
Schlieren, Zürich 678 Follower:innen

Rescaling drug discovery


NexMR offers NMR drug design solutions that are 50-100-fold faster and require 30-50-fold less sample material. Our platforms are implemented on: 1) high-field NMR instruments equipped with cryoprobes and automatic sampling robots. 2) low-field NMR benchtop spectrometers. To access our early access program and benefit from ultrafast NMR capacities fill out the contact form.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Schlieren, Zürich
NMR, Drug discovery, Fragment-based lead design und Hit-to-lead


Beschäftigte von NexMR AG


  • Unternehmensseite von NexMR AG anzeigen, Grafik

    678 Follower:innen

    With headbits AG’s support we could design an intuitive and user friendly software mockup. Our goal is to focus on the valorisation of NMR data for drug design and to keep the focus on the molecules with a clear visualisation of the relevant NMR data. We also conducted user’s interviews to validate what is important and not. What we learned is that we need to automatize all the redundant operations, while maintaining user intervention possible. If you want to learn more about what we are building you can contact us: [email protected]

    Unternehmensseite von headbits AG anzeigen, Grafik

    311 Follower:innen

    Do NMR, benchtop, and photo-hyperpolarization ring a bell?  🔬 👩🏻🔬 🧬 👨🏼🔬 🧫 🧪 Then, you'll enjoy learning about the headbits Product Camp participant and ETH spin-off, NexMR AG, and how they significantly improve the drug discovery process. 🤫 Psst... We didn't know these terms when we started reviewing NexMR as a Product Camp participant, but we enjoyed learning from Félix Torres Hubiche and Matthias Bütikofer's vast expertise in this space. Thank you both! #headbits, #headbitsproductcamp, #startup, #ETHstartup, #ETHspinoff, #entrepreneurship

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  • Unternehmensseite von NexMR AG anzeigen, Grafik

    678 Follower:innen

    Meet Félix Torres Hubiche in Düsseldorf for the Medica Conference! NexMR will be hosted under the Swiss Pavilion. We invite you to join us and discuss the future of drug discovery and the role of biophysics in shaping it. We are building dystopic solutions that will reshape how biophysics supports drug design. Our Ultrafast NMR technology accelerates screening and hit-to-lead operations to transform medicinal chemists' experience and journey toward enabling new biomolecular targets. Book your 1:1 at Medica and satellite discussions directly inbox or with Félix Torres Hubiche, CEO of NexMR.

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  • Unternehmensseite von NexMR AG anzeigen, Grafik

    678 Follower:innen

    Good morning, UK! NexMR will be exhibiting at ELRIG Drug Discovery on the 2-3 of October. We will show you our latest developments and solutions to upgrade any NMR spectrometer into a race car! Fasten your belt and prepare for ultrafast NMR drug design; it is coming faster than you imagine. If you are in the London Area and you want to book 1:1 at ELRIG or in the following days, contact us directly with our LinkedIn inbox or our CEO, Félix Torres Hubiche.

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  • NexMR AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Alicia Hongler anzeigen, Grafik

    Student at ETH Zürich

    Last week I had the pleasure of attending the EUROMAR 2024 conference in Bilbao, Spain. It is the largest european meeting for NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopists as well as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scientists from across the globe. Amidst a plethora of presentations and discussions on cutting-edge advances in the field, I made my debut in the community presenting my scientific work from the past months. I have been researching the kinetics of the photoCIDNP (photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization) effect and advancing the understanding towards multiplexing for ultrafast fragment based drug discovery, ultimately enabling increased throughput for screenings. It has been a pleasure working in the lab of Prof. Roland Riek and I am grateful for the support and opportunity by Matthias Bütikofer, Félix Torres Hubiche and NexMR AG. I am returning back to our home-base spectrometer with new food for thought from an array of intellectually invigorating conversations and am looking forward to future advances!

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  • NexMR AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Félix Torres Hubiche anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO and co-founder at NexMR AG

    There is a growing market need for light-coupled NMR solutions. Over the past 20 years, the number of research articles utilizing NMR in conjunction with light has increased tenfold, demonstrating a significant and growing interest in this field. Yet no commercial solution offers to connect your existing NMR instruments with NMR. It is a DIY journey; you do not want to spend days figuring out how and what to implement. We are cooking the ideal solution to seamlessly use light-coupled NMR experiments. It is as easy as putting on your socks in the morning, allowing for automated sample exchange. We see a growing demand for light-coupled NMR infrastructure, and we are here to support the community's growth and momentum. Your involvement is crucial to our success. Light-coupled NMR will be a new standard in a couple of years, and we foresee many more exciting scientific contributions that will keep pushing the field's boundaries!

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  • NexMR AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Félix Torres Hubiche anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO and co-founder at NexMR AG

    Many people have asked us: can you do 19F photohyperpolarization and design fragment libraries? Gabriela Stadler (PhD student in the Riek group, Institute for Molecular Physical Science (IMPS), ETH Zurich) has been working over the last 12 months to satisfy your (and our) curiosity. She now understands how 19F should be inserted into fragments to obtain high photohyperpolarization. She also addressed the key aspects of 19F fragment screening, such as fragment mixtures and the mechanisms behind binding contrast. Her platform for small molecule primary screening measures fragment mixtures within seconds at low micromolar concentration and enables the discovery of new chemical matter against critical oncology targets. This Wednesday, at EUROMAR in Bilbao, Gabriela will be unveiling her pioneering work for the first time. This is a presentation you cannot afford to miss. If you are at Euromar, seize the opportunity to witness her talk and engage in a discussion with her.

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  • Unternehmensseite von NexMR AG anzeigen, Grafik

    678 Follower:innen

    Rescaling transforms user’s experience and access to a technology. Computer science is a great exemple of rescaling from room sized computers to smartphones, alongside the explosion of computational power. We are about to have an AI assistant in our pocket, and this is, of course, in big part thanks to Moore’s law but also thanks to visionary personality such as Steve Job who realized that iPhone was the future. At NexMR we believe rescaling NMR for drug discovery is much more holistic than using benchtop instruments. We approach it considering the experimental time - ultrafast NMR screening; the amount of material - reduce sample consumption and preparation time; and the information content - our experiments provide rich informations about protein-ligand interactions. And of course, we make it all available from a benchtop NMR instrument - or on your high NMR instrument. We leave our customers the choice, because rescaling is also optimizing the resources available and optimizing processes and workflows. We believe in a drug discovery community where NMR will deliver the best results to every scientist in a seamless manner. This is our vision, that we shared two weeks ago in front of Toolpoint for Lab Science general assembly, and that we keep sharing in different events: Euromar - this week ICMRBS - August QNMR Summit - September Elrig Drug discovery - October If you want NMR to transform your drug discovery journey, let us help you!

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  • Unternehmensseite von NexMR AG anzeigen, Grafik

    678 Follower:innen

    🚨Don’t miss out on our new article leveraging photohyperpolarized NMR to obtain protein-ligand affinities within 10 minutes🚨 We are proud to have this story published in JACS showing our persistance at delivering cutting edge analytical tools to chemists and molecular biologists. The article is open source - like all the articles that we published so far - so enjoy to have a read and learn more about the photo-CIDNP mechanism. This study has been foundational as this advances significantly the state-of-art on the application but as well theoretical side. Good science takes good people and also hard work, so congratulations to all the authors: Matthias Bütikofer Gabriela Stadler Harindranath Kadavath Riccardo Cadalbert Félix Torres Hubiche Roland Riek

    Rapid Protein–Ligand Affinity Determination by Photoinduced Hyperpolarized NMR

    Rapid Protein–Ligand Affinity Determination by Photoinduced Hyperpolarized NMR

  • NexMR AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Félix Torres Hubiche anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO and co-founder at NexMR AG

    Discover our latest J. Am. Chem. Soc. article describing NMR affinity determination in 10 minutes! We go well beyond describing how affinities can be quantified by simple ligand titration. We unveil the full mechanism behind photohyperpolarized screening, the kinetics and steady-states in place that enable us to quantify protein-ligand at a fine level. On top of the affinity determination photohyperpolarized NMR can track structural features such as the binding pose of the ligand. Congratulations to Matthias Bütikofer and all the authors. Gabriela Stadler Harindranath Kadavath Riccardo Cadalbert Roland Riek. Discover the article here (open access): If you need help to establish your photohyperpolarized NMR platform, we have created NexMR AG to support you.

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  • Unternehmensseite von NexMR AG anzeigen, Grafik

    678 Follower:innen

    Today we congratulate Suvija Suthakaran for her runner up price at the prestigious EELISA competition in Budapest! She presented her bachelor project on the discovery of small molecules to treat oncology and neurodegenerative diseases. Suvi has been developing NexMR’s platform by integrating computational tools to our ultrafast NMR technology to supercharge hit discovery and hit to lead! Well done Suvi!

    Profil von Suvija Suthakaran anzeigen, Grafik

    MSc. Studentin- Pharmazeutische Biotechnologie an der ZHAW

    🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 I'm thrilled to share that I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the EELISA Student Scientific Competition in Budapest on June 10th and 11th. As a bachelor's student, presenting my research project alongside talented Master's and PhD students was a bit intimidating, but it was an enriching experience. Therefore, I am extremely proud to announce that I was awarded the 2nd prize in the "Chemical and Bioengineering" field! 🏆 Not only was the competition fantastic, but it was also my first time in Budapest, and what an incredible city it is! Below are some of the highlights of my visit. A huge thank you goes to ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften for providing this amazing opportunity and to my supervisor, Félix Torres Hubiche and the entire NexMR AG team for their unwavering support and guidance. This achievement would not have been possible without your help. Also, a big thank you to EELISA for making this experience possible and for bringing together such talented students and esteemed jury members. Looking forward to many more such enriching experiences and continuing my journey in the field of Biotechnology! ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management ZHAW Institut für Chemie und Biotechnologie EELISA European University

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