security telemetry options. Customers face the challenge of navigating through security-relevant telemetry and log data produced by multiple tools, technologies, and vendors while trying to monitor, detect, respond to, and mitigate new and existing security issues. In this post, we provide […]

AWS Firewall Manager logo

Centrally manage VPC network ACL rules to block unwanted traffic using AWS Firewall Manager

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) provides two options for controlling network traffic: network access control lists (ACLs) and security groups. A network ACL defines inbound and outbound rules that allow or deny traffic based on protocol, IP address range, and port range. Security groups determine which inbound and outbound traffic is allowed on a […]

AWS IAM Identity Center

Access AWS services programmatically using trusted identity propagation

With the introduction of trusted identity propagation, applications can now propagate a user’s workforce identity from their identity provider (IdP) to applications running in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and to storage services backing those applications, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or AWS Glue. Since access to applications and data can now be […]

Example multi-tenant SaaS application

SaaS tenant isolation with ABAC using AWS STS support for tags in JWT

As independent software vendors (ISVs) shift to a multi-tenant software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, they commonly adopt a shared infrastructure model to achieve cost and operational efficiency. The more ISVs move into a multi-tenant model, the more concern they may have about the potential for one tenant to access the resources of another tenant. SaaS systems include […]

Private CA logo

How to issue use-case bound certificates with AWS Private CA

In this post, we’ll show how you can use AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) to issue a wide range of X.509 certificates that are tailored for specific use cases. These use-case bound certificates have their intended purpose defined within the certificate components, such as the Key Usage and Extended Key usage extensions. We […]

Establishing a data perimeter on AWS: Analyze your account activity to evaluate impact and refine controls

A data perimeter on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a set of preventive controls you can use to help establish a boundary around your data in AWS Organizations. This boundary helps ensure that your data can be accessed only by trusted identities from within networks you expect and that the data cannot be transferred outside […]

Accelerate incident response with Amazon Security Lake

This blog post is the first of a two-part series that will demonstrate the value of Amazon Security Lake and how you can use it and other resources to accelerate your incident response (IR) capabilities. Security Lake is a purpose-built data lake that centrally stores your security logs in a common, industry-standard format. In part […]

High-level diagram for SAML IdP-initiated authentication flow in a web or mobile app

How to set up SAML federation in Amazon Cognito using IdP-initiated single sign-on, request signing, and encrypted assertions

When an identity provider (IdP) serves multiple service providers (SPs), IdP-initiated single sign-on provides a consistent sign-in experience that allows users to start the authentication process from one centralized portal or dashboard. It helps administrators have more control over the authentication process and simplifies the management. However, when you support IdP-initiated authentication, the SP (Amazon […]

Resources deployed in the customer environment by the solution

Governing and securing AWS PrivateLink service access at scale in multi-account environments

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers have been adopting the approach of using AWS PrivateLink to have secure communication to AWS services, their own internal services, and third-party services in the AWS Cloud. As these environments scale, the number of PrivateLink connections outbound to external services and inbound to internal services increase and are spread out […]