MD Matin

MD Matin

Research Officer at ICDDRB

১৩ অনুসারী ১৩ কানেকশন


Organisational / managerial skills:
Research proposal and protocol development: Skilled in writing research concept notes, developing semi-structured interview topic guides (IDI, FGD, KII, Case studies) and qualitative & quantitative research methodologies, including: Inductive analysis, SPSS data analysis. Proficient in developing research proposals that include a thorough research design and methodology and apply for grant funding opportunities. Develop research protocols, and assist the research team to obtain Institutional Review Board approval.

Data Management, Knowledge Creation, and Translation: Critically assess data quality and integrity, collect and accurately record valid data, conduct associative and descriptive analysis, interpret data, and communicate research findings to internal and external audiences in the most comprehensible way.
Scientific Writing and Publication: Conduct scientific literature review with updated information, participate in writing the research results and publish in international, peer-reviewed journals as first-author and/or co-authors.
Project Management: Support the research team to hire and train project staff for data collection, arrange field-testing and finalizing of data collection tools, assign work to team members and initiate activities as per project plan, monitor data collection and ensure data quality, coach staff on how to address issues faced during fieldwork. Prepare and track the research budget efficiently.


  • Research Officer


    -বর্তমান 14 বছর মাস 7

    Dhaka Bangladesh

     Experienced to prepare research tools to facilitate qualitative investigation (In-Depth Interviews, Focus Group Discussion, Key Informant Interviews, Participatory Rural Appraisal Informal Conversation, Case studies, write impression note) in study site. Organizing, and archiving audio-visual data, transcribing audio file verbatim way. Performing thematic analysis of textual data using ATLAS.ti5.2 and NVivo version 12 software. Have expertise to write study report and present study findings…

     Experienced to prepare research tools to facilitate qualitative investigation (In-Depth Interviews, Focus Group Discussion, Key Informant Interviews, Participatory Rural Appraisal Informal Conversation, Case studies, write impression note) in study site. Organizing, and archiving audio-visual data, transcribing audio file verbatim way. Performing thematic analysis of textual data using ATLAS.ti5.2 and NVivo version 12 software. Have expertise to write study report and present study findings at different scientific forums including international conferences in abroad, Coordinate with stakeholders making liaison with them running qualitative/quantitative research project smoothly. Have skilled on organizing and conducting training, prepare work schedule, mentoring team members on completion of ongoing projects. Supervised field staffs by frequent field visit through recheck, spot- check of questionnaire administration & documentation quality, validity and inconsistency to identify common patterns and trends research projects. Experienced writing scientific paper for publication on peer reviewed journal.


সম্পূর্ণ প্রোফাইল দেখুন MD

  • আপনি কাকে সাধারণভাবে জানেন তা দেখুন
  • পরিচয় করিয়ে দিন
  • সরাসরি যোগাযোগ MD করুন
সম্পূর্ণ প্রোফাইল দেখতে যোগদান করুন

অন্যান্য অনুরূপ প্রোফাইল

অন্যরা নাম প্রকাশ MD Matin করেছেন Bangladesh

এই কোর্সগুলির সাথে নতুন দক্ষতা যুক্ত করুন