EU Competition Policy

EU Competition Policy

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Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels Region 29,793 followers

The European Commission DG for Competition | We bring you the latest news and information on #EUcompetition policy

About us

Competition policy is about fairness and keeping market power in check. It encourages companies to offer consumers goods and services that are of high quality, at a fair price and with more choice. It opens doors for new or smaller competitors to take on established players, and to do so on a level playing field. And it sparks efficiency and innovation – crucial factors for the success of the digital and green transitions. Through competition, companies remain nimble and strong. This creates the – big and small – champions that Europe needs to succeed on the global stage. This contributes to more resilient economic growth and fosters employment. Whistle-blower Communication Tools We do not pay, but we appreciate whistleblowers. If you possess insider knowledge of a cartel or other antitrust infringements, please share the information or evidence you hold with us. You can help to detect, stop and punish serious competition law infringements, which damage the EU economy. Three dedicated channels are available to you: an anonymous whistle-blower tool, an email box and a phone line. We keep your identity confidential, but you can even let us know what you know without disclosing your identity. More information can be found on our dedicated Whistle-blower webpage: #EUCompetition #EUAntitrust #EUMergerControl #EUStateAid #Whistleblower #cartels

Government Administration
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501-1,000 employees
Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels Region


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    🔴 Today, the European Commission has concluded that three German measures in favour of Ryanair and the Frankfurt-Hahn airport are incompatible with EU State aid rules ❌ Germany must now recover the incompatible aid, including interest. 🛑 In a separate decision, the Commission also found that other public funding measures for Frankfurt-Hahn Airport, Haitec AG, and Ryanair do not constitute State aid. 💶 On this basis, the Commission ordered Germany to recover approximately €13 to €14 million, plus interest, from Ryanair and €1.25 million, plus interest, from Frankfurt-Hahn airport. ⚖ Incompatible State aid must be recovered without delay to remove the distortion of competition created by the aid. ℹ Under EU state aid rules, there are no fines, and the purpose of recovery is to restore the situation in the internal market before the aid was paid. 👌 By paying back the unlawful aid, the beneficiary forfeits the advantage that it has enjoyed over its competitors. All detailed information can be found at the link below ⬇ 🔗!NWXwKn #EUStateAid #EUCompetition #Ryanair #Frankfurt #Airport

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    Today, DG Competition participated in the 28th Annual Competition Conference organised by the International Bar Association ⬇ 🗣 Director-General Olivier Guersent joined the “Enforcers Roundtable” session alongside leading agency heads, including Benoît Coeuré, John Elias, and Athanasia Gavala, in a discussion moderated by Frédéric Jenny from the OECD - OCDE. 🤝 The panel explored the latest developments in competition policy, the key priorities for today, and the strategic focus areas for the future. Discussions centred as well on the coordination of efforts and the future of international cooperation among global antitrust agencies. 👩💻 Olivier Guersent took the opportunity to highlight DG COMP's ongoing initiatives, particularly in the realm of competition and artificial intelligence.   📍 EU Competition policy plays a pivotal role in ensuring that AI-driven markets remain competitive and innovation-driven, while simultaneously providing consumers and businesses with a wide choice of AI solutions. Today's event was also an opportunity to stress DG Competition's dual role 1️⃣ To enforce competition rules, preserving the integrity of the Single Market and foster its development 2️⃣ To support EU industrial policies Driving better living standards for all Europeans and giving all European businesses fair chances to succeed. 🌐These fora are invaluable in fostering dialogue, enhancing cooperation, and shaping the future of global competition policy. Through collaborative efforts, we can ensure fair competition and innovation thrive in an increasingly complex global economy. Autorité de la concurrence Hellenic Competition Commission U.S. Department of Justice #EUCompetition #AnnualCompetitionConference #IBA

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    You can read here below the speech by Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager at the 28th Annual Competition Conference of the International Bar Association 👇 🔗!vB7HPj 🗨 "[...] I think it is fair to say that a profound updating of European competition rules is in motion. The work is not finished, but competition policy is a continuum”. #EUCompetition #IBAcomp

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    🔴 The European Commission has published today a Staff Working Document summarising the findings of the evaluation of the EU antitrust procedural framework 👇 This evaluation focuses on Regulation 1/2003 and Regulation 773/2004, which establish the procedural framework for implementing EU competition rules under Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. 🔑These regulations have been instrumental in shaping EU antitrust enforcement during the last 20 years. Main findings of the evaluation ✨⬇ 📌 The Regulations have generally achieved their objective of effective, efficient and uniform application of EU competition rules. 📌 The two main changes brought about by Regulation 1/2003 were a success: I) the removal of the old system requiring the notification of agreements to the Commission for companies to benefit from an exemption under Article 101(3) TFEU, and II) the modernised system of parallel enforcement of EU competition rules by the Commission and national competition authorities (NCAs) and courts. NCAs have become key enforcers of EU competition law together with the Commission. 📌The evaluation also underlines the need for faster investigations. It identified several issues, some of which are connected to digitalisation, which may impact the effectiveness of investigation tools and powers that were written for ‘paper world’ investigations. Some aspects of cooperation within the ECN could also be improved further. The Commission collected evidence from different sources, including an external evaluation support study published today together with the summaries of the stakeholders’ workshop and the NCAs’ feedback 📂 📅 During the next months, the Commission will reflect on the evaluation results and decide whether to launch a process for the revision of the Regulations. Staff Working Document 🔗!kWgyXK For more information about the publication and the evaluation 🔗!tj8Bnq #EUCompetition #EUAntitrust #20YearsReg1 #StaffWorkingDocument

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    ⏳ Just two weeks left until the deadline for our Student Challenge on the "Protecting Competition in a Changing World" Report 👇 👨🎓 If you're a university student interested in competition, don't miss this opportunity to share your ideas with us and possibly present your views to Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager here in Brussels🤝 Just two easy steps to participate: 1️⃣ Watch the “Protecting Competition in a Changing World” conference at the link below and study the evidence presented at the conference 2️⃣ Choose a panel discussion, envision yourself as a speaker and tell us what you would have talked about. 📅 Submit your abstract to [email protected] by 20 September 2024. You can find all additional information about the Student Challenge at the link below ⬇ 🔗!7MQ4W6 #EUCompetition #Student #StudentChallenge #ProtectingCompetition

    Protecting competition in a changing world

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    DG Competition is pleased to welcome Deputy-Director Mr. Kentaro Doi of the Japan Fair Trade Commission as a Seconded National Expert ⬇    🤝 For the next 10 months, Mr. Doi will be seconded to the Directorate dealing with Digital Platforms where he will contribute to our ongoing work.    🌏 This secondment reflects the long-standing collaboration between DG COMP and the JFTC, providing valuable opportunities for both sides.    ℹ It enables JFTC staff to gain deep insights into DG COMP's operations and policies, while also enriching DG COMP with a Japanese perspective on competition enforcement.   For more information about DG Competition's international relations 👇  🔗!GMD7KC   #EUCompetition #JFTC #secondement #enforcement #EUJAPAN #DMA

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    Read here below the Statement by Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager on today's Court of Justice judgment on the Illumina/GRAIL merger jurisdiction decisions ⬇ 🔗!CHNXKD 🗣 "[...] We will consider the next steps to ensure that the Commission is able to review those few cases where a deal would have an impact in Europe but does not otherwise meet the EU notification thresholds". #EUCompetition #EUMergerControl #Illumina #Grail #Vestager

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    🎙️ Le jeudi 12 septembre, rejoignez Inge Bernaerts, Directrice à la DG COMP, pour une conversation enrichissante avec nos amis francophones de L'Entente. Une occasion unique d'explorer les enjeux de la concurrence au sein de l'UE avec une experte de premier plan. Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ci-dessous 👇 #EUCompetition #Concurrence #DroitDeLaConcurrence

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    Chers amis,   L’Entente fait sa rentrée ! Notre prochaine édition des Concertations de l’Entente, notre rendez-vous convivial et informel avec une personnalité du monde de la Concurrence, aura lieu le jeudi 12 septembre prochain à 18h00.   Cette fois, c’est Inge Bernaerts, Directrice « Policy and Strategy » de la DG COMP, qui se prêtera au jeu et répondra aux questions de Marion Bailly et Jean-Nicolas Maillard.   Avant de retourner à la DG COMP au poste de directrice « Policy and Strategy » en août 2020, Inge a occupé des postes de management à la DG ENER et était Cheffe de Cabinet de la Commissaire chargée de l’emploi et des affaires sociales Marianne Thyssen sous la Commission Juncker. Entre 2003 et 2010, Inge a été rapporteure en droit des pratiques anticurrentielles et des aides d’Etat ainsi qu’assistante du Directeur Général de la DG COMP. Inge a également exercé en tant qu’avocate avant de rejoindre la Commission et est diplômée des universités KU Leuven et Sarrlandes Saarbrücken.   Comme précédemment, cet évènement se tiendra chez BRG, au 9, rue Guimard, 1040 Bruxelles. Les inscriptions se font via le lien ci-dessous.    Cordialement,   l’Entente (asbl)

    Concertations avec Inge Bernaerts le 12 septembre 2024

    Concertations avec Inge Bernaerts le 12 septembre 2024

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    📄 Read the European Competition Network (ECN) Joint Statement on the EU Commission’s initiative to adopt new Guidelines on the application of Article 102 TFEU to abusive exclusionary conduct by dominant undertakings 👇 You can also find the Joint statement and more information about the ECN, following the link below ⬇️ 🔗!C4P3dK #EUCompetition #EuropeanCompetitionNetwork #ECN

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    📣 The European Commission has launched a call for evidence to seek feedback on the revision of the State Aid Aviation Guidelines ✈ 📃 The Aviation Guidelines set out the conditions under which Member States and local authorities may grant State aid to airports and airlines 🛬 🎯 The purpose of the call for evidence is to gather facts and evidence on this framework's functioning and assess the extent to which the guidelines may or may not need to be amended or revised. In particular, the call for evidence seeks to: 📌 analyse the evolution of the aviation market since the adoption of the Aviation Guidelines and the needs of the aviation sector; 📌 assess if the Aviation Guidelines should be updated and simplified to reduce administrative burden and improve compliance by Member States; 📌 assess how to better align the Aviation Guidelines with the priorities of the European Green Deal. 🔴 All interested parties can submit their views in any official EU language on the Commission's Have Your Say Portal until 8 October 2024 📅 The Commission will prepare a public consultation planned for the last quarter of 2024. To participate ⬇!h8r4RH For all information 👇!bcQY6p #EUCompetition #StateAid #Aviation #CallForEvidence #EUCommission

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