AWS Security Blog

Category: AWS Directory Service

How to configure an LDAPS endpoint for Simple AD

In this blog post, we show you how to configure an LDAPS (LDAP over SSL or TLS) encrypted endpoint for Simple AD so that you can extend Simple AD over untrusted networks. Our solution uses Network Load Balancer (NLB) as SSL/TLS termination. The data is then decrypted and sent to Simple AD. Network Load Balancer […]

How to improve LDAP security in AWS Directory Service with client-side LDAPS

You can now better protect your organization’s identity data by encrypting Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) communications between AWS Directory Service products (AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory, also known as AWS Managed Microsoft AD, and AD Connector) and self-managed Active Directory. Client-side secure LDAP (LDAPS) support enables applications that integrate with AWS Directory […]

How to seamlessly domain join Amazon EC2 instances to a single AWS Managed Microsoft AD Directory from multiple accounts and VPCs

You can now share a single AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (also known as an AWS Managed Microsoft AD) with multiple AWS accounts within an AWS Region. This capability makes it easier and more cost-effective for you to manage directory-aware workloads from a single directory across accounts and Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon […]

How to centralize DNS management in a multi-account environment

Note from June 5, 2019: The approach and architecture in this post is recommended if you prefer more control over DNS servers or prefer to use AWS Managed Active Directory for DNS resolution, however there are some limitations to this approach and we added a “Limitations and additional considerations” section to this post to describe […]

How to Delegate Administration of Your AWS Managed Microsoft AD Directory to Your On-Premises Active Directory Users

You can now enable your on-premises users administer your AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory, also known as AWS Managed Microsoft AD. Using an Active Directory (AD) trust and the new AWS delegated AD security groups, you can grant administrative permissions to your on-premises users by managing group membership in your on-premises AD directory. […]

Introducing AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (Standard Edition)

Today, AWS introduced AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (Standard Edition), also known as AWS Microsoft AD (Standard Edition), which is managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD) that is performance optimized for small and midsize businesses. AWS Microsoft AD (Standard Edition) offers you a highly available and cost-effective primary directory in the AWS Cloud that […]

How to enable server-side LDAPS for your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory

March 18, 2024: We have made minor updates and clarifications based on customer feedback to the post. June 17, 2022: We simplified this post by removing all manual deployment processes and using only the Microsoft Public Key Infrastructure on AWS Quick Start. January 10, 2022: We’ve updated this post with various minor edits. March 29, […]

How to Enable Your Users to Access Office 365 with AWS Managed Microsoft AD

January 18, 2023: We fixed a capitalization issue in a url that was preventing ADFS from authenticating properly in most browers. December 12, 2019: A customer reported that the architecture diagrams had a typo in it, and so we replaced the two diagrams to address the problem. You can now enable your users to access […]

How to Configure an LDAPS Endpoint for Simple AD

September 9, 2020: There’s an updated version of this blog here – Simple AD, which is powered by Samba  4, supports basic Active Directory (AD) authentication features such as users, groups, and ability to join domains. Simple AD also includes an integrated Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. LDAP is a standard application […]