Online Cancer Coach

Online Cancer Coach

Weiterbildung und Coaching

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Catherine Schopfer, a cancer coach who’s been there.


Hello! Bonjour! Guten Tag! Moien! ✨ I’m Catherine, a breast cancer survivor and cancer coach on a mission to empower women to gain control over their health and their life. I know first-hand how shocking it is to receive that diagnosis, and how different life feels once you’ve beat cancer. That’s why I’ve spent over a decade gathering resources to create a holistic coaching model that helps you take the wheel of your life and become your healthiest, happiest self… Whether that means achieving cancer-free status or redefining yourself after it. 💪 Knowledge is power. So in my effort to empower you, I’m always sharing free resources in my community. Follow me to get notifications when I share something new! If you want to find out more about working 1:1 with me or my support groups for caregivers, you can: 👉 DM me any questions ❤️ Visit my website to learn more:

Weiterbildung und Coaching
2–10 Beschäftigte
Zug, Zug
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Life & Business Coach, Cancer Coach, Inner Game Coaching Go Pro Coaching, Food Science Engineer, Health Educator (Naturopathy), Passion Test & Self-Love Facilitator, Reiki Master, Life Coach und Health Coach


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    As coaches, we can help you on this journey. It's often more challenging to navigate alone, especially when fighting cancer. We're here to guide you, support you, and ensure you don't have to face it all by yourself. Together, we can focus on growth and transformation. 💖 Embrace acceptance, focus on growth, and watch yourself transform! If you're seeking guidance or support, especially if you're battling cancer, I'm here for you. As a cancer coach, I'm dedicated to helping you navigate this journey. #coaching #cancer #cancercoach

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    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    When we start to accept what is, we can climb up again. Through acceptance, we begin to grow, look for solutions, and work on ourselves, diving into self-development. 🌱✨ Before this turning point, we often dwell on the past, thinking, "If only..." But once we let go, we shift our focus to the future. That's when we set ourselves into action and start making real progress. 🚀💪 As coaches, we can help you on this journey. It's often more challenging to navigate alone, especially when fighting cancer. We're here to guide you, support you, and ensure you don't have to face it all by yourself. Together, we can focus on growth and transformation. 💖 Embrace acceptance, focus on growth, and watch yourself transform! If you're seeking guidance or support, especially if you're battling cancer, I'm here for you. As a cancer coach, I'm dedicated to helping you navigate this journey. #cancer #cancercare #cancercoach #cancerwarriors

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    If you’re ready to take charge of your health and support your cancer treatment, check out my latest article titled "Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Guide for Cancer Patients." Have you tried any of these alternative medicine therapies? Let me know in the comments below! 💬👇 #cancer #therapies #blog

    Profil von Catherine Schopfer anzeigen, Grafik

    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    There’s nothing worse than feeling like you have no control over your own health. It can be terrifying to surrender your entire life to doctors, simply because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do when you’re diagnosed with cancer. However, not taking control of your own life might have contributed to where you are now. My suggestion? Turn your treatment journey into your own custom, health-renewing tapestry. 🧶 While I’m not suggesting going completely against modern medicine, I invite you to welcome alternative and complementary therapies that can aid your recovery. In my latest guide, I highlight the significant benefits of incorporating alternative therapies to ease the harsh side effects of chemo, remove negative energy from the body, and ultimately heal from within for a rejuvenated you. ✨ A few of the treatments I cover include: - Herbal medicine 🌱 - Acupuncture 🪡 - Mind-Body practices 🧘♂️ - Traditional Chinese Medicine 🌸 - Energy healing ✨ - And more! If you’re ready to take charge of your health and support your cancer treatment, check out my latest article titled "Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Guide for Cancer Patients." Have you tried any of these alternative medicine therapies? Let me know in the comments below! 💬👇 #cancer #cancerpatients #cancercoach #complementarymedicine #alternativemedicine #holistichealth #healthandwellness #healing

    How You Can Own Your Health Journey

    How You Can Own Your Health Journey

    Catherine Schopfer auf LinkedIn

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    Here’s to a vibrant start! How do you begin your mornings? Share your tips and let's inspire each other for a healthy and productive month! 😊 #health #nutrition #healthyliving

    Profil von Catherine Schopfer anzeigen, Grafik

    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    Hello July! Hello Monday! Starting this day with some fresh lemon water. :) It's a simple yet powerful way to kick off a new month and week. 🍋✨ This refreshing elixir not only aids in flushing out overnight toxins but also jumpstarts digestion and ensures optimal hydration. Ingredients: ½ lemon or 1 freshly cut lemon (according to taste) ½ to 1 liter (16 ounces to 32 ounces) of spring water Directions: 1. Squeeze the juice from the freshly cut lemon into the water, straining seeds if necessary. 2. Wait at least 15 to 20 minutes and ideally 30 minutes after you finish drinking your lemon water before you consume your celery juice or anything else. Here’s to a vibrant start! How do you begin your mornings? Share your tips and let's inspire each other for a healthy and productive month! 😊 #healthtips #july #cancercoach #cancer

    • Hello July! Hello Monday!
Starting this day with some fresh lemon water. :) It's a simple yet powerful way to kick off a new month and week. 🍋✨
This refreshing elixir not only aids in flushing out overnight toxins but also jumpstarts digestion and ensures optimal hydration.
½ lemon or 1 freshly cut lemon (according to taste)
½ to 1 liter (16 ounces to 32 ounces) of spring water
Squeeze the juice from the freshly cut lemon into the water, straining seeds if necessary.
Wait at least 15 to 20 minutes and ideally 30 minutes after you finish drinking your lemon water before you consume your celery juice or anything else.
Here’s to a vibrant start! How do you begin your mornings? 
Share your tips and let's inspire each other for a healthy and productive month!
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    670 Follower:innen

    If you struggle with anger and frustration, I want you to know that the first step to healing is recognizing these emotions. You don’t need to admit them to others, but for your own sake, you need to admit them to yourself. Of course it’s frustrating to get tired after going for a walk that used to be a part of your daily routine… Or to try and get back to your favorite sport, only to realize you’ve lost a lot of strength and stamina, and you have no idea how long it will take to get them back… Or to talk to others about what you went through hoping they will understand, and realizing by their beliefs that they have no idea what cancer means. That’s why it’s so important to find a supportive community where you can express your anger and frustration without judgment and feel seen. At Morning Talks, we strive to give you the safe space that you need to express your emotions with a supportive group of women who are in or went through a cancer journey. Our next online and in-person session is on June 26, and we’d love for you to be there. 💓 Register here for free: #cancersupport #cancer #breastcancer #cancercare

    Profil von Catherine Schopfer anzeigen, Grafik

    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    After surviving #cancer, I had to handle anger and frustration. The “new me” I saw in the mirror was nothing like the old me, vibrant and full of life. I felt weaker, older, and uglier. My body couldn’t do the same things it used to, and that was so incredibly frustrating. 😓 At the time, I didn’t see this as the blessing it was… I was still angry at nurses and doctors for what I'd had to endure, and I was especially angry at life for being so unfair. And it wasn’t until I learned to release my negative #emotions that I realized just how much I had bottled up my entire life (way before cancer). If you struggle with anger and frustration, I want you to know that the first step to healing is recognizing these emotions. You don’t need to admit them to others, but for your own sake, you need to admit them to yourself. Of course it’s frustrating to get tired after going for a walk that used to be a part of your daily routine… Or to try and get back to your favorite sport, only to realize you’ve lost a lot of strength and stamina, and you have no idea how long it will take to get them back… Or to talk to others about what you went through hoping they will understand, and realizing by their beliefs that they have no idea what cancer means. That’s why it’s so important to find a supportive community where you can express your anger and frustration without judgment and feel seen. At Morning Talks, we strive to give you the safe space that you need to express your emotions with a supportive group of women who are in or went through a cancer journey. Our next online and in-person session is on June 26, and we’d love for you to be there. 💓 Register here for free: #cancersupport #cancercare #supportgroup

    • After surviving cancer, I had to handle anger and frustration. 
The “new me” I saw in the mirror was nothing like the old me, vibrant and full of life. I felt weaker, older, and uglier.
My body couldn’t do the same things it used to, and that was so incredibly frustrating.
At the time, I didn’t see this as the blessing it was…
I was still angry at nurses and doctors for what I'd had to endure, and I was especially angry at life for being so unfair.
And it wasn’t until I learned to release my negative emotions that I realized just how much I had bottled up my entire life (way before cancer).
If you struggle with anger and frustration, I want you to know that the first step to healing is recognizing these emotions.
You don’t need to admit them to others, but for your own sake, you need to admit them to yourself.
Of course it’s frustrating to get tired after going for a walk that used to be a part of your daily routine…
Or to try and get back to your favorite sport, only to realize you’ve
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    Swipe to learn some tips that make caregiving easier and more effective. 💓 #caregiver #cancer #selflove #selfcare

    Profil von Catherine Schopfer anzeigen, Grafik

    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    Are you a #caregiver? Taking care of #cancer patients, even with the best intentions, can take a huge toll on the caregiver. Swipe to learn some tips that make caregiving easier and more effective. 💓 #cancercoach #tips #caregiving

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    This is your journey, and each step forward is a celebration of life, courage, and survival. ❤️ If you’re ready to find out what’s holding you back from living your best life and get clarity on how to overcome it, I invite you to take this free quiz: #chemotherapy #chemo #cancer

    Profil von Catherine Schopfer anzeigen, Grafik

    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    Embracing life after chemo means practicing self-love and acceptance. When I looked in the mirror post-chemo, I saw a different version of myself. It was a journey to accept and love this new reflection, but once I did, my life became easier and I felt much stronger inside out. Embrace your body with its changes, honor your emotional resilience, and take pride in your mental strength. Remember, each scar, wrinkle, or change is a testament to your strength and survival. They’re the chapters of your story, and each one is filled with courage and resilience. Life after chemo isn’t about returning to the person you once were, but about embracing the person you’ve become: a survivor, a warrior, brimming with strength and resilience. This is your journey, and each step forward is a celebration of life, courage, and survival. ❤️ If you’re ready to find out what’s holding you back from living your best life and get clarity on how to overcome it, I invite you to take this free quiz: #cancersurvivor #cancer #cancersurvivors #cancersupport #selflove #empoweringwomen

    • Embracing life after chemo means practicing self-love and acceptance.
When I looked in the mirror post-chemo, I saw a different version of myself. It was a journey to accept and love this new reflection, but once I did, my life became easier and I felt much stronger inside out.
Embrace your body with its changes, honor your emotional resilience, and take pride in your mental strength.
Remember, each scar, wrinkle, or change is a testament to your strength and survival. They’re the chapters of your story, and each one is filled with courage and resilience. 
Life after chemo isn’t about returning to the person you once were, but about embracing the person you’ve become: a survivor, a warrior, brimming with strength and resilience. 
This is your journey, and each step forward is a celebration of life, courage, and survival. ♥️
If you’re ready to find out what’s holding you back from living your best life and get clarity on how to overcome it, I invite you to take this free quiz:
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    My latest #article is a complete guide to regaining your physical, emotional, and spiritual #strength after going through #chemo based on all these practices. If you’re struggling to regain your physical, emotional, or spiritual health during or after #chemotherapy, this article will give you practical advice you can start using today to feel better. Read my latest article below. #cancer

    Profil von Catherine Schopfer anzeigen, Grafik

    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    ‘What are you doing to her, Catherine?!’ That’s what my friend asked me on the phone last year, while she was sitting with her mother, who I was coaching through chemotherapy. This 70-year-old lady was more active than ever before, feeling good, and going through chemo like it was a breeze. My friend was shocked… 😱 The truth is: while I never went through chemotherapy myself, I coached a lot of women who did. So I’ve gathered the tools and techniques to help my clients get through chemo feeling good! My latest article is a complete guide to regaining your physical, emotional, and spiritual strength after going through chemo based on all these practices. If you’re struggling to regain your physical, emotional, or spiritual health during or after chemotherapy, this article will give you practical advice you can start using today to feel better. Read my latest article below. #chemo #chemotherapy #remission #cancersurvivors #cancer #cancercoach

    Regaining Your Strength After Chemo: Your Complete Guide

    Regaining Your Strength After Chemo: Your Complete Guide

    Catherine Schopfer auf LinkedIn

  • Online Cancer Coach hat dies direkt geteilt

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    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    A free seminar exclusively for cancer patients seeking practical guidance and support in their battle against cancer. (Most of us know someone who has or has survived cancer. If this event is not for you, feel free to share it with them.) I’m Catherine, your Online Cancer Coach, and I’ve been helping cancer patients prevail over cancer for over a decade. My system, the 10 Steps to Resilience, helps you turn your challenge into a source of resilience and bounce back from cancer stronger than ever. In this free seminar, I'd like to have a candid discussion on the topic of cancer, providing a safe space where you can freely ask any questions without taboo. Here, you'll receive both support and valuable information to help you progress on your journey with cancer. P.S. We received requests to also have the Morning Talks online. If you can't join us in person, you can join us wherever you are by using Zoom. (The link will be shared once you register)

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    If you want to become a cancer coach, don’t miss this opportunity to learn everything I’ve gathered over 16+ years as a coach! Go to this link to get more info and enroll: #cancer #cancercoach #coaching #holistic #health #cancersurvivor

    Profil von Catherine Schopfer anzeigen, Grafik

    Helping cancer patients and cancer survivors embrace life like never before

    To all the last-minute decision-makers: today is the last day to enroll in my Cancer Coach Training. Inside this training, you’ll get: 🌟 A Holistic Life Assessment 🌟 10 interactive 120-minute live training sessions 🌟 20 video lessons 🌟 5 group coaching sessions to get direct supervision from me 🌟 20 Q&A 60-minute sessions 🌟 WhatsApp Group for daily support 🌟 30 module workbooks Plus, this will be the only cohort with access to me live + reduced pricing. If you want to become a cancer coach, don’t miss this opportunity to learn everything I’ve gathered over 16+ years as a coach! Go to this link to get more info and enroll: #cancercoach #cancer #holistic #cancersupport #training

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