This is Andronymous’ music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Punk
  1. collection 71
  2. wishlist 12
  3. followers 4
  4. following 218
  1. Alone at Last
    by Tasha
  2. Pollinator
    by Cloud Rat
  3. Specter EP
    by Material Support
  4. Estraik Back
    by Los Esplifs
    Perro Rabioso Perro Rabioso
    Because Los Espliffs is dope!
  5. As Above So Below
    by Sampa The Great
    Bona Bona
    Because Sampa is Great
  6. Pancho Villa's Skull
    by Pancho Villa's Skull
    Injusticia Injusticia
    Because Pancho Villa's Skull rips!
  7. Canal Irreal
    by Canal Irreal
    Manarchist Manarchist
    Cause Canal Irreal kills!
  8. Eden
    by Ivy Sole
    Cloud Kickin' Cloud Kickin'
    Because Ivy Sole is Ill
  9. The Trial
    by No Thanks
    Lurch Lurch
    Cause No Thanks shreds!
    by SlutBomb
  11. Eighty-Six Twelve
    by SlutBomb
  12. These Hands of Mine
    by Corrupt Vision
  13. FECKIN WEIRDO: Nnamdi's spectral adventures through a pubulous conundrum, canceling out the burrowing burden and ambiguity of his pre-zuberant tooth shine.
    by NNAMDÏ
  14. Black Plight
    by NNAMDÏ
  15. Bootie Noir
    by NNAMDÏ
  16. Demo '22
  17. budding ornithologists are weary of tired analogies
    by milo
  18. purple moonlight pages
    by R.A.P. Ferreira
  19. the Light Emitting Diamond Cutter Scriptures
    by R.A.P. Ferreira
  20. 5 to the Eye with Stars
    by R.A.P. Ferreira