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EZID wins 2012 DataCite Gold Award

At DataCite‘s General Assembly meeting this year in Cologne, EZID ( was honored with the 2012 Gold Award for assigning more than 250,000 DOIs (digital object identifiers) in one year. This reflects EZID’s growth in 2012, as well as the hard work of our clients and the team here at California Digital Library.
DataCite: Helping you find, access and reuse data

Thanks go to all who contributed to this achievement: John Kunze, Greg Janée, Scott Fisher and Trisha Cruse, as well as our many clients.

For those interested in the topic of data citation, take note of DataCite’s Stats service.  Here you can examine the DOI-assignment activities of all the DataCite member organizations and follow the growth of this young organization. The statistics can be viewed all the way down to the prefix level, which means you can look at what is going on with organizations in Europe, Australia, Canada, and so forth.

Assigning long-term identifiers to data is a practice that is on the rise, and we are happy to be part of this trend.