Do curso: Inglês para Negócios: Como Escrever de Forma Clara para Um Público Empresarial

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O poder da concisão: menos é mais

O poder da concisão: menos é mais

- The most common mistake we all make as writers is behaving as though more is more. We first use words that are too long. Second, we use too many words in each sentence. And third, we use too many sentences or pages overall. Our documents are just too long. In the prior video, we just tackled being crisp and avoiding weasel words and jargon. So let's dig into shortening our sentences and shortening our documents overall. The habit I recommend that applies to headlines, bullets, and slide titles is to make sure all of them fit on one line, literally one line, no wrapping text, so the reader doesn't feel intimidated by a word wall of text in front of them. Take a look here at these two images of executive summaries. They're saying largely the same thing, but the one on the left is much longer, and it feels intimidating to read. The right is more approachable. It just feels easier to engage with. To keep everything on one line, we need to reduce bloated phrases, replacing due to the…
