


Harnessing finance to build a more peaceful world


Peaceinvest is a global investment firm based in Geneva, Switzerland, working to harness finance to build more inclusive economies and a more peaceful world. The company originates and arranges Peace Bonds across a number of thematic sectors that mobilize capital to create value for all stakeholders. We are revolutionizing the investment landscape by designing targeted, project and context-specific risk-reduction measures that improve the risk-adjusted return on investments and their positive impact on communities and societies. Peaceinvest’s work is relevant everywhere, from developed nations and middle-income countries, to emerging economies and fragile states. At Peaceinvest, we leverage top-tier peacebuilding expertise combined with proven financial excellence. This unique synergy puts us at the forefront of innovation in the sustainable finance sector, creating unique business opportunities and strategic advantages.

11–50 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Peaceinvest


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    An exciting job opening at Peaceinvest! Peaceinvest is looking for a highly-driven candidate for the position of Special Assistant to the President and CEO / Business Development Analyst. The position is based in our headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and will be expected to support the company's business development activities with in-depth research, the development of business plans and investment cases and backstopping the company's investment committee. The successful candidate be joining a passionate and hard-working team that is deeply committed to our mission of harnessing finance to build a more peaceful and prosperous world. See the attached job description, including the requirements in terms of skills, languages and nationalities (given work permit restrictions in Switzerland).

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  • Unternehmensseite von Peaceinvest anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, on the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, the Peaceinvest team reaffirms its commitment to addressing inequality and exclusion of indigenous communities by designing and financing investment strategies that strengthen their economic self-reliance and sovereignty. The inclusion of indigenous people is one of the cross-cutting thematics that characterize all our investment strategies, along with gender equality, youth empowerment, and environmental sustainability. Learn more about our work at #indigenouspeople #investinpeace #development #peace #finance (Photo credit Louise Johns for the New York Times)

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  • Unternehmensseite von Peaceinvest anzeigen, Grafik

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    A message from our President and CEO: On this 30th anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi of Rwanda, I want to share with all my Rwandan friends and colleagues a message of heartfelt solidarity. I have had the honor of accompanying and humbly supporting Rwanda’s transformation over the last 24 years. I have witnessed first-hand how the country’s leadership, unbowed, made of the calamity of 1994 a new founding moment for their nation. In the years since, they have comprehensively re-written their story and it is an incredibly inspiring one. That challenges remain in the realization of the country’s vision for peace and development after only three decades is comprehensible. It can take several generations to fully overcome the legacies of trauma and grief. When does a commemoration become a celebration of resilience? That will be for the Rwandan people to decide. They can, however, without question, be immensely proud of all they have achieved and hopeful for all the opportunities that lie ahead. On this anniversary, my colleagues at Peaceinvest join me in renewing our commitment to support the country's continued pursuit of peace and prosperity for all its people. In friendship, always, Scott Weber

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  • Unternehmensseite von Peaceinvest anzeigen, Grafik

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    It is with great pleasure that Scott Weber, President and CEO of Peaceinvest, and David Nyheim, CEO and Chairman of International Conflict and Security Consulting Ltd. (INCAS) announce the partnership between the two companies to promote peace positive, risk-adjusted investments and advance their common interest of promoting peace at scale. Peaceinvest and INCAS bring together decades of cutting edge, global experience from the peacebuilding and financial sectors. Scott, David, and their teams look forward to delivering impactful change through innovative investments in food security, green transition, digital and financial inclusion, energy, and human capital. For more about Peaceinvest and INCAS, visit and #peaceatscale #peacepositive #partnership #riskmanagement #investment

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  • Unternehmensseite von Peaceinvest anzeigen, Grafik

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    President & CEO of Peaceinvest, Scott Weber and Deputy General Secretary of the g7+ (a group of 20 conflict-affected and fragile member states, Habib Ur Rehman Mayar, signed a partnership agreement during the The World Bank #FragilityForum in Washington DC in the presence of H.E. Kenyeh Barlay, Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Sierra Leone, and Chair of g7+. The Partnership will support the advancement of the common g7+ & Peaceinvest mission and vision to transform the international financial architecture and attract peace enhancing and risk adjusted investment to fulfil the g7+ peace and development priorities, including: food security, and nutrition; the green transition; digital and financial inclusion; and developing human capital and youth. The Peaceinvest & g7+ will initiate their collaboration by immediately identifying and develop peace positive investments in g7+ Member States.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Peaceinvest anzeigen, Grafik

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    Amidst the proceedings of COP28 UAE, a landmark Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery, and Peace took center stage. From substantially scaling up financial resources and improving access to fostering technical and institutional capacities, the involved governments and organisations underscored the need for collective, decisive action. The declaration outlines a robust set of objectives to address urgent challenges, emphasizing the imperative to tailor financial instruments, monitor disbursements, and bridge existing gaps in climate finance. At Peaceinvest, our commitment echoes the principles set forth in the COP28 declaration. Through initiatives like our Peace Bonds, we actively contribute to scalable climate adaptation programming, acknowledging the vulnerability of hard-to-reach populations. Our dedication extends to building an evidence base for effective peacebuilding and climate action, ensuring gender-responsive risk mapping, and promoting inclusive participation in our projects. As the declaration advocates for strengthened coordination, collaboration, and partnerships, Peaceinvest remains committed to optimizing synergies across sectors and fostering operational partnerships for a sustainable impact. Stay tuned for updates and subscribe to our Newsletter to learn more about our products and services. #COP28 #ClimateAction #Resilience #Peace #SustainableInvesting #Peaceinvest #InnovativeInvestments #investment #peace #investinpeace



  • Unternehmensseite von Peaceinvest anzeigen, Grafik

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    Peaceinvest and Africa Conflict and Security Consulting Ltd. are pleased to announce their collaboration with the African Development Bank Group to conduct a Peace Impact Assessment of the Bank's portfolio. At a time when multiple, compound crises affect millions of people globally, this work will support the Bank's aim to develop new financing instruments, including Peace Bonds, to catalyse and scale up peace-enhancing and risk-adjusted investments in Africa. Peaceinvest and Africa Conflict and Security Consulting Ltd. look forward to being part of this transformative agenda led by the African Development Bank. Photo credit: AfDB

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  • Unternehmensseite von Peaceinvest anzeigen, Grafik

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    Strategic investment in agriculture: A path to sustainable returns and global stability In light of the recent United Nations report, it is clear that the global challenge of hunger is intensifying, with significant implications for stability and economic growth worldwide. As investment professionals, we recognize an opportunity to not only generate sustainable returns but also contribute positively to one of the world's most pressing issues. The intersection of global health crises, conflict, and climate change has exacerbated food insecurity, putting the UN's goal of ending hunger by 2030 at risk. This situation presents a unique investment opportunity in agricultural development, a sector vital for global stability and economic resilience. Here is our focus: 1. Investing in Agrifood Systems: There's significant potential in supporting innovations in sustainable farming. Investments in this sector can drive both economic growth and enhance food security. 2. Prioritizing Nutrition and Health: Targeted investments in nutrition-focused initiatives can yield long-term benefits, particularly in emerging markets where the need and growth potential are highest. 3. Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency: Strengthening food supply chains is not just socially responsible; it's good business. Efficient supply chains can open new markets and improve profitability. 4. Urbanization and Agrifood Demand: Urban growth translates to increased demand for food. Investing in systems that meet this demand sustainably is both a challenge and an opportunity. As leaders in the investment community, we have the power and responsibility to influence positive change. By strategically investing in agriculture, we can contribute to a more stable and prosperous world while also achieving our financial goals. Read the full article by World Economic Forum For more insights on strategic investments that foster global stability and peace, subscribe to our Newsletter at Stay updated on our latest activities and market insights. #Peaceinvest #InvestmentStrategy #SustainableInvesting #Agriculture #GlobalStability #EconomicGrowth #InvestInPeace #PeaceInvestments

    This is the state of food security in 2023

    This is the state of food security in 2023

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