NACP Outreach Core

Six people sit around a table watching one person speak.

The goal of the Outreach Core of the Partnership for Native American Cancer Prevention is to provide technical assistance, resources, programs and opportunities to Tribal/Community partners that include community‐led research/intervention projects, applying community‐based participatory principles and a socio‐ecological model to build Tribal and community capacity for implementing sustainable cancer prevention/control and cancer research initiatives.

Visit the NACP Outreach Core at NAU


  •  Increase Cancer Center and Northern Arizona University (NAU) researchers’ and students’ knowledge of Native Americans’ cancer burden, current cancer control programs, cancer-related needs, and health care systems to enhance institutional capacities to design sustainable, relevant cancer research and prevention programs.
  • Enhance skills and competency of NACP-supported students and investigators regarding best research practices when engaging in research with tribal communities.
  • Offer an innovative dissemination academy to students and investigators designed to augment their abilities to apply and translate NACP research results through enhanced health care services and community-based education activities.
  • Contribute to the National Cancer Institute’s National Outreach Network (NON) and collaborate with NACP’s Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to develop, prioritize, implement, and evaluate requested cancer-related activities to benefit Native American communities.

To accomplish these aims, the Outreach Core leadership and staff collaborate with the other NACP Cores, especially the Research Education Core and the GUIDeS Shared Resource.

Outreach Publications for Conducting Research in Native American Communities


University of Arizona Cancer Center: Francine Gachupin, [email protected]
NAU: Nicky Teufel-Shone, [email protected]


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