پرش به محتوا

بؤلمه:سی‌اس۱ خطالاری

ویکی‌پدیادان، آچیق بیلیک‌لیک‌دن

This is a tracking category for the various Citation Style 1 citation error categories. It is distinguished from بؤلمه:Articles with incorrect citation syntax in that it contains sub-categories that are used only by ماژول:Citation/CS1. This category should not contain individual pages.

Information about the errors is available at Help:CS1 errors.

The total count of articles in subcategories of this category is خطای اسکریپتی: تابع «error_cat_page_tally» وجود ندارد. (update this page to refresh this count). This number involves some double-counting, since a single article may appear in multiple subcategories.


بۇ بؤلمه‌ده تکجه آشاغیداکی آلت‌بؤلمه واردیر.