Constantinos Bouroussis

Constantinos Bouroussis

Research Scientist at METAS, Switzerland

Bern, Bern, Schweiz
920 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Senior Electrical and Computer Engineer with many years of experience in lighting measurements and scientific research. Passionate with lighting technology, machine vision and software development. Always open to collaboration and research ideas. Continuous transfer of knowledge via training and lectures.

Artikel von Constantinos Bouroussis


Anmelden, um alle Aktivitäten zu sehen


  • METAS Grafik

    Scientific Collaborator


    –Heute 1 Jahr 11 Monate

    Bern, Berne, Switzerland

  • CIE Division 2 - National Representative for Greece

    Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage

    –Heute 6 Jahre 9 Monate

  • Lighting Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens Grafik

    Researcher & Test Engineer

    Lighting Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens

    18 Jahre

    Participate in Lab's Research Projects, Indoor and outdoor lighting measurements, tunnel and road lighting evaluation, testing of lighting equipment, photometric testing of luminaires, color measurements etc.

  • School of Pedagogical and Technological Education Grafik

    Adjunct Professor

    School of Pedagogical and Technological Education

    15 Jahre 11 Monate

    Athens, Greece

    Responsible for the following laboratory courses:
    Lighting Simulation and Lighting Design
    Electric Motors
    Power Electronics
    High Voltages
    Modeling with MATLAB

  • Co-Owner

    LiGHTiNG 3

    5 Jahre

    Athens, Greece


    Short Term Expert in charge of the training to NERC staff (Jordan) on the Lighting Testing Apparatus


    weniger als ein Jahr



Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate

  • RELUX certified tutor

    RELUX Informatik AG


  • Experimental investigation of the correlation between power consumption and luminous flux of LED luminaires in adaptive road lighting

    Lux Europa 2017

  • Assessment of dark sky measurements recorded by instruments with different spectral response

    LPTMM Conference 2017 - Light Pollution: Theory, Modelling and Measurements

  • Artificial optical radiation, a real occupational hazard of the electromagnetic spectrum

    Conference on Bio-Medical Instrumentation and related Engineering and Physical Sciences (BIOMEP 2017)

  • Interior lighting control by daylight harvesting using a smart imaging sensor

    Proceedings of Balkan Light 2015, Athens, Greece, pp. 197-204

  • Photobiological hazard from artificial optical radiation in arc welding for occupational exposure assessment

    Proceedings of Balkan Light 2015, Athens, Greece, pp. 293-299

  • The role of dimmable LED luminaires to daylight harvesting

    Proceedings of Balkan Light 2015, Athens, Greece, pp. 367-370

  • Smart multi-workplane lighting control and utilization of daylight using an imaging photosensor

    16 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering

  • Artificial Optical Radiation photobiological hazards in arc welding

    Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics , Volume 32 , Issue 8 , 981 - 986

  • Reviewing drawbacks of conventional photosensors: are CCD/CMOS sensors the next generation

    Proccedings of Lux Europa 2013, Krakow, Poland

  • Applications of CCD sensors in photometry and in daylight responsive systems

    Proceedings of Balkan Light 2012, Belgrade, Serbia

  • Benchmark report in the photometric and electrical performance of LED replacements of GU10 halogen spot lamps

    Ingineria Iluminatului, Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp 7-16

  • Lightign in Antiquity

    Proceedings of Balkan Light 2012, Belgrade, Serbia

  • Photometric and electrical performance of LED lamps for replacement of GU10 halogen spot lamps

    Proceedings of Balkan Light 2012, Belgrade, Serbia

  • Energy saving in tunnel lighting by reducing the entrance luminance

    Romanian Lighting Convention 2011, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 May 2011

  • Knowledge tools for design and simulation of Lighting Projects

    Hellenic Open University

  • Lighting Design

    Hellenic Open University

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Lambros Doulos
  • Special Chapters in Lighting Technology

    National Technical University of Athens

  • Automated luminance measurements of tunnel and road lighting installations

    11th European Lighting Conference Lux Europa, Istanbul, 9-11 September 2009

  • Is the fovea vision only photopic?

    11th European Lighting Conference Lux Europa, Istanbul

  • Road and tunnel lighting measurements using an imaging system

    11th European Lighting Conference Lux Europa, Istanbul, 9-11 September 2009

  • A novel digital system for real-time luminance mesurements of road and tunnel lighting

    Balkan Light 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7-10 October 2008

  • Policies and measures fostering energy efficient distribution transformers in Europe

    6th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Med Power 2008, Thessaloniki 2-5 November 2008

  • Efficient distribution transformers in Europe

    ENERTECH 2007 2nd International Conference, Athens, Greece, 18-21 October 2007

  • Variation of the instantaneous luminous flux of fluorescent lamps fed by dimmable electronic ballasts with frequency control

    Electric Power Applications, IET. 12/2007; 1(6):890-896

  • Hybrid wind-solar system for street lighting

    Word Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Transactions on Power Systems. 2006; 1(8):1417-1422

  • Strategies for development and diffusion of energy efficient distribution transformers

    Conference of Academy of Athens, Athens, 3 November 2006

  • Optimization of potential and autonomy of a photovoltaic system for street lighting

    Word Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2004; 3(5):1392-1397

  • Road lighting with hybrid photovoltaic system

    Electrical and Computer Engineer, National Technical University of Athens, 2004 Degree: Diploma

  • Semi-autonomous photovoltaic system for street lighting

    Iluminat 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 8-9 May 2003

  • Embedded computer communication and control of DALI LED drivers

    Proceedings of Balkan Light 2015, Athens, Greece, pp. 125-130


  • Feasibility study for energy efficient program of public lighting in off-grid islands Lesvos, Limnos, Milos, Kithnos and Santorini as a supplement to the development of smart grid infrastructure in the electric grids of these islands

  • “Thales – NTUA: Development of a novel intelligent lighting control system with imaging sensor for optimum daylight exploitation and energy saving

  • “South-East European TSO Challenges (SEETSOC)”, Project number 239453, funded by FP7-ENERGY-2008-TREN-1.

  • "Lighting of the football stadium of PAE Panaitolikos”, funded by the football team PANETOLIKOS.

  • “Energy saving in the lighting system of the General - Maternity District Hospital Helena Venizelou”, funded by the General - Maternity District Hospital Helena Venizelou.

  • “Mikrenergin (improve energy performance of 5 thousands small retail shops in Corfu”, Chamber Corfu, Greec.

  • “Design of luminaire for solar photovoltaic system for street lighting” (2009-2010), funded by the Programme “Coupons for innovation”, National Strategic Reference Framework of Greece.

  • “Energy saving in Municipality of Voula, Attica, Greece ”, funded by the Programme “Energy saving in municipalities”, National Strategic Reference Framework of Greece.

  • “Renovation of National Garden-Lighting system and WiFi”, funded by the Prefecture of Athens

  • "Luminance and illuminance measurements in tunnels and roads of EGNATIA ODOS S.A., analysis, processing and calculations for optimization of maintenance programme and for rational use of energy", financed by EGNATIA ODOS S.A.

  • “Laboratoire virtuel pour éduquer à l’ energie durable (Programme Lifelong Learning) ENERG@TIC” , Intelligent Energy – Europe.

  • "Energy audits in wind farms, small hydroelectric plants, photovoltaic systems, passive solar systems, cogeneration installations, biomass systems and energy saving installations", Energy Operational Programme "Competitiveness" - Measure 2.1.3

  • Development of a system of automatic adjustment of artificial lighting for the optimized utilization of daylighting", Programme "Pythagoras

  • "Quality assurance in the manufacturing of lighting equipment", financed by Greek manufacturers of equipment for lighting installations.

  • "Development of model for the determination of the photometric parameters of mesopic vision", Programme for support of basic research "Protagoras",


  • English


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