Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Highly available, secure, and managed monitoring for your containerized systems

Using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Prometheus is a popular open-source monitoring and alerting solution optimized for container environments. Learn how to use it with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus.


Use Prometheus query language (PromQL) to filter, aggregate, ingest, and query millions of unique time series metrics from your self-managed Kubernetes clusters.

Automatically scale as your ingestion and query needs grow, and maintain consistent response times for large container deployments.

Integrate with AWS security services to meet your corporate security and compliance requirements.

Reduce the operational costs of configuring, upgrading, and scaling standalone Prometheus servers.

Use cases

Monitor containers on AWS, on premises, and on other clouds. Integrate with Amazon Managed Grafana for monitoring, alerts, and dashboard views.

Learn more about Amazon Managed Grafana

Use PromQL to track container performance and system health, detect errors, and reduce mean time to resolution with alerts.

Take the observability workshop

Collect metrics from anywhere using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, and send those metrics to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus using an open-source exporter.

Learn more about AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Monitor and alert on high-cardinality data—such as video streams, network applications, and time series data from IoT devices.

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