Do curso: Inglês para Negócios: Como Escrever de Forma Clara para Um Público Empresarial

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Encerramento do curso

Encerramento do curso

- Congratulations, you've finished this course. I can't wait to see all of us including a clearer So What throughout our writing, passing the three What's the So What tests with flying colors, writing more conversationally, writing more crisply, and writing more concisely. I've included in the exercise files a range of resources from the fab five tips as a one pager, to several of the articles about Pixar, South Park, and more that I reference throughout this course. I've also included an example of a sample executive summary moving from bad to good to great to demonstrate putting those What's the So What lessons into practice. I hope we can stay in touch. I'd love to see what questions you have in the Q&A section. And every month or so, I write a What's the So What newsletter on LinkedIn breaking down the key So What's from my favorite business books, so feel free to subscribe. In closing, let's always put ourselves in the shoes of our audience and imagine there's a constant What's…
