Showing posts with label Limone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Limone. Show all posts

Saturday 23 April 2011

Limone sul Garda

Whizzing around the lake on a Catamaran offers up some nice views, and the sea air gives you a thirst...

There are not that many Lemon themed towns in the world, but here we have one: a small set of streets clinging to a vertical cliff face, where everywhere you look giant sized lemons are on sale.

But of course I was more interested in finding interesting beer than lemons, and although I drew a blank in the town's cafes, I stumbled upon this treasure trove in a shop...

Shame there were no Italian beers in there... do most Italians not yet seriously believe that their birra artigianale is a match for any in the world?
What caught my eye was the bottled conditioned Shepherd Neame 1698, as the vast majority of the time when you find British beer in Europe they will be pasteurised, even if in Britain they would be bottle or cask conditioned. Boy oh boy was this nice... it really brought back to me the taste of real ale, the one thing I miss about Britain.