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# DAILY QUOTE # -"हर भले आदमी की एक रेल होती है/ जो माँ के घर तक जाती है/ सीटी बजाती हुई / धुआँ उड़ाती हुई"/ Every good man has a rail / Which goes to his mother / Blowing wistles / Making smokes [– आलोक धन्वा, विख्यात कवि की एक पूर्ण कविता / A full poem by Alok Dhanwa, Renowned poet]

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Thursday 16 March 2023

"Maranoparant' play staged at Patna on 13.3.2023

 The woman is gone but the fire of her relationships is yet to extinguish
(A drama report)

(हिंदी में देखने के लिए - यहाँ क्लिक करके क्र.सं. 13 पर जाइये)

The experience of happiness in a man depends not just on carnal pleasure but also on the realisation of the selfless surrender of the woman. The whole past experience of pleasure turns obnoxious once the husband knows about the infidelity of his wife. On the other side, even neither the lover nor the woman herself are very satisfied in the new-found relationship because of the woman's heavy preoccupation with her husband's love.

The story written by Surendra Verma would leave you stunned on the matter of popular dogmas of marital life.

The woman is gone but the fire of her relationships is yet to extinguish. One is the husband and another is her extra-marital lover who has  so far been unknown to the husband. The husband got the phone number of that guy from the purse of her wife when he visited the hospital to see her dead body who died in a head-on clash with a truck. He calls the guy and both have a heartfelt talk about their relationship with the same woman in their own spheres. Ultimately it becomes clear that though the woman was fed up with her relationship with her husband she was still loving him and could not feel free from him in her psychological realm. The lover was already feeling like the woman was playing second fiddle with him and he was not able to get her unbound original love. On every occasion the woman used to begin talking about her husband's behaviour in detail which was quite disgusting to him. Here, the husband who was absolutely unaware of the infidelity of his wife was now feeling cheated. The whole experience of pleasure moments with her which he has thought was solemn and pious was now looking absolutely hollow to him. 

In the end, both the men come to terms and decide to forget the dead woman and explore their further life in their own separate ways.

On March 13, 2023, the drama "Maranoparant" written by Surendra Verma was staged at the local Kalidas Rangalaya in Patna by the theater organization Rangam, Patna. Which was conceptualized and directed by Ras Raj.

Rupali Malhotra was playing the female character, Raas Raj was in the first person, Kunal Sathyan was in the second person and Chandan Kumar was playing the waiter. The stage was operated by Vibha Kapoor. Behind the scenes lighting design was by Rahul Ravi, music by Adarsh Raj Pyaasa and Akshay Kumar and stage design by Satish Kumar and Sunil Sharma. Shivam Kumar, Pinku Raj and Manish Mahiwal contributed behind the scenes in various forms to its presentation. Pinku Raj and Nibha's clothes were arranged. The design was done by Nibha and photography by Swastika and Vibha Kapoor. Other members of the team were Ramesh Singh and Manoj Raj. Videography by Aditya Sharma and Nihal Kumar Dutta.

The play was widely applauded by the viewers. The whole team of 'Rangam' should be appreciated for presenting such a delicate thought-intensive play successfully.

Report by - Hemant Das 'Him'
Send your response to - [email protected] / [email protected]

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