Technologie, Information und Internet

Stadtkreis 1 Altstadt, Zurich 211 Follower:innen

CHOICE is on a mission to de-stigmatize paid companionship and intimacy while making it safer for everyone.


CHOICE is a technology company on a mission to de-stigmatize paid companionship and intimacy while increasing safety for everyone. Our aim is to increase safety in this industry by requiring providers and customers to privately verify themselves with a government issued ID and selfie. This identity escrow is used to ensure compliance with our behavioral guidelines which need to be confirmed after each meeting. We are continuously engaging with the provider community and are actively promoting the collaboration with partners and organizations to ensure independence and self-determination of providers and to address ongoing and new issues in this sector.

Technologie, Information und Internet
2–10 Beschäftigte
Stadtkreis 1 Altstadt, Zurich


Beschäftigte von CHOICE


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    Vielen Dank Peter Aeschlimann and Blick, dass ihr über unseren Mitgründer Arik Brueckner und unsere Mission zur "Neudefinition von bezahlter Gesellschaft" geschrieben habt. Es liegt ein langer Weg vor uns mit Bezug auf Sicherheit und Inklusivität aber wir sind überzeugt, dass der Status quo verbessert werden muss. Danke für die Berichterstattung!

    Bezahlte Nähe: Mit Technologie gegen die Einsamkeit

    Bezahlte Nähe: Mit Technologie gegen die Einsamkeit

  • Unternehmensseite von CHOICE anzeigen, Grafik

    211 Follower:innen

    The threat to society is not consensual paid companionship and intimacy but misogynistic and derogatory comments like the one attached in discussions and debates that take place online and/or in-person. In this particular example a paid companionship provider was highlighting the importance of consent to distinguish work from exploitation.

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  • Unternehmensseite von CHOICE anzeigen, Grafik

    211 Follower:innen

    We are looking forward to the results of this initiative and if the EU will recognize research by the late John T. Cacioppo of University of Chicago where paid companionship could be considered a form of intervention mechanism to break the state of hypervigilance and create a basis to create natural social connections again.



  • Unternehmensseite von CHOICE anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our Co-Founder Arik Brückner debating with Dr. Jessica Flanigan from University of Richmond on the ethics of the different forms of paid companionship.

    Profil von Arik Brückner anzeigen, Grafik

    De-stigmatizing and improving safety for paid companionship and intimacy.

    We need more academic debate about the paid companionship (including paid intimacy and including paid sexual intimacy) industry in order to improve conditions and reduce stigma for the sector. That's why it was a special honor to be able to meet with Dr. Jessica Flanigan of University of Richmond last week who made the case for decriminalization in the Oxford University Press book "Debating Sex Work" ( We discussed the ethics of decriminalizing sex work the risks and opportunities that come with it and some of the objections from proponents of the Nordic Model (i.e. partial criminalization through the legalization of offering but criminalizing the purchase of sex work). These topics stuck with me: - Basic vs. non-basic basic liberties: "...basic liberties are those that merit strong institutional protections and must not be violated, even for the sake of the greater good. Non-basic liberties are those that there is a presumption in favor of protecting but which officials may limit in order to achieve other social aims." - It is permissible to have consensual intercourse for any reason. A pecuniary motivation does not make it an impermissible one. With this background it would be wrong for anyone, even a public official, to interfere with a person's choice to buy or sell intimacy services. - Non-consensual intercourse or intercourse with children needs to be legally prohibited and that prohibition needs to be enforced with all means available. In a decriminalized environment this is better achieved because the industry does not operate in the shadow of illegality and can be regulated more effectively (e.g. with mandatory age verification as utilized by CHOICE or OnlyFans and emergency reporting capabilities). - "The fact that a person has poor economic prospects or exists in a state of social marginali- zation due to their sex, sexuality, race, gender, or citizenship status does not entail that they are incapable of consenting to work or that it is wrong to pay them for their labor." - Society shows a dual morality with regard to the capability of people to consenting to work (e.g. in the US and many other countries it is permissible to consent to military combat with a considerable risk of mortality but it is not permissible to consent to paid sexual intimacy). Looking forward to continuing our collaboration with Dr. Flanigan to present the ethics around decriminalizing all forms of paid companionship on an academic level.

    Debating Sex Work

    Debating Sex Work

  • Unternehmensseite von CHOICE anzeigen, Grafik

    211 Follower:innen

    Episode #3 of Paid Companionship Industry Insights released: Harper Thornhill & Arik Brückner discuss the WishTender collapse and the implications of ambiguity to the paid companionship industry. Full episode available here:

    Paid Companionship Industry Insights #3 - Wishtender Collapse

  • Unternehmensseite von CHOICE anzeigen, Grafik

    211 Follower:innen

    Accountability of large adult entertainment corporations to ensure trust and safety needs to be established. New approaches and startups will play a major role challenging existing unethical business practices in the industry that have historically led to the stigmatization. We are happy to see change and are looking forward to seeing more change in the right direction.

    Profil von Alessandro Polidoro anzeigen, Grafik

    Attorney at law | Digital rights advocate | Tech lawyer

    Sex workers' safety is a must, but now it looks like Aylo is using this argument as an excuse to delay the application of the Digital Services Act 👀 The majority of #Pornhub's ad revenue does not come from individual performers or natural persons. Conversely, their advertising platform Traffic Junky has often been criticized for not being accessible to small and medium enterprises. 👉 The truth of the matter is that publishing an ad repository is disruptive for the strategy of these mega-corporations, which profit from information asymmetry and abuse their quasi-monopolistic power. Even #Amazon tried to file a lawsuit against art. 39 DSA before the Court of Justice of the European Union, and lost against the European Commission a few months ago already. Once again porn tech-giants fall short on their duty of accountability, proving their lack of care for #trust and #safety of the industry. Old guard corporations like #Aylo have grounded their source of profit in the lack of transparency that famously gives a bad reputation to the pornography sector but #DSA is here to change this. We need new best practices and better business models if we want to improve the digital world for everyone. In this article, I tried to suggest my practical solution to the problem. What do you think could be a good way to go❓ Special thanks to Júlia Tar for this article and the commendable journalistic spirit at Euractiv. #digitalservicesact #technews #digitalrights #data

    Pornhub challenges natural names disclosure under digital rules at Europe’s highest court

    Pornhub challenges natural names disclosure under digital rules at Europe’s highest court

  • Unternehmensseite von CHOICE anzeigen, Grafik

    211 Follower:innen

    In our quest for transparency we would also like to shed light on our internal processes. After receiving requests from our community we are happy to share how we review provider profile publication requests. Please note that we are in a continuous effort to improve our product and processes. If you have feedback please share it anywhere. We will take it into account. Link in comments: 👇

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  • Unternehmensseite von CHOICE anzeigen, Grafik

    211 Follower:innen

    Watch this interview of Ransom Onyema with our Co-Founder & CEO Arik Brückner on what impact on sexual health and social well-being we are pursuing!

    Profil von Ransom Onyema anzeigen, Grafik

    Fourth Year Medical Student, With A Special Interest In Radiography || A Top Rated Medical Writer, Highly Recognized By Favikon || Eager To Learn And Grow || Email ✉️: {[email protected]}.

    🚀 How are technology companies changing sexual health and social well-being? This important question was the impetus for my recent interview with Arik Brückner on my YouTube channel. In our conversation, Arik discusses the complexities of “overcoming sexual health challenges,” highlighting the changing nature of technology in this field. Despite its importance, sexual health is still often taboo. Social norms and stigma can make open discussion about sexual health difficult, leading to a lack of information and help. This hinders progress and prevents people from getting the information and support they need. Breaking down these barriers is crucial to creating a healthier, more informed global community. Watch the full video on my YouTube channel to learn more about how CHOICE is solving these problems. ✨ Link in the comments. 📌 Looking for medical writing help? I focus on creating clear, accurate and engaging medical content that will resonate with professionals and the public. With my studies in medical radiography and my passion for effective communication, I can help you convey medical messages that are difficult to understand and relate to. Whether you need articles, research summaries, or patient information, I've got you covered. ✨ Kindly, book a calling with me using the link in the comment section! #TechnologyForGood #SexualHealth #SocialHealth #MedicalWriting #HealthcareInnovation

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    211 Follower:innen

    We are proud to be part of the Digital Intimacy Coalition and "We believe that the advent of digital technology has significantly transformed our societies, reshaping old spaces and offering new ones for the exploration of intimacy and self-expression both online and offline." Read the full shared statement at:

    Digital Intimacy Coalition - Together for the future we desire

    Digital Intimacy Coalition - Together for the future we desire

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