Massive Open Online Courses: promoting decent work at a scale
October 3, 2019
by [email protected]
On September 23rd, ITCILO’s Jobs for Peace and Resilience Training Programme jointly with the ...
Massive Open Online Courses: promoting de...
October 3, 2019
by [email protected]
On September 23rd, ITCILO’s Jobs for Peace and Resilience Training Program...
  • Massive Open Online Courses: promoting decent work at a scale
    On September 23rd, ITCILO’s Jobs for Peace and Resilience Training Programme jointly with the ILO’s Coordination Support Unit for Peace and Resilience released the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about ILO’s Recommendation No. 205. ILO’s Recommendation No. 205 on ...
  • What the hack?
    “To celebrate the centenary of the ILO and participate in its 24-hour Global Tour, the ITCILO organized a hackaton on the Future of Work and the Future of Learning“ The word hackathon is probably one of the buzzwords you have heard in recent years and not only used in circles where ...
  • The Future is a Mindset
    Last week we participated in the ILO Global Tour which traveled across 24 offices from Fiji to Lima. While in Turin we were joined by 30 local and global students who participated in a hackathon on the Future of Learning. Their stories were compared with the ideas of futurist Gerd Leonhard. The ...
  • Innovation Sprint @ITC-ILO. Making use of interactive video-walls.
    Learning Innovation is one of our crossing cutting strategic drivers that highlights the comparative advantage of our Center. To communicate this idea we made use of an 8 meter long video-wall (composed of 80 micro-tiles). For us the ideal opportunity to test digital storytelling in a large format. ...
  • Designing Open Education: how is your organization tackling the scalability challenge?
    Technological progress makes constant learning a must. In this respect, Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, appear to be an ideal alternative to traditional formal education. MOOCs emerged from the open education resources movement and are since then considered helpful to improve access to ...