Terms of Use

This World Wide Web site with its home page in the domain “cancer.org” (the “Website”) is a complimentary information service offered by the American Cancer Society, Inc. (“ACS”), with the express condition that these users agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this User Agreement. ACS reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, without notice to you, and you must consult the most recent version of this User Agreement (not an older cached version) each time you view the Website. Use of this Website constitutes your acceptance of all of the following terms and conditions, in their current form or as modified.

Description of Service

The Cancer Statistics Center website provides users access to an extensive amount of information about the cancer in the United States, including, but not limited to, written content, graphics, and data interactivity detailing cancer risk factors and the cancer burden nationwide (the “Service”).

Modifications to the Service

ACS reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice. You agree that ACS shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the Service.

Medical Disclaimer

You acknowledge that the information on the Website is provided “as is” for general information only. It is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals who are familiar with your individual medical needs.

Disclaimer of Warranty

ACS makes no warranties of any kind regarding this Website, including but not limited to any warranty of accuracy, completeness, currency, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or any warranty that these pages, or the server that makes them available, are free of viruses or other harmful elements, and such warranties are expressly disclaimed.


Limitation of Liability

You agree that you will hold harmless ACS and its officers, directors, employees, and volunteers from all claims arising out of or related to your access or use of, or your inability to access or use, this Website or the information contained in this Website or other websites to which it is linked. This includes, but is not limited to, information or materials viewed or downloaded from this Website or another website to which it is linked that appear to you or are construed by you to be obscene, offensive, defamatory, or that infringe upon your intellectual property rights. In no event will ACS or the contributors of information to this Website be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on such information or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.


You acknowledge that the opinions and recommendations contained in this Website are not necessarily those of the ACS or endorsed by ACS. ACS may provide links on the Website to other websites which are not under the control of ACS. In general, any website which has an address (or URL) which does not contain “cancer.org” is such a website. These links are provided for convenience of reference only and are not intended as an endorsement by ACS of the organization or individual operating the website or a warranty of any type regarding the website or the information on the website.

Usage of Content

You may download ACS material displayed on the site for research, educational, or other non-commercial purposes provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials and use the appropriate citation for all data. You may not, however, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, re-post, or use the content of the site for commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without The American Cancer Society’s written permission. Such requests for permission may be directed to [email protected].

The Cancer Statistics website provides data from a variety of sources. Please use the data source information on the website to determine the correct source for the data you wish to reference and consult the usage rights for that data source. Any requests for use of non-ACS data or materials should be directed to the owner identified on the website.

Unless otherwise noted, all materials reprinted must contain the following copyright notice: Copyright © 2024 The American Cancer Society, Inc. All rights reserved. Without limiting under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the publisher.

The user may also make a single copy of the Content displayed on any page of the website to be used by the user for personal and noncommercial uses which do not harm the reputation of the ACS, provided that the user does not remove any trademarks, copyright and any other notice contained in such content.


American Cancer Society and the American Cancer Society Logo Design are registered service marks of the American Cancer Society, Inc.

The mark, American Cancer Society is a registered trademark of the American Cancer Society, Inc.


This Website (excluding linked sites) is controlled by ACS which is headquartered in the State of Georgia, United States of America. It can be accessed from all 50 states, as well as from other countries around the world. As each of these places has laws that may differ from those of Georgia, by accessing this Website both you and ACS agree that the statutes and laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to conflicts of laws principles thereof, will apply to all matters arising from or relating to use of this Website. You and the American Cancer Society also agree and hereby submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the Superior Court of DeKalb County, Georgia and the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia with respect to such matters. ACS makes no representation that materials on the Website are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and accessing them from territories where their contents are illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to access this Website from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

Linking Information

Hypertext Linking. The ACS encourages and permits text links to content on The ACS Web site, www.canceratlas.cancer.org , provided: (a) any text-only link must clearly be marked “American Cancer Society;” (b) the appearance, position and other aspects of either the link or the host website may not be such as to damage or dilute the goodwill associated with ACS’ name and trademarks; (c) the appearance, position and other aspects of either the link or the host website may not create the false appearance that an entity other than ACS is associated with or sponsored by ACS; (d) the link, when activated by a user, must display this Website full-screen and not with a “frame” on the linked website; and (e) ACS reserves the right to revoke its consent to the link at any time in its sole discretion by amending this User Agreement .

ACS is not responsible for the information or materials contained on the host website. Links to this Website are provided for convenience of reference only and are not intended as an endorsement by ACS of the organization or individual operating the host website or a warranty of any type regarding the host website or the information on the host website.