

Herstellung von Körperpflegeprodukten

Zürich, Zürich 3.114 Follower:innen

We Make Things Good


Ein gutes Produkt — in unserem Verständnis — ist eines, welches man für immer behalten möchte. Weil es lange Freude bereitet und relevant bleibt im Wandel der Zeit, ohne einem Trend zu folgen. Wir geben uns deshalb nicht den Regeln eines schnellen Marktes und seinen Produktionsmethoden hin. Stattdessen berücksichtigen wir die wahren Werte der Menschen, die unsere Produkte herstellen und jener, die sie kaufen. Ein respektvoller Umgang mit der Natur ist dabei selbstverständlich. Darum entwickeln und produzieren wir unsere eigenen Alltags-Basics. Wir beschaffen dafür alle Materialien selbst, bis hin zur Verpackung, und suchen zur Umsetzung nach Produktionspartnern mit gleicher Denkweise, in der Schweiz und überall in Europa. Wir passen unsere Produkte und Herstellungsmethoden stets an, falls bessere Materialien oder nachhaltigere Möglichkeiten in der Herstellung zur Verfügung stehen. Wir alle kennen die inakzeptablen Umstände unter denen viele Produkte produziert werden nur zu gut. Es liegt daher in unserer Verantwortung diese Umstände zu ändern. Das Wissen, dass ein neues Produkt aus guten Händen kommt, macht schließlich dessen wahren Wert aus.

Herstellung von Körperpflegeprodukten
11–50 Beschäftigte
Zürich, Zürich
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


  • Primär

    Hohlstrasse 418

    SBB Werkstadt

    Zürich, Zürich 8048, CH

  • Bahnhofplatz

    Zurich Main Station - Südtrakt

    Zürich, Zürich 8001, CH

  • Stadelhoferstrasse

    Stadelhofen Passage

    Stadtkreis 1 Altstadt, Zurich 8001, CH

  • Centralbahnstrasse 12

    Westflügel Bahnhof Basel

    Basel, BS 4051, CH


Beschäftigte von Soeder


  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    🫧 Last Call for Personalised, Sustainable Holiday Gifts! 🫧 With the holidays fast approaching, now is the perfect time to think beyond traditional gifts and offer something truly meaningful. At Soeder, we craft high quality, natural care products that not only delight in the moment but can be enjoyed for years to come, thanks to our innovative refill system. Our partnership with the La colombe Boutique Hotel showcases this commitment to sustainability and quality. Since their grand opening in October 2022, La Colombe has trusted Soeder to provide their guests with thoughtfully crafted, natural soaps and shampoos that reflect the hotel’s values of nature, sustainability, local craftsmanship, and exclusivity. Guests love the elegant, custom-designed products, which have even become sought-after giveaways at events. Looking to make a lasting impression on your clients and employees this holiday season? You have until September 20th to order personalised, thoughtful gifts that align with your brand’s values and make a real impact. Contact us today, and let’s create something truly special that will be cherished for years to come!

    • Personalized bottle for the Butique Hotel La Colombe
  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    This morning, we're excited to announce a new investment round led by the renowned Swiss investor Georges K. His passion for true luxury and sustainability aligns perfectly with our mission at Soeder to create completely natural, planet-safe skincare solutions. Georges Kern will also join our board, bringing his extensive experience and dedication to quality and authenticity. His investment and involvement will propel us into new markets, enhancing global brand awareness and allowing more people to experience the benefits of our natural skincare products we are so proud to make. We want to extend our thanks to Georges for believing in our vision and to our Chairman, KONRAD BERGSTRÖM, for his unwavering support and leadership. Special thanks also to Ramus & Company (Sandro Brodbeck, Andrés F. Zweig | M&A Advisory), EY (Philipp Dialer | M&A Fundraising), and Kellerhals Carrard (Karim Maizar, Kathrin Moser | Legal) for their invaluable support in this journey. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to revolutionize the skincare industry with sustainable and transparent practices. Read more about this exciting development in the news online and in print today.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    Discover the Magic of Our Summer Essentials! Summer is here, and we can't wait to soak up its rays and enjoy the season. Whether you're heading on a holiday, basking in the local park, or playing sports, our exclusive Hair Oil and Body Oil are your essentials for sunshine. While the sun is wonderful, it can also be tough on your hair and skin. That's why we've crafted the perfect solutions to keep your hair healthy and your skin hydrated, so you stay radiant and protected all summer long. 🌿 NATURAL BODY OIL (AROMATIC WOOD) Protect and nourish your skin from sun, chlorine, and saltwater with our silky smooth, deeply nourishing body oil. 🍊 NATURAL HAIR OIL (FRESH GRAPEFRUIT) Revitalize and repair your hair and scalp with our refreshing, citrus-scented hair oil made from organic argan, jojoba, and apricot kernel oils. We’ve got your back against the strong summer sun. Ready to glow? DISCOVER ALL SUMMER ESSENTIALS: #SummerGlow #NaturalBeauty #SustainableBeauty #SummerEssentials #Soeder

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  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    Travel with Soeder. With refillable all natural toiletries, and conscientious sustainable practices, Soeder is changing the nature of the travel industry with many illustrious partners around the world such as 25hours Hotels, Swiss International Air Lines, CERVO Mountain Resort or Hôtel Amour in Paris and Nice, to name just a few. Going on holiday can now be better for the environment and ourselves with the adjustment toward sustainable and ecological care products. Did you know that all the hotels, restaurants, and airlines we supply, are using refillable products to limit waste? And of course, all ingredients remain completely naturally-derived. If you are going on holiday, or having a staycation, you can also use our travel sets to take your own Soeder products with you. And if you are lucky enough to stay with one of our partners, you can rest assured that the products you are using are creating a positive impact on the planet. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if your company is interested in working together. We are super proud to help make the travel industry more caring, so we can enjoy our adventures mindfully. Link to your well-scented travel fix: #soeder #travelset #refill #holidayseason #happyholidays

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  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    What do you get if you cross Soeder with MONoPOLE? A refill bike, of course?! In our continued pursuit of a refillution, we are so happy to have joined forces with the amazing Swiss bike brand, MONOPoLE to make Soeder’s very own portable refill station, circumnavigating Zurich to help people refill their favorite products. MONoPOLE’s high-quality bikes are developed in Switzerland and made in Europe. A cargo bike for all situations and just like our glass bottles, these bikes focus on sustainability. We’re thrilled to welcome one to the Soeder fleet. We took our refill bike to three different waste recycling locations throughout Zurich on Refill Weekend, where we distributed free soap refills and saved many bottles from being thrown away. We refilled vinegar bottles, silver onion jars, preserving jars, beer bottles, wine bottles, cosmetic bottles, and also some iconic Soeder bottle designs and past editions. All with Soeder’s completely natural products and, of course, after cleaning beforehand. Don’t miss out on the next refill hunt! Sign up to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram for details about the next scavenger hunt with our refill bike. It could be Zurich or somewhere else in the world :) Recycling is amazing, and refilling even more so! #worldrefillday #refillday #dontkillitfillit #jointherefillution #soeder #monopole #ecargobike #refillbike #zurich #switzerland

  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    Thank you hessnatur for raising awareness #PlasticFreeJuly while honouring our daily commitment towards mindful production and consumption. We are in this all together. 🤝 #soeder #naturalcare #hessnatur #refill #sustainable

    Unternehmensseite von hessnatur anzeigen, Grafik

    6.403 Follower:innen

    Plasticfree July – Zeit für mehr Aufmerksamkeit Denn wenn ein Unternehmen die gleichen Werte und Ziele verfolgt und Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur als eine Wahl, sondern als ein Leitprinzip sieht, schauen wir gerne genauer hin und machen aufmerksam auf Gleichgesinnte.   Ein solches Unternehmen ist Soeder Das junge Unternehmen sticht nicht nur durch den Fokus auf Naturprodukte hervor, sondern auch den hohen Anspruch an Design und bewusstes Packaging.   Inhaltsstoffe, die zu 100 % natürlichen Ursprungs sind und ohne synthetische Ersatzstoffe auskommen, eine lückenlose Kontrolle über Lieferketten und Produktionsprozesse durch Made in Switzerland sowie das circulare Flaschen-Nachfüllsystem, sind nur eine Auswahl an Kernkompetenzen bei Soeder, die wir bei hessnatur wertschätzen und gerne unterstützen.    Gemeinsam für mehr Natur 🤝     #hessnatur #soeder #sustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    We are beyond excited to share that Soeder has been featured in Vogue's article on the must-see highlights of Art Basel 2024!   A big thank you to Lisa for including us in her piece and highlighting our must-have products. It's an honor to be part of such a prestigious event and to see our products being recognized and appreciated by art enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Art Basel I Vogue I Lisa Wong Macabasco

    5 Highlights From Art Basel 2024

    5 Highlights From Art Basel 2024

  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    Soeder has been featured in NZZ as part of the Swiss Economic Forum publishing supplement!   Our founders Hanna Olzon Åkerström and Johan Olzon-Åkerström shared Soeder's journey from a start-up to a fully established company. Over 10 years ago, Hanna and Johan embarked on an 18-month discovery process to create our unique antibacterial soap, which combines honey, wheat proteins, and essential oils. Their dedication to sustainability and traceability in our production chain remains a cornerstone of our values.   Today, Soeder is proud to employ around 80 people, operate three shops and five shop-in-shops, and supply our products to around 800 sales outlets.   Thank you to NZZ, and the Swiss Economic Forum for this opportunity to share our story.   Read the full article here 🗞 written by Lukas Froesch   #Soeder #NZZ #SwissEconomicForum #Sustainability #Zurich #SwissMade #Innovation #SEF24 #Interlaken

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  • Unternehmensseite von Soeder anzeigen, Grafik

    3.114 Follower:innen

    Congratulations and massive thank you to all our loyal customers who have helped make this refill-weekend our most successful ever!   Proving the great uptake in sustainable practices, we are truly heartened by the community we are all building. Together we are stronger.    Please reach out if you want to know more about our unique refill system or have any questions. #jointherefillution #worldrefillday #soeder #circulareconomy #circularfuture #reuserevolution #stepupforreuse

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Soeder Insgesamt 1 Finanzierungsrunde

Letzte Runde



Georges Kern
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