Rights & Permissions

If you are interested in reprinting part of a Catapult, Counterpoint, or Soft Skull book, please send the following information by mail, fax, or email to Fred Courtright of The Permissions Company (contact information below). Please apply for permission as far in advance as possible. We receive many requests and need adequate time to process them. Please do not send your request more than once.

For all requests
• Author, book title, and title of poem, story, or essay (or page numbers) you wish to use
• Your email address and mailing address for the permissions letter

For reprint in a book
• Details of how you’re using the requested material within your own work
• Title of your book
• Estimated price and page length of your book
• Format (hardcover, paperback)
• Estimated print run
• Territory requested (United States, North America, or world)
• Your publisher

For reprint in a magazine, newspaper, newsletter, or journal
• Title of your publication
• Estimated circulation
• Your publisher

For reprint on a website
• Website address
• Length of time you wish to have the work posted

For a musical setting
• Details about plans for publishing, recording, or performing the work

For any other use, please send a query.

Fred T. Courtright, President
The Permissions Company, LLC
6101 Old Court Road #139
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Email: [email protected]