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Trump Finally Agrees to Debate VP Kamala Harris on ABC – We Think?

During what's being described as a "press conference," Donald Trump apparently agreed to debate VP Kamala Harris on ABC next month - we think?

During a rambling speech/bad stand-up act/worst spoken word poetry offering ever at Mar-a-Lago in Florida earlier today, ex-reality show host, multi-impeached ex-POTUS, and convicted felon Donald Trump seemed confused about debate dates and networks. But in the end, ABC claims that it got what it was looking for. "ABC News will host qualifying presidential candidates to debate on September 10 on ABC," a network spokesperson shared. "Vice President Harris and former President Trump have both confirmed they will attend the ABC debate." While we're happy for ABC's good news, we wouldn't be doing any victory laps until after he actually shows up – because it's a long road between now and September 1oth.

Trump also threw out there that he was going to debate Vice-President Kamala Harris on FOX "News" on September 4th, as well as some other dates in September that included NBC and ABC – though it seems that might've been more rambling on Trump's part since VP Harris' camp has already expressed its disinterest in going with Trump's hometeam over at FOX "News," while the networks are apparently exploring a range of dates with no confirmations set (aside from ABC). The same goes for the vice-presidential debate he mentioned – nothing confirmed from any of the other parties involved.

Image: Kamala Harris YouTube Screencap; FOX News Screencap

A quick history lesson. Back in May, Trump and then-Democratic POTUS nominee and President Joseph Biden had agreed upon two debate dates – before either one of them was more than their party's respective nominees: June 27th on CNN and September 10th on ABC. Since that time, President Biden stepped down as the Democratic POTUS nominee – with VP Harris already having enough publically pledged delegates to secure the spot at the party's convention later this month. Once that happened, the back-tracking and seesawing by Trump shifted into overdrive.

First, Trump and his ilk attempted the old "she's not the party's official nominee" excuse to block the ABC debate – except President Biden also wasn't when the debate dates were initially announced. Following that, they claimed that Trump couldn't go on ABC because there would be a "conflict of interest" since Trump is in litigation with the network over comments made by This Week's George Stephanopoulos. The big problem with that? The suit was filed two months before the debate dates were agreed upon – why wasn't there a "conflict" then?

When Trump and President Biden were finalizing details, FOX "News" and MSNBC were taken off the table as hosts – with the guideline being that only a network that hosted a 2016 Republican primary debate and a 2020 Democratic primary debate were eligible. And we all know by now that studio audiences were always going to be a line in the sand – and it was also a point that Trump agreed to (reportedly, in exchange for Trump not being fact-checked in real-time).

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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