Initiating Essential Conversations: NASA’s Diversity and Inclusion Blog

Welcome to NASA’s new Diversity and Inclusion Blog! As the Associate Administrator for NASA’s Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity, I am proud to jumpstart this forum, which I hope will be the impetus for authentic conversations across the Agency on Equal Opportunity and Diversity and Inclusion issues relevant to your experiences and close to your hearts.

I invite you to join me in engaging in our upcoming discussions, starting with the topic of NASA’s 2018 Anti-Harassment Campaign. I earnestly believe that we will improve our mutual understanding and successful teamwork through our willingness to voice our unique and diverse viewpoints and by engaging in constructive dialogue, and ultimately enable even greater individual and collective success in helping NASA achieve its mission.

This forum can only as effective as your participation permits it to be! Your feedback and comments are vital to Agency-wide dialogue and engagement. What topics and issues would you like to see addressed in the upcoming months? What considerations and concerns do you think need to be understood to be impactful in our efforts?

Thank you for your participation!

Steve Shih, Esq.
Associate Administrator
Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity