An ag(e)ing hacker, Luca Saiu's blog
2022-05-16 22:00 Luca Saiu

Hackers getting married

On May 14th E. and I got married, here in Zürich.

I do not normally share very personal information here; but people who knew me before January 2021 will remember me before and since that time. How she changed me for the better. E. is my joy.

Hugging photo
E. and I hugging under the cloister next to the Stadthaus. Photo by Gloria Bressan.

For the occasion we invited our friends and relatives, most of whom live as émigrés in one country or another, like us. We had several of our old-time friends from the GNU Project, and some guests with young children still unused to such an international context who soon enough learned to enjoy the sound of different languages and the happy chaos of people meeting for the first time, some more traditional if not formal, others fun and weird.
We regret that some of the people we invited were not able to attend. We will show them the photos, hoping that they will find some other occasion to visit us.

People left some fun and some emotional messages on our guestbook. We will treasure all of them.

Photo: E. looking at me
E. looking at me at the Stadthaus during the ceremony. Photo by Gloria Bressan.

While E. followed the Turkish tradition by having me move her ring from her right ring finger to her left ring finger, I handled my wedding ring in a different way: I took my ring from my left ring finger and had E. immediately put it back where it was, on the same left ring finger.
I could not resist the temptation of quickly voicing my objections to a state meddling into our private relationships and their “official” status, in front of the city officer: for what concerns me, a monogamist by nature, I was already married to E. before the ceremony.

But of course we were tense, and we made a few small mistakes. It was funny. It was sweet.

Photo: E. shining
E. shining, as I was playing with her veil. Photo by Gloria Bressan.

— Luca Saiu, 2022-05-16 22:00

e, english, gnu, myself, switzerland, wedding, zürich

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[my photo]
Luca Saiu

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