
Where to find Opera’s Privacy and Security team online

Where to find Opera's privacy and security team online

Hello everyone!

Through this blog, we strive to offer timely updates and important information about Opera and our products. This helps us maintain an open line of communication with our users, particularly when it comes to important topics like privacy and security. You might already have seen a few of our recent posts, but we also realize not everyone pays attention to a company blog all the time.

So here’s a couple of other places where you can reach us when looking for information on Opera and our browsers:

  • Twitter/X: Our account is Opera_Security. Follow us for security update information, and the occasional 27-post thread!
  • Reddit: We have a Reddit account now, it’s true! Look at us do internet, eh? You’ll find us as opera_security.
  • TikTok: Because we have to show off all that in-office dancing somewhere. We’re opera_security.
  • YouTube: Because one video platform is never enough. We’re Opera_Security.

Through our channels, we will be posting the latest official information and doing our best to address user questions as they come. So stay tuned!

As always, stay safe out there!

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