Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Amy Harmon Infinity + One cover reveal


When two unlikely allies become two unwitting outlaws, will two unforgettable lovers defy unbeatable odds?

Bonnie Rae Shelby is a superstar. She’s rich. She’s beautiful. She’s impossibly famous. And Bonnie Rae Shelby wants to die.

Finn Clyde is a nobody. He’s broken. He’s brilliant. He’s impossibly cynical. And all he wants is a chance at life.

One girl. One boy. An act of compassion. A bizarre set of circumstances. And a choice – turn your head and walk away, or reach out your hand and risk it all?

With that choice, the clock starts ticking on a man with a past and a girl who can’t face the future, counting down the seconds in an adventure riddled with heartbreak and humor, misunderstanding and revelation. With the world against them, two very different people take a journey that will not only change their lives, but may cost them their lives as well.

Infinity + One is a tale of shooting stars and fame and fortune, of gilded cages and iron bars, of finding a friend behind a stranger’s face, and discovering love in the oddest of places.


He bit back a curse and strode to his truck. Unlocking the door, he tossed his bags in the backseat, climbed in, and slammed the door. He turned the key and backed out resolutely, trying to ignore the fact that she had risen, her hands on her bags, and that her hood had slipped from her head. She didn’t move forward, didn’t call out to him to wait. She just stood there, watching him go. He shifted into drive and made it 100 feet before he let his eyes find her figure in the rear view mirror.

“Unbelievable,” Finn ground out, and slammed the wheel with the palm of his hand. He slowed to a stop. “UNBELIEVABLE!” he reprimanded himself even as he engaged the brake, pushed the door open and lurched out of the idling vehicle. Bonnie still stood with her two duffle bags in her hands, her grandma’s stolen purse on her shoulder, but now her lips were slightly parted, clearly stunned that he’d stopped.

And she wasn’t the only one. Finn felt like he was split right down the middle. The rational part of his brain, the side that ensured his survival and his sanity, was outraged, demanding that he keep driving, while the side of his brain that was connected to his heart and other parts of his body was breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn’t let her get away.

She didn’t move, as if she was sure that the moment she did he would change his mind, climb back in the Blazer, and drive away. So he walked back to her, battling with himself every step of the way. He walked until they were practically toe to toe, her dark eyes wide and lifted to his, his hands shoved into his pockets so he wouldn’t strangle her. But his pockets felt like manacles around his wrists and he yanked them free, fisting them in the front of Bonnie’s puffy pink coat and raising her up on her toes and into him until they weren’t toe to toe any longer but nose to nose. His emotions were a big tangled ball of anger, longing, and injustice all wrapped up in impatient outrage, and Finn couldn’t separate one feeling from another. So he did the only thing he could do. He kissed her.

It wasn’t a soft kiss or a sweet kiss. It was a ‘you-scared-me-and-messed-with-me-and-I’m-mad-and-relieved-and-unbelievably-frustrated’ kind of kiss. It was teeth and lips and nipping and bruising, and Finn couldn’t make himself stop, even when Bonnie’s teeth tugged at his lower lip and her hands pulled at his hair. Especially then. And when she wrapped her arms around his neck and stepped up onto his toes so that she could press herself flush against him, he decided revenge really was sweet, and enjoyed the feel of her face against his, the wet heat of her mouth making him forget he was standing in the middle of a Motel 6 parking lot with his ride rumbling behind him, the driver side door still hanging wide open. The rational part of his brain was stunned into peaceful silence…for all of ten seconds.

Amy Harmon knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story.

Amy Harmon has been a motivational speaker, a grade school teacher, a junior high teacher, a home school mom, and a member of the Grammy Award winning Saints Unified Voices Choir, directed by Gladys Knight. She released a Christian Blues CD in 2007 called “What I Know” – also available on Amazon and wherever digital music is sold. She has written five novels, Running Barefoot, Slow Dance in Purgatory, Prom Night in Purgatory, the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue, Making Faces, and coming in June, Infinity + One.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Until Nico cover reveal!

By Aurora Rose Reynolds

RELEASE DATE: June 3rd, 2014

Sophie Grates has never had it easy, but she’s finding her way through life one step and one day at a time. That is, Until Nico comes in and flips her world upside-down. He forces her to see you cannot live life from the outside looking in, and sometimes you have to step out onto the ledge so you can really enjoy the view. Nico Mayson knew the moment he saw Sophie Grates that she was the one. His whole life, he has been judged by what’s on the outside, so finding a beautiful woman who sees the real him only makes his feelings that much stronger. Nico knows the kind of man he is, and the things he is capable of, and he will do everything in his power to help Sophie fight her demons so they can have their happily ever after. Everything in life worth having is worth fighting for.

About the Author:

Aurora Rose Reynolds is a navy brat who's husband served in the United States Navy. She has lived all over the country but now resides in New York City with her Husband and pet fish. She's married to an alpha male that loves her as much as the men in her books love their women. He gives her over the top inspiration everyday. In her free time she reads, writes and enjoys going to the movies with her husband and cookie. She also enjoys taking mini weekend vacations to nowhere, or spends time at home with friends and family. Last but not least she appreciates everyday and admires it's beauty.

And check out the beautiful new covers for the rest of the series...

BOOK 1: Until November 

BOOK 2: Until Trevor 

BOOK 3: Until Lilly 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Take Me for Granted by K. A. Linde Release Blitz


Manwhore. Adrenaline junkie. Lead singer of ContraBand. What you see is what you get. I make no apologies for my actions, and by now no one expects any from me. I live my life the way I want and as long as it pushes the demons back, then I'm solid. I've never needed a chick for more than a good lay. Why would I need just one when I can have a different one every night?

Until she walks into my world.

Mouthy. Perfectionist. Princeton student. Chemistry major. Yes, that pretty much describes me. Oh, and virgin. But I'm only nineteen, and have more important things to concern myself with. What really matters is finishing my degree and getting a good job. I’ve worked hard for what I want, and do what’s expected of me. I don’t need anyone to get in my way.

Until he opens up my world.

But if I give you my world, whatever you do…don’t TAKE ME for granted.

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I sat up, reached out, and touched his jeans hesitantly. “I thought, um…that is, if you want…maybe we could try something else.”
Grant’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “What do you have in mind?”
I turned crimson from head to toe. My hand slid up his leg, and over his dick. He looked at me like I’d just offered him the world. Maybe I had?
“Yes, whatever you want, yes.”
I laughed lightly. He was so eager, and I was so hesitant. What a pair.
As if seeing my uncertainty, he stood and stripped out of his jeans and the navy blue boxer briefs that apparently had held him in very tightly. My eyes bugged, and I tried to hide that fact. He was tall, and the correlation between that and size meant something…but damn.
He extended his hand to me and then scooted me off the bed. His lips found mine softly. “Calm down.”
He placed my hand on his dick, and with a breath, I started gliding it up and down the length of him. A groan escaped him at my touch. I couldn’t keep a smile from tugging on my lips.
“Like this,” he whispered, his fingers tightening around my small hand.
I gripped him harder and kept pumping. As I watched him, I couldn’t help licking my lips. He was so unabashedly sexual.
Grant ran a finger against my bottom lip. “You keep licking those lips, Ari, and I’m going to want them around my cock.”
I took a deep breath and then sank to my knees. I thought he stopped breathing.

About the Author
K.A. Linde graduated with her Masters in political science from the University of Georgia in 2012. She also has a bachelors in political science and philosophy. She wrote her the Avoiding Series while struggling through advanced statistical modeling and writing her thesis. She enjoys dancing and writing novels that keep you guessing until the very end.

She currently resides in Georgia with her boyfriend and two puppies, Lucy and Riker.

Connect with K.A. Linde


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The Resistance by S.L. Scott World Tour

You don't choose when.

You don't choose where.

And you don't get to choose who you fall in love with.

The minute he opened his sexy mouth, Holliday Hughes should have known Jack Dalton was trouble. His smooth pickup lines, broad shoulders, and ridiculously handsome face charmed her right out of her clothes. She gave into her desires, the instant attraction blinding her to the obvious.

One night. That was all it took for Holliday’s world to be flipped on its axis. Jack Dalton was cocky. Smug. Volatile. Demanding. He ignited something deep inside her like no other, but there was something more to this brooding bad boy. There was a dark side to him she couldn't help but be drawn to.
Torn between what she knew about him and a mysterious side he tried to hide, could she walk away or was he simply too hard to resist?

Buy links


5 Stars!!

This is the first book I've read by S.L. Scott and I absolutely loved it! The writing was beautiful, the story line was amazing, and the characters were amazing!

This is one of those books where you can't really do a proper review without giving away spoilers and I don't want to spoil this story for anyone so I'm going to express how I felt while reading it.

I had seen several of my reading buddies who I trust religiously on recommendations talking about The Resistance and I had got the ARC for being part of the blog tour.  I could't wait to start reading it!   And my friends were correct as usual! Holliday is one of those lead female characters that you can love! She just doesn't stand by and let things happen. She makes them happen, if it's something she wants she goes for it!

"So let me ask you, do you want to keep your bra and panties?"
"Shhh. If you say yes to keeping them,  I'll be nice. I'll make your fantasy Prince Charming come to life while we make love. But if you say no, I'll rip them to shreds and fuck you so hard you'll never forget I was here,"  he says as he cups me between the legs and squeezes.
"Choose wisely."
"There is no choice.  Rip'em.

Dalton is the lead male and let me tell you ladies, you will want to meet Jack Dalton aka Johnny Outlaw.  I loved every single thing about him. I'm sure we will be seeing him on many book boyfriend battles very soon!!

Dex is the asshole in this book. But you couldn't help but like him. I loved how he didn't sugar coat anything.
"Dude, it's a broad." He digs in his pocket and holds up a silver coin. "Dime meet dozen."
I literally LOL'd at that point!

Then we have Rochelle and Cory, they are the couple that everyone loves. I am really sad about some things that happen with them in the story, keep the tissues handy folks!

Here are some more of my favorite quotes

"Block the static and focus on the truth."

"You didn't have to become a firefighter to become a hero."

The Resistance Excerpt:

Wait. Don’t go. Stay. Whether we have sex or not, I just want your company.” His expression appears sincere, but he seems to have several sides to him.
With my back against the door, I keep my eyes on his. “Look. I don’t sleep around… much. But I have slept with someone just because it was Wednesday.” I shrug. “So I’m not innocent over here, but I work hard and I have a pretty crappy social life because of it. Sometimes it’s nice to feel a warm touch that vibrates with excitement instead of a cold one that’s battery-operated.” I step forward as if I owe him more, more of an explanation, or more of me, I’m not sure. “Judge me if you must, but I’m in Vegas and now officially on vacation. And despite what you may think, I’ve only had the one drink so far today, so I’m not drunk. I’m a grown woman who appreciates a handsome face and the artistry of a tattoo that has meaning to the person wearing it. I actually thought we’d have dinner and a good time. All that came from somewhere pure, somewhere that now feels dirty, a little tainted. So I’m going now and if one day you find yourself not so lost in Los Angeles, you know my information.”
I don’t wait for a response or apology. I don’t know Dalton well enough to know if he’d offer one anyway. So I go without looking back, passing the room service waiter on the way, and hop in an elevator that’s for the exclusive use of the two penthouses.
Half expecting to hear him call after me, my finger hovers over the Lobby button, but I count to ten and when I don’t hear anything, I push it. The doors start to close when a hand reaches in, stopping them. Dalton peeks around the corner with a big smile in place, and says, “Can we start over? Stay for dinner?”
“Because I like you. I like your honesty and I don’t get much honesty in my line of work.”
“You’re an undercover narc. Of course you don’t get much honesty. Isn’t that why you got into the business?”
A sly smile crosses his face, revealing a small dimple in his cheek. A light sparks from within, reflecting in his eyes, and with a nod of his head, he says, “Come back. I’ll feed you and give you the sex you came up here for. Because it’s a Friday and while Friday may not be hump day, it’s still a damn good day of the week.”
My mouth drops open. “The sex? You’ll give me the sex because it’s Friday?” I roll my eyes while huffing, and then push the lobby button twice.
Stepping inside, he blocks the doors from closing and a buzz is heard from overhead. With his arms stretched wide, he looks into my eyes. “No. I mean, if you want the food that’s currently getting cold inside, you can have it. If you want to have sex, let’s fuck. You can have anything you want.”
The elevator starts buzzing even louder, escalating its level of warning. Dalton spreads his feet apart to hold the doors open and reaches for me. “I’ll even call you Holli since that’s what you prefer.”
He’s sexy and when he’s flirting with me, even sexier. I can’t give in too easily though. I should make a few ground rules, or at least one. “I’ll only come back on one condition.”
“Name it.”


S.L. Scott is a former high-tech account manager with a journalism degree pursuing her passion for telling stories. She spends her days escaping into her characters and letting them lead her on their adventures. 

Live music shows, harvesting jalapenos and eating homemade guacamole are her obsessions she calls hobbies.

Scott lives in the beautiful Texas hill country of Austin with her husband, two young sons, two Papillons and a bowl full of Sea Monkeys. 

Her novels include Naturally, Charlie, Good Vibrations, and A Prior Engagement.

She welcomes your notes at [email protected].

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