Register now for the UC Cyber Security Summit April 19, 2023

UC Cyber Security Summit, Aril 19, 2023

By Wendy Rager. Register now for the annual UC Cyber Security Summit, which takes place in-person on Wednesday, April 19th, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. NB: Registration closes on March 22.

This annual flagship UC tech community event, now in its fourteenth year, is open to faculty and staff from the University of California, California State California State University, and California Community Colleges.

The agenda, including presentations and panel discussions, features leading cybersecurity experts from across the University of California, sharing new perspectives on cybersecurity and Cyber-Risk management. There will also be opportunities to network with peers.

Learn more and register now:

Event Details

UC Cyber Security Summit

Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 8:00 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Host: Cyber-Risk Coordination Center (C3)
Location: UCLA, in-person (no hybrid option)
Contact: [email protected]

Attendees will learn:

  1. Actionable security tips
  2. Understanding the ROI of preventive measures versus the downside of intrusions
  3. New perspectives on the complexity of cybersecurity

Guest remarks

The actionable takeaways we can apply right away from speakers and supplier presentations/materials/videos are great; also presentations that broaden our awareness generally of “what is out there” and “what is on the horizon” are helpful to my work.

Your summit is one of my favorites because you make it engaging, informative and interactive. I praise your team for putting on such a great event. Thank you.

About the Author:

Wendy Rager
Wendy Rager
Cyber Risk Coordination Center
UC Office of the President