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New in August 2024: We upgraded our data integration with Orion, launched a new 13F holdings report, and optimized our Invoice page and Help Center

August -Blog-OrionWe enhanced our Orion data integration 

Our integration with Orion’s reporting tool received an upgrade. In addition to the existing custodial data for transactions, accounts and positions, our integration now also includes cost basis data. 

Setting up the integration is a simple 2-step process.

Step 1: Contact Altruist Support 

Email Authorization - Send an email to [email protected] using the following template:

"Please accept this email as my authorization to send data to Orion Advisor Technology for our firm’s Altruist data. Notify Orion at [email protected] when the setup is complete, along with our unique firm name present in our firm’s file sets."

Upon receipt, our support team will begin the process of exporting your firm’s data to Orion.

Step 2: Contact Orion Support 

Submit a Support Case in Orion Connect:

  1. Open the support app within Orion Connect.
  2. Click the submit case button.
  3. Fill in the Service Request with your firm’s details, including the Orion advisor number, firm name, unique firm ID (to be sent by Altruist), and preferences for new accounts processing.

Note: The integration process may take 14-21 business days from when Orion receives all the necessary information.

Learn more about all of our Integrations here.

August -Blog-Report
Introducing the new 13F Holdings Report

The 13F Holdings Report is a quarterly filing required by the SEC, for all advisors who manage assets of at least $100 million. We understand that it can be tedious and time-consuming to gather all the necessary data for reporting, so we’ve made 13F filing much easier.

Now you can easily review and filter through your 13F securities, and download a report based on your customizations. The new 13F report is a helpful tool for completing your 13F filing. 

Learn more about our portfolio reporting here.

Other UX improvements you might have missed this month...

Invoice Page updates:

We received feedback about discrepancies between displayed number of invoices and actual number of invoices within an Account’s billing period, so we’ve made updates to the Invoice Page to make invoices easier to distinguish. 

Now, you’ll be able to see 5 new columns: 

1. Total Number of Invoices: The total number of invoices in a billing period, including system generated invoices and manual invoices.

2. Unexecuted Invoices: Invoices that are in the “Ready to execute” state in a billing period.

3. Total Fees (Unexecuted): The sum of “Ready to execute” invoice fees 

4. Total Fees: The sum of “Executed” and “Ready to execute” invoice fees

5. Status: 

  • “Ready To Execute” status means all of the invoices in a billing period are unexecuted
  • “Partially Executed” status means some of the invoices in a billing period are unexecuted 
  • "Executed” status means all of the invoices in a billing period are executed


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