OpenSimulator Community Conference 2021 – OSCC21

The OpenSimulator Community Conference is one of the longest running virtual conference series, having started in 2013 and run annually since. The OpenSimulator community and Avacon Inc. come together to run the event on the OpenSimulator Community Conference (OpenSimCC – grid.

The main keynote presentations area uses the adjacent corners of 4 sims to provide capacity for up to around 400 attendees.

Links to my blog posts on earlier OpenSimulator Community Conferences..

Day One

Day Two

Expo Booths

Barbara Truman Tribute – Planetarium Plaza

Barbara Truman of the University of Central Florida and avatar Delightful Dooglangle in world died in 2021. In her honour and to celebrate her many activities and achievements in education and virtual worlds a Planetarium Plaza region has been created on the OSCC21 grid. The region has been created by some of the members of her team and the Virtual Harmony project including Andrew Stricker (Spinoza Quinnell), Cynthia Calongne (Lyr Lobo), Francisca Yonekura (Frankie Antonelli) and JJ Jacobson (JJ Drinkwater)…

The Barbara Truman Planetarium honours our dear friend, Delightful Doowangle, and her love for virtual worlds. Delightful devoted her life to virtual world simulation research, education, and Team Science. She supported the OSCC Organizing Committee and was the Community Manager for the Military Open Simulator Enterprise Strategy (MOSES) project. Join us as we reflect on how she continues to inspire us at Virtual Harmony.

Outworldz Portal Region

Fred Beckhusen (Ferd Frederix) has provided a portal and demonstration region for the “Outworldz” DreamGrid distribution of OpenSim… widely used to provide a simple to set up and manage OpenSim grid with many additional modules for extra capabilities. See

Music Plaza

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